It was not a pity that he was found to have a useless spiritual root, but he was afraid that he would not be able to pass the overall test because of this.

After all, he knows his own strength, and whether he is spiritual or not has no influence on him.

But if problems arise because of this, it will be too uncomfortable for him and too deceptive.

"Does this mean I won't be able to survive?"

Meng Fei asked the guide tentatively.

However, the guide did not directly confirm Meng Fei's words, but said to him with a sense of comfort: "Don't be afraid, this is just a test of spiritual roots. It is basically a test of the level of understanding of cultivation. Some people Although I am not good at this aspect, the physical fitness test of the first nine levels is very good, so I can pass it. "

With this said, Meng Fei felt even more unsure. After all, he had pretended in some of the previous levels, so his demonstrated strength was average. He didn't know if this would work.

There was a hint of panic in Meng Fei's eyes, and he could probably hear a deeper meaning from the leader's words.

That is, the spiritual root test is almost the most important. Of course, if this fails, everything else must reach the top level, and the requirements will become higher.

Ye Jing's spiritual roots are very good. After passing the first nine levels, there are almost no problems.

And Meng Fei probably guessed that in this entrance test, he estimated that there were quite a few people who fell here in Linggen.

Ye Jing is a third-grade spiritual root in the world.

According to the introduction's later explanation, Xiaotian Sect divided spiritual roots into waste spiritual roots, ordinary spiritual roots, earth-level spiritual roots, lower-level spiritual roots of heaven, middle-level spiritual roots of heaven, and upper-level spiritual roots of heaven.

The Xiaotian Sect's acceptance range is from the earth-level spiritual roots to the lower heaven-level spiritual roots. Each level of spiritual roots is divided into nine grades, with nine as the starting point and one as the top level.

The middle-level spiritual roots of heaven and above are received by the Great Tianmen Sect, which is also a very rare level of spiritual roots.

Now it's better, Meng Fei has recovered his waste spirit root, which makes sense. After all, Meng Fei doesn't seem to have improved his strength with his own understanding. The battles may have made him a lot stronger. But that's not much.

Even the high-level transcendental state was only realized with the help of Long Fu.

This makes sense at once. After all, he has been relying on the system to become stronger, and now he is almost unable to die. His strength has suddenly reached a bottleneck. For a while, he can no longer use the system to become stronger. He must think of other ways.

At this time, Ye Jing also quietly approached Meng Fei without saying anything, probably hoping to comfort him.

But in her heart, she still thought that Meng Fei was fine. After all, the strength he showed was very terrifying, and she saw it all.

Now, we just need to wait quietly for the final results to come out.

Finally, another guide appeared, and that was the person from the ninth level.

At this time, he came to the guide of the tenth level with more than just the physical results of the ninth level test, and they had a serious conversation.

You could only see that when they said something to each other, they all stared at each other, as if they didn't believe what the other person said.

Finally, after they talked for a while, they came to Meng Fei and the others. The first one was still Ye Jing.

The person who announced the announcement was the leader of the tenth level. He held up the final result. It was a piece of yellow paper with the black words on it being Ye Jing's final result.

"Trialist Ye Jing, sixth level of strength, fifth level of speed, fifth level of bounce, third level of flexibility, fourth level of patience, second level of reaction, third level of mood, fourth level of observation, fifth level of tolerance, fourth level of comprehensive physique, finally third level in the world Spiritual root, test passed!”

"Okay!" Although Meng Fei on the side was still worried, Ye Jing still couldn't restrain her inner excitement and cheered.

"No, I'm sorry..." Ye Jing glanced at Meng Fei with an embarrassed look.

"It's okay." Meng Fei smiled forcefully.

Meng Fei was next, and the person who read out the results to Meng Fei was the leader of the ninth level.

He came to Meng Fei with strange eyes. He looked Meng Fei up and down first, then picked up something and read out:

"Trialist Meng Rufei! Strength surpasses the first level! Speed ​​is at the fifth level, jumping is at the fifth level, flexibility is at the seventh level, patience is at the first level, reaction is at the first level, state of mind is at the first level, observation is at the fourth level, and endurance is beyond the first level! Comprehensive physical fitness at the second level remains to be seen! Finally! Wasted Spiritual Root! The final result remains to be seen!”

"Observe again?!" Meng Fei was a little surprised. Does this mean he was asked to pass the test again?

"Yes, after discussions between me and the guide from Shiguan, I think there is a problem with the authenticity of your results, so we will observe again!" He explained.

"Does that mean you want me to pass another test?" Meng Fei asked.

"No, just come with us."

After that, the two guides led Meng Fei to a place that looked like a dark room in an agency.

Here is a wider, dimly lit passage that leads directly to the other side.

"We'll wait for you on the other side."

After the two of them finished speaking, they immediately disappeared and saw two figures reflected in the light on the other side of the passage.

"bring it on."

Meng Fei stretched twice, and then plunged into the passage.

"This is?!"

Entering the passage, there was nothing, but a huge gravity fell on Meng Fei's shoulders.

Meng Fei's body was pushed down a bit, so he had to release all his power. The huge power instantly seemed like nothingness.

His ankles also felt as heavy as if they were dragging a small mountain, which obviously affected his speed.

He burst out the power of his feet and caught up with the speed in an instant.

At this time, he felt the cold arrows around him shooting at him crazily in a completely irregular form.

Meng Fei kept dodging, and those arrows shot crazily from all directions, like a storm, but Meng Fei's powerful ability still did not get hurt once.

Meng Fei continued to move forward without any injury. At this time, a sharp blade appeared under his feet. Meng Fei reacted again, and he was at his limit.

He jumped high, and he didn't know how high he jumped. He just turned over and jumped over here.

The free movement seemed to be unaffected by anything.


Suddenly, Meng Fei found that there were strange and miserable screams around him, and the sound was as terrifying as a needle piercing his bones.

The next moment, a ghost less than half a person's height rushed towards Meng Fei's back with a terrifying expression.

Meng Fei was not in a hurry. He turned around and grabbed it in his hand, and crushed it easily.

At this time, the end was in front of him, and countless ghosts began to swarm towards him.

Meng Fei almost punched them one by one, and solved them very easily.

But they kept harassing his progress, so Meng Fei let them gather continuously, and finally gathered into a ball, and Meng Fei punched the ball into pieces.


After this punch, Meng Fei couldn't help but look at his fist that was corroding and repairing at the same time in confusion.

But he didn't care too much, and took advantage of this gap to rush directly to the end.

Meng Fei came to the two guides in an instant, and they both looked at Meng Fei in great surprise.

Especially the guide who read the results to Meng Fei, at this time he stuttered: "It's really... a... a violent body of spirits!"

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