"Psychic violence?"

This is obviously an unfamiliar word to Meng Fei, but what is certain is that it is an evaluation of himself.

Later, the guide explained:

"This channel is specially designed for people with special physiques. It can show their physical characteristics. The final result of your physique will be a psychic violent body."

He was a little excited and couldn't keep up with his words.

So I could only let another guide continue to explain:

"The so-called psychic violent body is a very rare physique with useless spiritual roots. For people with this kind of constitution, the spiritual roots have almost no reaction, but the naturally violent physical body has endless mysteries. The naturally psychic physical body can see what ordinary naked eyes can see. They don't even need the nourishment of spiritual energy, they can communicate with the spirits of heaven and earth themselves, and they have extremely violent physical strength and speed, even recovery ability and other basic physical strength, and their growth is extremely terrifying! Spiritual violence body!"

"But there is also a serious problem with this kind of physique." The guide at the ninth level calmed down and continued.

"What's the problem?" Meng Fei was puzzled, because he personally felt that he didn't seem to have any problems.

The guide explained: "A person with a psychic violent body is similar to his title. One word "violent" can explain that a person with this kind of body will be extremely cruel, and even become more so as he goes by. After Dacheng, he is even called a tyrant. "


Meng Fei was a little confused. He had never heard such a title attached to him before.

"Yes, but your mental state was very good before. It may be rare among the rare. We think you may become special among violent people. Maybe you can control your mental state." The guide added.

Meng Fei nodded slightly and entered into a brief thought.

"Then do I pass or fail?" Meng Fei asked again.

"Of course! Violent talents cannot be ignored, but we still have to observe and observe them here. If you can really control your personal mood and emotions, then there is no problem in sending them to Datianmen Sect!" The guide was extremely sure. He said, at this time, he only had admiration for Meng Fei in his eyes.

"Okay!" Meng Fei agreed.

Afterwards, he was taken into the sect, along with Ye Jing.

It's just that the two of them were separated because they were assigned to different sects.

Ye Jing was assigned to the ordinary disciples, but Meng Fei was different.

Among the people like him were a group of disciples who were strong and looked extremely burly.

There were only about eight or nine of these guys in total, and each of them looked fierce. You could tell from their eyes that they were violent people.

It seems that they did this deliberately, throwing Meng Fei into such a group just to test his emotional control.

Generally speaking, a disciple who has just entered the door should not make bad noises. Of course, this does not mean that Meng Fei has to swallow his anger.

I saw him coming to the square, where the nine people were training.

Their training is almost a physical collision, some are wrestling directly, some are practicing alone...

There was sweat all over the field.

The first thing he wanted to do on this trip was to become a disciple.

Passing by the sidelines, Meng Fei looked at them from time to time, and from time to time there would be their curious eyes, and more often than not, they would even feel a little hostile when looking at Meng Fei.

Those were not all kind looks, but Meng Fei ignored those looks. He would not take the initiative to find trouble. He controlled his emotions and behavior, and would not take action rashly unless he had to.

Soon he came to the inner hall, where there was an old man with a white beard, whose whole body was full of Tao Yun. He was sitting there, as if quietly waiting for someone to arrive.

"I've met...senior."

Meng Fei, who had just come in, was still a little lively, and he only spoke after a moment.

The old man opened his eyes slightly. After seeing Meng Fei, he couldn't help but grin. Then he stood up slowly and began to look up and down Meng Fei.

After careful observation, he admired Meng Fei as if he were a treasure, and then he stroked his beard with satisfaction.

"Not bad, not bad, the body is like a treasure, it's really surprising!" He couldn't help but pat Meng Fei on the shoulder, and he couldn't help but admire it on his face.

"Alas..." Suddenly, he sighed, and that sound was filled with emotion and regret.

"What's wrong? Senior?" Meng Fei asked in confusion.

The old man turned around and looked at him with a meaningful look. Then he turned his back and said: "It's a pity that you shouldn't stay here. The Xiaotian Sect's pool is too small. The Great Tianmen Sect is where you should go. place……"

"Senior, you are overly praised. Besides, Xiaotian Sect and Great Tianmen Sect are from the same origin, so it shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

As soon as Meng Fei finished speaking, he felt bad. It seemed that the old man was a bit narrow-minded.

Fortunately, the old man also smiled openly, and then explained to Meng Fei:

"Do you know how people from the Xiaotian Sect can enter the Great Tianmen Sect?"

Meng Fei shook his head and said he didn't know.

Then, the old man smiled with satisfaction, and then continued to explain to him: "I passed the competition!"

"Competition?" Meng Fei was a little confused. This seemed to be a little different from what he had heard before.

"Yes," the old man stood up immediately and began to tell Meng Fei, "Only those with sufficient strength can pass. In the past, this was the case for both the Little Tian Sect and the Great Tianmen Sect. If the disciples of the Little Tian Sect wanted to enter the Great Tianmen Sect, they would pass by In a competition, there are two subjects. One is to defeat those who have passed the Datianmen Sect’s entry test, and the other is to defeat the ordinary disciples of the Datianmen Sect.”

"What?" Meng Fei felt unreasonable after hearing this, and he quickly asked: "Isn't this equivalent to the fact that people like Xiaotian Sect are just another 'test' for those who passed the test of Datianmen Sect? And if they win, what will happen next? There will be a disciple who is the Great Tianmen Sect waiting for them, doesn’t that mean they lose?”

"That's right!" The old man suddenly became excited. He understood that Meng Fei understood what he meant. In the past, he was extremely dissatisfied with this system, because it caused the disciples who were originally very good in Xiaotian Sect to be worse than those other disciples. It is more difficult for people who go for local tests to enter the Datianmen Sect. This is obviously unreasonable, and it is also something he has always cared about.

So, his face relaxed a little, and he walked up to Meng Fei and confessed: "Actually, there is another point, that is, the people who are being introduced are all from the Datianmen Sect, so sometimes the people they value particularly will be taken away, and the people who are being taken in will be taken away. The leader also told me in advance that you will most likely be taken away by them."

At this point, his face was full of regret, and he added: "After I saw you, I saw your amazing body. I had never felt so relieved about a disciple of Xiaotian Sect before I saw you. , so I have selfish motives..."

He did not continue, but Meng Fei already understood everything.

"Ha ha!"

Unexpectedly, Meng Fei actually laughed happily. Through this, he suddenly had an idea, so he patted the old man on the shoulder and said:

"Don't worry, senior! I'm determined to participate in this competition!"

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