I am so suitable for slaying demons because of my infinite resurrection

Chapter 169: Challenging all disciples of the sect

The guide had said it before, and his words were his final warning to Meng Fei.

And Meng Fei didn't care about anything. Out of confidence in his own strength, Meng Fei believed in himself.

"No problem, just come."

Meng Fei replied to the guide.

"Okay! You wait!"

Seeing Meng Fei's promise, the guide was unwilling to be outdone. He was not a small figure in the sect, and he still had to show his ability in some things.

So, Meng Fei and his friends waited quietly in the competition venue, and the time was much longer than usual. Master Fang Quan also noticed that something was wrong.

But he didn't seem to understand what happened, and he only knew that the time was much longer than the usual competition.

In this case, he came to Xian Fei and asked about the situation. After learning all the situations from Xian Fei, Master Fang Quan was stunned and petrified on the spot.

At this time, he had a thousand reasons in his mind to say to Meng Fei. You know, whether he succeeds or not, he represents Xiaotian Sect, which is more or less like looking for trouble.

"I don't care!"

Finally, Master Fangquan also said this and disappeared in front of everyone. When they saw him again, they could only see him sitting helplessly on the seat on the high stand without saying a word, and his face seemed to be directly written with the three words "unsatisfied".

Meng Fei ignored him, but closed his eyes quietly in his seat, waiting for the arrival of his opponent silently.

Due to Meng Fei's special nature, Xian Fei would be the first to compete. Even in this case, Xian Fei still did not give up and planned to compete to the end.

No matter what the result was, he accepted it calmly.



Finally, when they were all waiting very nervously, a series of thunderous footsteps appeared in a mess, and it was obvious that there were many people coming.

At the entrance, there was nothing, but suddenly two or three people appeared from there. From then on.





One by one, a group of people wearing white robes with belts around their waists appeared, men and women, fat and thin...

They all appeared in the competition venue with incredible expressions, and they quickly found seats and sat down.

After a while, the seats in the entire competition venue were filled up one by one, and finally almost filled up the entire competition venue.

There were even several immortal old men who followed, and the guide followed them. He also talked to those old men on an equal footing, which showed that their identities could not be viewed with the eyes of ordinary people.

Finally, when Master Fang Quan saw those old men, he quickly stood up and saluted them, and then they sat together on the high stand.

At this time, the man who was guiding the group came forward and shouted loudly to the audience:

"Today, Xianfei, a disciple of Xiaotian Sect, will participate in the sect promotion competition, and Meng Rufei, a disciple of Xiaotian Sect, will challenge all the disciples of the sect! I declare that everything is going on as normal!"

"First item, Xianfei will take the sect promotion test!"

Although Xianfei was the first person to compete, everyone's mind was not on him. Even if the whole audience was excited about it, it was obviously nothing to do with Xianfei.

The same process, Xianfei was conducting the sect promotion competition as usual.

The audience was boiling, and all the disciples looked at Meng Fei, and kept talking about him.

"Who is this guy? How dare he challenge all of us?"

"Well... this is indeed a question worth considering. We can't be careless. If he can have this courage, he must be prepared and confident!"

"Who cares what he is? Just do it. I will be the first to kill him!"

"Don't get excited. Being so impulsive will lead to bad consequences."

"Yes, the Master of the Guide can play with him, which must mean that this guy's strength has at least been recognized by the Master of the Guide. We can't underestimate him."

"I think you are just crazy! One or two, forget it, it seems that I will still defeat Meng Rufei!"


Various voices sounded, some were steady, and some were impulsive. Everyone has different personalities, and this situation is also expected.

"Meng Rufei, they seem to be talking about you." Ye Jing whispered to Meng Fei on the side.

"That's not as if, isn't it?" Meng Fei joked.

This was nothing to him, it was a natural thing, no, it should be said that this was exactly what he wanted to do.

"Are you sure?" Ye Jing asked Meng Fei again.

Meng Fei deliberately looked up and rolled his eyelids, "Who knows?"

"Ah? You are not sure either? Then why are you so crazy?!" Unexpectedly, Ye Jing's face was a little angry after hearing this, and he even punched Meng Fei.

That punch was originally soft, but Meng Fei didn't know why, but he actually felt a little inexplicable pain.

"Xian Fei, the promotion failed! Next, Meng Rufei will fight against all the challengers of the sect disciples. First, according to the promotion process, the disciples who have just passed the entry test will go on stage first!"

At this time, a man with long hair appeared on the ring. He closed his eyes slightly and waited quietly for Meng Fei to come on stage.

When Xianfei left the stage, the whole place was in an uproar. Of course, this was not because Xianfei had just brought such a shocking duel, but because everyone knew that Meng Fei was finally going to play. The man they had been discussing for a long time was finally going to play.

The long-haired man landed gracefully, while Meng Fei looked much more stale, just walking onto the stage in a very ordinary manner.

There was even a direct booing from the audience.

Meng Fei ignored it, after all, it was not something he cared about.

He just wanted to deal with this guy in two moves.

"I heard that the best new disciples are very strong!"

"Yes, especially the disciples recruited in the past two days. I heard that each of them is a talent among talents and a strong among strong people. People like you and me may not be able to compare with them now!"

"That's right! As you can imagine, Meng Rufei is probably going to have a hard time!"

"It's good for him!"

"I hope he doesn't lose too quickly. I haven't taught him a lesson yet!"

"You can pull it!"


The audience is still thundering, but the stage seems to be very ordinary.

The long-haired man is still motionless at this time. He opened his eyes slightly at this time and saw Meng Fei's appearance.

Meng Fei looks like an ordinary person. Except for the beast-like figure hidden under his clothes, there is nothing else to see.

At this time, the long-haired man stretched out a hand and hooked it towards Meng Fei, as if asking Meng Fei to make the first move.

Meng Fei was stunned, and even stood there for two seconds. He said in disbelief:

"Do you really want me to...make the first move?"

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