
The old man felt a little embarrassed to speak.

Although Meng Fei said such words and agreed to him, his heart was not very comfortable. After all, he felt a little sorry for Meng Fei.

"It's okay. I was once looked down upon because of my useless spiritual roots, so I hate such things myself. Don't worry, just leave it to me!" Meng Fei said with assurance, his face even more confident.

And his words were obviously made up on the spot. After all, he had no experience of being looked down upon because of his useless spiritual roots. He just wanted to make people believe what he said.

Obviously his words had an effect. After hearing this, the old man was directly brainwashed and said: "In that case, let's try it first!"

"Try?" Meng Fei was stunned for a moment, but after thinking about it, after all, the old man's judgment of his strength was only superficial, and he had not witnessed it with his own eyes.

Meng Fei couldn't help but change his posture, and began to look at the old man's body and bones. He was afraid that he would send the old guy away with a punch.

"What are you doing?" Unexpectedly, the old man was confused when he saw Meng Fei's actions.

"Don't you want to try it?" Meng Fei asked.

"Yes, but not with me..." The old man also answered him helplessly.

"Oh~ That's it..." Meng Fei couldn't help but touch the back of his head in embarrassment.

Later, the old man took Meng Fei to the training place, where the other nine people were here.

However, the old man only ordered two of them to come over. Both of them were burly, one had a bald head, and the other had dense hair, like a black broccoli buttoned on top. The two of them stood together. It's so comical, and I don't know if the two of them will get into an argument over their hair.


After the two saw the old man, they saluted without any doubt and seemed very polite. Compared with their rough and arrogant appearance, it was somewhat surprising.

"Well, Xian Fei and Du Mao, please get up."

Based on the old man's names, Meng Fei could tell that the bald one was called Xian Fei and the one with broccoli hair was Du Mao.

Afterwards, the old man said to Meng Fei alone: ​​"These two disciples of mine are my favorite disciples. All of Fang Quan's subordinates are people with amazing physiques. It's a pity that there is always a lack of opportunities. Although they have strength, they always fail." It’s because of the qualifications to be promoted to Datianmen Sect that I fell down time and time again.”

"Among them, Xian Fei has a rare Thousand Injury Body, which means that his body has been extremely fragile since he was a child, and he is always subject to various damages and influences. However, he has strong recovery ability, so in such a situation , let him grow up to this point, he already has strong recovery ability, and many negative effects caused by thousands of injuries will be almost non-existent on him. "

"And the other one is Du Mao. As his name suggests, he has practiced a powerful physical technique called Blade Technique. Blade Technique, as the name suggests, he can make every part of his body extremely sharp. , so every part of his body must be careful, because it will become his weapon.”

The old man has finished speaking, and the so-called Fang Quan naturally refers to himself, the master of Fang Quan, who is the person in Xiaotian Sect who specializes in accepting disciples with special physiques.

Master Fang Quan had almost said what he should say to Meng Fei. Now he brought Meng Fei to the two of them again, this time to speak to them together.

After listening to what Master Fang Quan had just said, Meng Fei also became quite interested in the two people in front of him.

A Thousand Injury Body and a Blade Body Technique, both sounded very curious to Meng Fei, and he even couldn't wait to compete with them.

"Xian Fei, Du Mao, you two will come later..."

Fang Quan began to explain carefully to the two of them, basically telling them that they should have a good competition with Meng Fei.

And more importantly, what should be noted is that if you feel that you can beat Meng Fei, then you must not go up to him. After all, Meng Fei is also a very good seedling. If you feel that Meng Fei is very strong, then you can fight to your heart's content. Bring out Meng Fei's strength.

After everything was explained, Master Fangquan made do with the scene. Several other people dispersed and gathered around, quietly waiting for the upcoming battle.

In order to accurately see Meng Fei's strength, Master Fang Quan also whispered to Meng Fei: "Let go and fight!"

Meng Fei just grinned and nodded slightly to him.

Then, he strode forward. Looking at the two people who didn't know who was going up first, Meng Fei said something that surprised the whole audience.

"Who among you comes first? Or rather, together?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the scene was excited.

"This is too arrogant! Xian Fei and Du Mao are two people I admire! How can you, a new kid here, be so arrogant?!"

"Two senior brothers, teach him a lesson!"

"This guy is really arrogant. He doesn't even recognize each other, and he is so domineering!"

Various voices rose and fell, and Master Fangquan stood aside and didn't know what to say. He just asked them not to get too excited and just watch quietly.

"Is this so?" Meng Fei was also helpless, but he could also understand that they were so extreme. After all, they didn't know what Meng Fei was thinking.

Meng Fei was actually thinking the same thing as he said, because the two of them were hesitant, and Meng Fei just wanted to end it quickly.

What Meng Fei didn't expect was that under such circumstances, the two people on the opposite side were very calm and steady. They seemed to have experienced more and did not despise or ridicule Meng Fei.

And they also kept in mind the words of Master Fang Quan, so only one person came to Meng Fei and clasped his fists, indicating that he should come first.

The person who came was Xian Fei, whose bald head was full of recognition. He first bowed to Meng Fei, and then made a "please" gesture.

"Please." Meng Fei also stretched out his hand to signal.

At this time, Xian Fei shouted loudly, and his clothes were torn.

His body was completely presented, looking very perfect, without any clear wounds.

Xian Fei has a strong recovery ability, but in front of Meng Fei, I don't know if it is useful.

He did not move, but stood there like a stone Buddha.

Meng Fei twisted his wrist. Since he didn't take the initiative to come, let him come first.

So, he came to Xian Fei in an instant, stretched out only one finger, and tapped Xian Fei's belly.


What surprised everyone was that Meng Fei just pointed at Xian Fei and he pushed Xian Fei back repeatedly, even spitting out things from his mouth, because that finger was pointing at his stomach.

Du Mao, who was standing by, saw this and knew that he couldn't relax, let alone underestimate the guy in front of him.

So, he chose to take action first and waved a palm at Meng Fei.

The palm brushed across Meng Fei's face, and Meng Fei felt like a knife passing in front of him.

Obviously, this is the secret of the blade technique, which also aroused Meng Fei's curiosity, but Meng Fei didn't have the time to understand it now.

So, he pushed Du Mao away with a palm easily, and after retracting his hand, Meng Fei felt a slight tingling sensation on his palm.


Meng Fei stared at his worn palm.

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