The entire audience was completely speechless.

Deathly silence.

Everyone was silent, they would not have expected such a result.

Even Master Fang Fist was stunned on the spot. The corners of his mouth were twitching, and his two eyebrows were fighting together as if they were fighting. His mind was recalling everything that had happened in that brief moment.

In just a few moves, Meng Fei knocked down the two of them cleanly and easily. Such overwhelming strength even made Master Fang a little doubtful. Would he have the same result if he was killed?

" strong!"

A sudden sigh broke the silence of the scene, and now only Xian Fei and Du Mao could speak like this.

It can almost be said that both of them were completely defeated by Meng Fei. In the previous battles, they both deeply felt that the gap between them and Meng Fei was unimaginably huge.

It's even possible that Meng Fei kept his hand, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to stand up or even talk so peacefully.

"Do you believe me now, Master?"

Meng Fei turned his head slightly and said to Master Fang Fist.

Master Fang Quan was still in a daze. He came to his senses and said to Meng Fei: "Believe it! I believe it! Then I'll see you whenever I go!"

He didn't dare to neglect the young man in front of him now. He was afraid that he would not be qualified to be his opponent.

And he was also quite excited. After all, there was someone with such strength who was willing to help them. It had to be said that this was something to be happy about, but what also made people question was why he was willing to help them.

"Is it okay now?" Meng Fei asked.

For him, he is not a person who likes to waste time, so naturally the sooner the better.

"Now?" The time was so short that even Master Fang Quan was confused for a moment and said straightly: "It's okay! After all, it's the same as the entrance test. It's always possible, but there is a prerequisite, that is, there must be someone from the Datianmen Sect on the day you go. Only those who have passed the entry test will do so!”

"But generally speaking, the Datianmen Sect's entrance test is not held every day, but those who want to take a look can do it. After all, the fastest one can compete there."

Master Fang Quan told him in detail.

Meng Fei nodded, and then said to him: "Then leave now!"

"Okay!" Master Fang Quan responded quickly, and quickly asked if there was anyone who wanted to go with him.

Among them, the grudge against Meng Fei still existed, so in the end only Xian Fei and Du Mao agreed to go.

"And me! I'll go too!"

At this moment, a strange girl's voice suddenly appeared.

Meng Fei and the others turned around in shock, but Meng Fei saw that familiar face at a glance.

"Ye Jing?!" Meng Fei was a little confused, why did this guy suddenly run out.

"Hey, I heard the noise here a long time ago, so I came to take a look, and found that you were here, and then I heard that you were going to participate in the competition..." She chuckled, like an elf. .

"Can you come?" Meng Fei was also curious. She was so free and carefree when she first entered the sect, which was completely different from her previous timidity.

"Of course!" She rolled her big eyes, watery, like two gems.

"Okay, okay, it doesn't matter to you..." Meng Fei couldn't help it. She couldn't control what she wanted to do.

Therefore, the Fang Fist masters here did not refuse and took her to the Great Tianmen Sect.

Under the leadership of Master Fang Quan, they arrived at the place directly under the Great Tianmen Sect through a teleportation array.

Meng Fei also became interested in the teleportation array, and even thought that when he saw Gu Liu again in five years, he would be able to see that this guy also had that kind of ability.

However, it is probably not easy to master something that is only available in a sect of this level.

And this teleportation array, according to Master Fang Quan, is prepared for the competition. They will arrive directly at the competition venue, and after arriving, there will be guides to pick them up.

A man with a tall feather hat suddenly appeared. He was their guide this time. He showed everyone their seats first.

This competition venue is like an arena, and there are even spectator seats around it.

Master Fang Quan was invited to the high platform.

Several of them were greeted to the place closest to the ring, and they sat down properly.

Master Fang Quan had told them before.

If we go and no guide shows up, it means our trip was in vain. But if a guide shows up, it means our trip came at the right time.

Obviously, their trip this time was not in vain. Although they had said it, only Meng Fei participated, and the others only accompanied him. The guide did not say anything and acquiesced to this behavior.

But at this time, Xian Fei said that he also wanted to participate. No matter what, he wanted to participate. Du Mao persuaded him but he refused to listen, but the leader agreed to him in an ordinary way.

It seems that for the high-feathered leader, this is all an annoying job for him. It has been like this for so long, and nothing has ever appeared to cheer him up.

At this time, Meng Fei suddenly said to the guide: "I have a request."

The guide was somewhat puzzled, but still replied in a steady and thin voice: "Please tell me."

Meng Fei touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "If I crush all opponents, can I challenge other people in the Great Tianmen Sect?"


"Meng Rufei? What are you talking about?"

"What do you mean?"

"Master Guide! He is new here and does not know the rules. Please forgive me!"

Ye Jing and others who followed Meng Fei panicked when they heard his words, fearing that he would be targeted by the people of the Great Tianmen Sect because of this. After all, they were facing the Guide.

Although he was just a Guide, they were all people whose strength and experience should not be underestimated.

However, when Meng Fei said this, the Guide did not look unhappy. Instead, a trace of inexplicable light appeared on his face that had always been as dead as ashes.

There was a glimmer of light in his eyes, which was full of curiosity and speculation. He first looked at Meng Fei carefully from head to toe, and then laughed heartily.

"Interesting, can you do it?"

The guide asked this question deliberately at this time, firstly to test his determination, and secondly to see what he was up to.

"I can guarantee this, but I also doubt whether you can do it?"

Who knows, Meng Fei actually asked him a question in return, which was full of arrogance. He asked if the guide could give him a chance to fight those people.

"Hahaha!" The guide laughed loudly, and the wanton sound spread all over the competition venue.

He pointed at Meng Fei with a firm look in his eyes and said:

"As long as you want, I can do it! And this is also a very interesting thing for me!"

"But I'll say it in advance, don't blame me if anything goes wrong!"

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