Looking at the white-haired underground man again, it seems that he was not affected by Meng Fei's huge power.

This made Meng Fei cautious and felt that things were not that simple.

His eyes were also directly on the crystal battle axe. The green light was like a beast that had just had a full meal. It was roaring at this time, and it was going to devour the enemy in front of it.

Meng Fei couldn't help but look at his hands. The previous blow made him feel strange as if he had touched a suction cup, so he could only think of one explanation, "Your thing, can absorb the power of others?"

He said loudly to the white-haired underground man, and the sound quickly reached the ears of the white-haired underground man.

"Huh!" The white-haired underground man snorted proudly, and then said: "Good boy! You know it so quickly! But even if you know it, what?!"

He looked like he was determined to win, which made Meng Fei a little unconfident.

At this time, the guy actually took the initiative to attack.

He swung the axe towards Meng Fei and chopped it horizontally in the air.

Suddenly, the power exploded beyond Meng Fei's imagination. The power of the axe seemed to be more than that of the white-haired underground man.

At the same time, Meng Fei could even clearly feel that there was a familiar power in the huge power.

That was the power that his fist had exploded before, and it was also wrapped in it, and it was bombarding Meng Fei wantonly.

The power directly merged into a huge white ball of light, which seemed to be surrounded by lightning, carrying the lightning and thunder, and carrying an extremely terrifying momentum to attack Meng Fei.

It seemed to want to tear him apart and make him disappear into nothingness, and the speed was extremely fast, the speed was really like thunder and lightning, making it difficult for people to dodge.

"It seems that I still underestimated the ability of this axe."

However, Meng Fei's face was not worried, but continued to analyze the crystal battle axe. He suddenly had a good idea about this thing.

Before, he had been immersed in the question of how to commit suicide. Now that he encountered this thing, he had an idea again.

"Good boy! You dare to be so relaxed! Looking for death!" The white-haired underground man was naturally furious when he saw Meng Fei's attitude. For them, facing the crystal battle axe, people with such an attitude should not survive.

However, after hearing what he said, Meng Fei directly spread his arms.

"What is he going to do?" The white-haired underground man was dumbfounded. He didn't know what Meng Fei meant.

Is he looking down on the ability of the crystal battle axe, or looking down on him?

Can he still say that he gave up?

But looking at the confident expression on Meng Fei's face, it didn't seem like he had given up.

I saw that the huge white light ball wrapped in lightning was swallowing Meng Fei's body bit by bit.

From the first contact with the toes, to the spread to the whole body later, Meng Fei's whole body was completely submerged in the white light ball.

At this moment, the various forces in it were tearing Meng Fei's skin frantically, and after tearing the skin, they continued to tear every piece of his flesh, but that was all.

Meng Fei knew clearly that he didn't use much force in that punch, but only a small force, so even if the force returned after strengthening, it would definitely not hurt him.

And even if he was hurt, he was not afraid at all.

The flesh inside the part where Meng Fei's skin exploded was automatically repaired and regenerated, and the skin was repaired as if it was repaired by a "tailor".

Until the entire power of the white light ball finally exploded completely, after dissipating, the smoke and dust dragged a long belt, and Meng Fei's body appeared in front of them intact.

"This guy?! He actually has such a strong healing technique! Who is he?! Is he a human?!"

At this time, after seeing this shocking scene, the white-haired underground man had countless questions in his mind.

But they are irritable and will take revenge for any grudges they have. It has always been their style to repay grudges with grudges, even when facing a being like Meng Fei.

"Then let me try this thing next!"

Meng Fei grinned evilly, and then came to the white-haired underground man in an instant.

The white-haired underground man still used the same trick, holding the crystal battle axe in front of him, and then waiting for Meng Fei's attack.

Meng Fei also cooperated very well and blasted his meteor-like fists at the axe blade of the crystal battle axe.

The rain-like fists all fell on the crystal battle axe, and the light of the crystal battle axe grew a little bit.

In addition, Meng Fei suddenly discovered that the white-haired underground man seemed to twist his movement holding the battle axe.

His legs, as the support of his whole body, seemed to be a little weak and trembling at this time, his waist was straight and stiff, and his hands were also trembling slightly.

All these tiny movements were telling Meng Fei an extremely important message, that is, although the crystal battle axe can absorb power, it seems to become heavier and heavier, so when the axe holder is not strong enough, the crystal battle axe is almost useless.

"Hehe..." Who knows, Meng Fei actually laughed strangely at this time, then stopped his busy fists, and stepped back two steps without moving.

It felt like he was standing there deliberately, waiting for someone to hit him.

The white-haired underground man was filled with boundless anger, and he didn't care about anything else. He directly placed the axe blade on the ground, and then roared and tried his best to make a vertical "1" to chop Meng Fei.

He used all his strength at once, and finally made that attack. His body fell backwards on the ground with the swing of the axe. This made him suffer a lot, and he kept resting on the ground to adjust himself.

The power was even stronger at that time. Although Meng Fei stood quietly in the same place, he didn't intend to resist this attack.

He was calculating at this time. He had just used almost 60% of his strength, and finally gathered about 70% of his strength. With such power, the white-haired underground man was already unable to resist. Meng Fei naturally understood that it was not a problem to deal with them.

And when the light ball with some black spots in the white that seemed to devour everything came in front of Meng Fei.

Meng Fei closed his eyes slightly, and he was looking for the world beyond again. He was now learning to master this power well.


This time, Meng Fei saw the object faster. It was glittering. Meng Fei reached out to touch it, but it seemed infinitely illusory.

Meng Fei improved his state and approached the extreme point without limit. Finally, the extreme point was finally successfully held in his hand!


Meng Fei exhaled a hot white breath.

And the huge black and white ball of light came in front of him and stopped.

It's time! It stopped again.

Meng Fei then came to the white-haired underground man in an instant and took away the crystal battle axe very simply.

"I'll take this thing." Meng Fei said with a harmless smile, and stared at the crystal battle axe in his hand with appreciation.

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