
Speaking of this thing, Meng Fei has heard of it.

However, those are things that exist in some novels and movies. In real life, Qi is just the basis for adjusting breathing and doing some physical exercises.

And the Qi that this guy said is obviously different from Meng Fei's cognition.

The Qi he said is probably really similar to the one in the novels he has read.

"Okay? Can you let me go?"

The beast man also begged for mercy and said everything he should say to Meng Fei. Of course, Meng Fei would let him go, and he also changed his previous arrogant state. He is not the same as before.

"Okay, get out!"

Meng Fei didn't want to care about him anymore.

At this time, he continued to wait for the opponent behind him, but he didn't shout at the people below this time, because he was in deep thought this time.


What kind of thing is that?

Meng Fei only knew that after seeing the action of the beast man, the claws actually drew a shaped mark in the air and attacked Meng Fei.

This was not the first time he had seen such a thing, but the difference was.

What Meng Fei had seen before were all caused by weapons, such as sword qi.

If there was something more mysterious, it would naturally be Xu Zhengyi's elemental breathing swordsmanship. The elemental breathing swordsmanship seemed to have introduced the power of qi, but with the sword as the medium, and with Xu Zhengyi's strong swordsmanship talent, this level seemed to be achieved directly.

But the attack like a beast seemed to directly turn the qi into an attack.

If Meng Fei could master such a method, it would undoubtedly be more useful, and he would no longer be a "man" who only used brute force.

"I'll do it!"

At this moment, when Meng Fei was immersed in deep perception, another challenger came.

At this time, Meng Fei was also immersed in perception, and he was even more trapped in the bottleneck of thinking. At this time, he wanted to see more about qi.

"Can you use qi?"

After the man came up, Meng Fei's first sentence to him was like this.

The man was stunned for a moment and said bluntly: "Who in the Great Tianmen Sect doesn't know how to use Qi?"

"Oh, that's good!" After hearing this, Meng Fei was also very happy, so he waved to him and said: "Come on, show me your skills!"

The man did not hesitate and showed his skills directly.

He obviously knew that Meng Fei was not an ordinary opponent, and the beast man was not an ordinary person either, but he was subdued by Meng Fei in one go, which showed that they would definitely not be able to treat this duel with Meng Fei so easily.

This man's ability is to be able to transform Qi into a warm attack, and at the same time increase the speed of the action and the intensity of the attack.


Seeing his ability, Meng Fei also felt all the uses of Qi little by little.

But the actual gap is always there. When Meng Fei learned everything from him, he knocked him down twice and prepared for the later opponents.

After this time, more people began to challenge him, mainly because they saw that Meng Fei did not seem to be heavy-handed, and many people also wanted to try with such a powerful person.

After all, being able to compete with someone who is much stronger than you is not an opportunity that can be obtained overnight, so more and more people came to challenge Meng Fei.

And Meng Fei can also learn a lot from their skills. It can be said that they are completely complementary, each taking what they need, and no one owes anyone anything.

Meng Fei saw all kinds of uses, and he also knew that these various uses did not mean that Qi really had so many uses.

Instead, Meng Fei deeply realized that everyone has different characteristics and strengths, and then Qi can be used in the aspects that everyone wants to enhance. It can be said that this is determined by everyone's characteristics.

It is not because Qi itself can be used in many ways.

It is equivalent to an amplification. Qi is ultimately based on its own things, so it is naturally impossible to produce other things out of thin air.

Qi will eventually stand on its own things, and will become stronger on this basis.

However, at this time, Meng Fei's strange behavior attracted the attention of those people on the high stands.

"This guy seems a little different."

"What kind?"

"It's a bit weird. I always feel like he's not here to compete."

"If he's not here to compete? Then why? Shouldn't he want to challenge the disciples of our sect and become the strongest disciple?"

"No, his strength is a bit unexpected. Don't you think it's a bit unfair to him to become a disciple?"

"Is he going to be an elder?!"

"Not like that either. I think he came with some purpose. I haven't figured out what it is, but it's definitely not to stay in our sect."

"What are you talking about? If he doesn't want to stay in our sect, why would he spend so much effort?"

"Look! His movements!"

"What's wrong?"

"Does he look like he's thinking about something while fighting?"

"Hmm...wait, his movements?!"


As the people on the high stands were discussing, Meng Fei on the ring was already learning to use Qi.

"It's not easy to get someone who specializes in Qi. I have to seize the opportunity!"

Looking at the man in front of him who was bursting with the power of Qi, Meng Fei also became very serious.

But this seriousness was not aimed at the duel with him, but to observe the flow of his Qi carefully.

With the power of smelling spirits and the spiritual eyes fully opened, Meng Fei captured every trace of Qi on the man in front of him very carefully.

He could see that the Qi was constantly flowing in his body.

From his Dantian and the center of his eyebrows, they were all the points where Qi was dispersed.

He was different. Among the people Meng Fei had seen before, almost all of them only had Qi flowing out of their Dantian, but this person could flow out from the center of his eyebrows.

Obviously, this person may have reached a higher level.

Unlike the previous person, Meng Fei could feel more things in him.

And Meng Fei was also trying to communicate with his Dantian, hoping that it could adjust the flow of Qi.

The spiritual body is almost a body full of spiritual Qi, which can better communicate with spiritual Qi.

Meng Fei could feel the heat coming from his Dantian at this time, and this heat began to spread through every blood vessel of Meng Fei throughout his body.

He controlled the Qi to flow from Dantian to the whole body little by little, but the Qi between the eyebrows was still blocked. However, he seemed to be able to use Qi normally, so Meng Fei did not worry about it for the time being.

At this time, Meng Fei moved the Qi to his palm and slapped the man who was still far away.

The man was directly hit by this palm and flew out.

"Spanning Qi palm! I finally figured it out!"

Meng Fei looked at his hands with satisfaction.

"What?! This guy?! He is actually learning our skills?!"

However, on the high stand, those powerful people in the sect could no longer sit still.

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