I am so suitable for slaying demons because of my infinite resurrection

Chapter 164 Passing ten levels of waste spiritual roots

Due to the presence of the crystal battle ax on Meng Fei's back, when the flames broke through the cloth wrapped in it, the flames were completely absorbed by the crystal battle axe.

Then, he let go of Ye Jing in his arms. The guy was trembling all over, obviously frightened.

"Hey, it's okay." Meng Fei patted her shoulder.

Unexpectedly, this moment shocked her. She opened her eyes, rubbed her eyes, and then looked at Meng Fei with a blank look on her face and said, "Didn't I save you and we all died instead? Here Is it hell?"

"Fool! Take a good look at where this place is?!"

Meng Fei glanced at her speechlessly.

Ye Jing finally came back to her senses, then stared at Meng Fei with big watery eyes and said a little puzzled: "Why did our position change?"

Everything that happened before was so fast that Ye Jing didn't even react.

Meng Fei also shook his head and said: "It's nothing. Who knew you were so timid and dared to take such a risk..."

He also didn't expect that Ye Jing, who was so timid, would directly stand in front of Meng Fei when he saw that he might be in danger. This made Meng Fei full of surprise.

"Hehe..." Ye Jing touched the back of her head awkwardly and chuckled, as if this was a normal thing for her.


Meng Fei also snorted twice and said nothing more.

He smiled slightly and continued to move forward with Ye Jing. The road ahead was opened up by Meng Fei and became extremely smooth.

Soon, the sixth level was in front of us, and the end was getting closer and closer.

In the sixth level, what was now in front of them was a single-plank bridge. This time, it was not separated separately, but was placed quietly in front of them.

When the later levels come, they are almost on the same starting line. After all, these are positions that neither of them has been to before.

Meng Fei first stepped forward to test, and when he came to the single-plank bridge, he could clearly see that the single-plank bridge was covered with wooden planks, arranged neatly and orderly.

He stepped on it first, then stepped on the first board, but he did not move forward.

At this time, Meng Fei's feet were empty, and the wooden board disappeared.

After the wooden board disappeared, the scene below was also exposed. It was actually blades reflecting silver-white light, pointing straight up.

Is it a speed test?

Although Meng Fei thought about it this way, he quickly rejected it. After all, the speed test had already been done, and it would not be justified if it happened again here. Such a big sect should not make such a small mistake.

"What is it?" He couldn't help but fell into thought.

If you step on it, it will disappear, and it will really disappear, not become transparent. It will not reappear until Meng Fei retracts his foot for a while, which makes Meng Fei think about what this is.

"Never mind!" Meng Fei thought about it, but was too lazy to think about it.

So he thought about using his speed to rush over, so he rushed over at once.

He stepped onto the wooden board and stayed there for less than a blink of an eye.

And Meng Fei really passed through here so casually, it was like a single-plank bridge before he even reacted, Meng Fei had already gone to the other side.

But what about Ye Jing? What should she do? This is another problem. This guy Meng Fei always feels that he cannot be ignored.

So, Meng Fei took a closer look at the changes in the single-plank bridge.

At this time, due to his sudden passage, it was even more flickering, which was disappearing and reappearing, and it was full of rhythm.

Meng Fei understood immediately, it was a reaction!

The test here is reaction! It is also a relatively dangerous level.

So, he shouted to Ye Jing and explained everything here to her.

In short, that is to say, the planks on this single-plank bridge disappear at will. Sometimes they are under your feet, sometimes they are not. In short, as long as you can react in time, there will be no problem!

Meng Fei was not here, and Ye Jing became a little scared again.

Meng Fei thought that since he could pass by him at will, it wouldn't hurt to go there.

Seeing him coming, Ye Jing also became excited, and then started to walk in front and onto the single-plank bridge.

However, she had just reached the halfway point when she failed to react and suddenly lost her footing and fell down.

It looked like his body had fallen halfway down.

"Time to stop!"

At the critical moment, Meng Fei was highly concentrated and entered the over-limit state in an instant. This may be his fastest so far. Although he has been able to enter the over-limit state more easily since the last time, it is also the first time that he has entered the over-limit state so quickly. Second-rate.

After entering the limit, he instantly entered the realm of time-stopping at great speed, and everything around him stopped moving.

Meng Fei quickly came to the single-plank bridge, pulled Ye Jing up, and took her directly to the other end of the single-plank bridge.


Time flowed again, and with her brain completely confused, Ye Jing followed Meng Fei in a daze.

Meng Fei also felt helpless. Somehow, he always felt that if he didn't help her, he would feel very uncomfortable.

Putting aside those thoughts, Meng Fei and the others finally reached the seventh level.

This level is very easy again. In front of you is a pond filled with spiritual energy.

Meng Fei and Ye Jing both got involved, but what swept over them was not a sense of tranquility, but an extremely violent psychological explosion.

Meng Fei frowned and suppressed his violent thoughts, while Ye Jing also controlled her state of mind and adjusted towards meditation bit by bit.

This level is a test of the state of mind. There is no difficulty. As long as you can control your state of mind, you can pass it. They didn't spend much time on this level and passed it directly.

The next level is the eighth level, which is one step closer to the end.

Ye Jing was also a little excited.

The eighth level is relatively difficult. It seems to be a test of body flexibility.

There is an extremely narrow section in front of them. The two sides are stone walls, and there is only a small gap in the middle for people to move forward.

In this case, Ye Jing is better. Girls have good body flexibility and it is easy to enter the right path.

Meng Fei's body is tough, so he had to force himself to hold it in. There was no way to get his skin worn out. The stone walls on both sides were also very sharp. Even Meng Fei could break through the defense slightly, which shows how sharp they are.

In general, they still passed it.

They came to the ninth level, which was about to end. Someone actually took them to this level.

A man wearing a white feather tall hat came to the two of them with a plate of unknown things.

He handed the things on the plate to the two people, which were two pills of strange colors, and explained: "You two, each swallow one, this can test your body, what kind of blow and toxicity it can withstand, swallow it with confidence, there will be no problem."

Ye Jing looked at Meng Fei, Meng Fei nodded, and she and Meng Fei swallowed it together.

It was indeed not bad that there was no other abnormality except that the body flashed twice.

The last level did not expect to come like this.

With excitement, they still came here together.

"Spiritual root test!"

Another guide appeared at this level.

There were two stone tablets on his left and right, and there were many black bloodstains on the stone tablets. It was obvious that they had experienced many years.

The two came to the front and followed the instructions to splash their blood on the stone tablets, and the stone tablets immediately lit up with a strange light.

The guide looked at Ye Jing's stone tablet, nodded with satisfaction, and said: "The world's third-grade spiritual root!"

Then, he came to Meng Fei and frowned.

Meng Fei couldn't help but frown, thinking, is he too abnormal? This is not good, he doesn't want to attract other people's interest.

"Waste spiritual roots!" Who knew that the guide would say these words at the end.


Meng Fei was shocked, and those three words were like a knife cutting his heart.

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