Remote Exhaust Palm.

This is exactly what Meng Fei came up with after seeing these guys use Qi. He wanted to use Qi to attack remotely.

This is obviously something that brute force could not do before.

This is undoubtedly a stronger step for him, and the Qi at the center of his eyebrows has not yet been opened. When it is opened, Meng Fei will become stronger again.

At this time, Meng Fei felt extremely satisfied.

However, this is not enough.

He still wants more. If possible, he now hopes to have an opponent worth dealing with.

The previous opponent is no longer satisfactory to him, and he needs a stronger opponent now.

Because those people before will not be of better help to him, he needs a stronger person to bring him something different.

If possible, he also wants to try his remote exhaust palm.

"What's wrong? Keep coming? There are so many people? I'm watching them? What's wrong? Don't you dare to go up now?"

This scene fell silent again, Meng Fei was helpless, and had to provoke again.

They had no choice. Seeing their fellow disciples being easily subdued by Meng Fei one after another, they were confused. Could they really get something from Meng Fei by fighting him?

After watching for so long, they felt that it was Meng Fei who was getting something from them, not them from Meng Fei.

At this time.

Finally, someone appeared again.

At this time, a man in a white robe, with a majestic demeanor, did not look like an ordinary person.

As soon as he appeared, the whole audience was boiling.

"Brother Nanyang! It's him!"

"Has he finally lost his temper?!"

"Brother Nanyang? Who is that?"

"You are new here, so of course you don't know. I'll tell you this. With his current level, in just three to five years, he will be almost as good as the elders in the sect!"

"Wow! That's too abnormal! We are still far behind!"

"Yes! He can be said to be the strongest among us disciples. He finally lost his temper!"

"Brother Nanyang is much stronger than us, and the same goes for Meng Rufei. But I don't know what will happen when these two people face off?"

"I am really looking forward to it and a little scared!"

"Yes, it's okay if he wins, but if he loses, it will really make us lose face."

"I don't know who this guy is. It feels like he is here to mess things up!"


The discussion about this person in the audience was also very intense, and even Meng Fei on the stage could hear the discussion about him carefully.

"Nanyang? Interesting."

Since the audience had such a high opinion of this man, Meng Fei also cooperated and became serious.

His movements seemed extremely serious. Compared with the previous carelessness, Meng Fei now took the opponent in front of him seriously.

Nanyang did not react at all, and there was no murderous aura between his eyebrows. He was as calm as a pond of lake water.

Meng Fei was also very calm. For him, he could know whether he could win the opponent at a glance. Nanyang could not win him, so Meng Fei quietly waited for his move.

At this time, Meng Fei suddenly felt that the temperature around him seemed to rise little by little, and a slight burning sensation eroded his body little by little.

"What's going on?"

In such a sudden situation, Meng Fei couldn't help but look at Nanyang who was right in front of him.

I saw that a red lotus mark appeared between the eyebrows of this guy at this time, and the whole person seemed to be gradually changing color.

His hair began to have wisps of red ripples in the black, and his whole body began to be invaded by red little by little.

In the end, he seemed to be in a ball of fire that wrapped his whole body, and through the firelight, his whole body also became bright red.

Meng Fei saw the fire in his heart through the psychic eye.

The ball of fire was beating like a heart, constantly supplying endless power to his whole body.

"What is this?" Meng Fei obviously didn't know what happened.

At this time, it was undoubtedly the audience in the audience who solved the puzzle for Meng Fei.

"It's that move! Red Lotus Heart Fire!"

"Yes! Red Lotus Heart Fire, this is the most profound use of Qi! Let your whole body enter a new state, and then gain more powerful power!"

"This move can make the whole body undergo a qualitative change, and the current Nanyang Senior Brother can't use common sense to measure it!"


After listening to everything, Meng Fei roughly understood that this was the highest level of mastering Qi.

And once this state is opened, it is almost equivalent to a unique form.

Meng Fei thought that if he could also master such a skill, it would undoubtedly be a kind of enhancement for himself.

The specific strength of this state still needs Meng Fei to experience it personally.

So, this time, Meng Fei no longer waited, but took the initiative to attack.

He flashed in front of Nanyang in an instant, and this full-strength attack was still beyond Nanyang's grasp.

So, in Nanyang's Red Lotus Heart Fire state, he still did not prevent Meng Fei's extremely fast attack.

Meng Fei's punch directly penetrated Nanyang's body.

However, a strange thing happened. Meng Fei's punch actually went straight through Nanyang's body.

Nanyang's body at this time was really like a ball of fire. Meng Fei was also shocked when he saw the body tightly wrapped around his fist.

He didn't expect that such magical things would exist. At the same time, he also felt that his profession was pretty good, and many things made him feel worthwhile.

It's just that if he wants to master these powers, he probably still needs time to digest them.

At this time, Nanyang also directly counterattacked, and the powerful flaming fist seemed to be like a beast with its mouth opened and engulfed Meng Fei.

Meng Fei was about to test the damage of this blow, so he took it directly.

After the whole body was swallowed up, the audience was the first to burst into thunderous roars.

They all thought that Meng Fei was solved like this, and Ye Jing could not suppress the worry on her face, and even bursts of tears began to appear in the corners of her eyes.

However, things don't seem to be as simple as they thought.

The flames faded away, and Meng Fei's figure reappeared with bursts of flames.

"Fortunately I have spare clothes."

I saw Meng Fei caressing the clothes he had just changed into distressedly, and then complained for a while.

"How can it be?!"

"He took this trick and is still fine!"

"What a monster!"

"Great! Meng Rufei!"

There were various voices in the audience, but there were only a few happy voices.

"It's really amazing."

On the stage, Nanyang couldn't help but admire Meng Fei.

"Well, thank you for the compliment, and..." While Meng Fei was "thanking" him, he couldn't help but start to inflate his energy again, then wrapped his fist and said:

"I thought about it for a long time just now. Since I can't hit you, it means my method is wrong. I think this is fine."

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