Looking at Meng Fei's fist wrapped in qi, Nanyang finally showed a strange look on his face.

Meng Fei snorted coldly, which probably meant that his guess was probably correct.

So, Meng Fei first used an air palm to press towards Nanyang. This palm was full of temptation.

After that palm passed, Nanyang really didn't dare to resist. He stepped aside and used his palm to hit the air, leaving a deep mark on the ring instantly.


Meng Fei groaned, and then jumped up high. Meng Fei immediately occupied the top to suppress it.

The exhaust palms fell like raindrops from the air, but if they continued like this, there would eventually be a time lag, and there were still many gaps.

I saw that Nanyang was not a vegetarian after all. He was constantly changing his body. His body kept moving and deforming like a flame, even expanding and shrinking.

Meng Fei's fist was mostly dodged.

But Nanyang's condition was definitely not good. He was forced to dodge and dodge without a chance to fight back. Nanyang was also suppressed and was a little breathless.

The state of his Red Lotus Heart Fire was also becoming increasingly confusing as the Qi gradually became disordered, even dissipating little by little, and he didn't know when it would disintegrate.

He obviously couldn't continue like this, but now he felt like he was being forced into a desperate situation. It was definitely not that simple to survive from a desperate situation.

Since Meng Fei mastered the method of attacking him, he is no longer confused.

The reason why he was able to find a solution to the problem was because Meng Fei thought of the origin of his Red Lotus Heart Fire state.

That is precisely the ability produced by high-level Qi, so the solution to it naturally involves using Qi.

"it's over!"

Meng Fei roared loudly, not giving him any chance to breathe again.

The gap between them cannot be bridged by this skill. It is still very simple for Meng Fei to really defeat him.

I saw him wrapping his fist with Qi, and the huge force sucked out all the air in front of him. Nanyang also lost his hearing and smell the moment Meng Fei's fist approached.

The situation in front of him seemed to be no longer ordinary, the air was even more disturbed by Meng Fei, and now the terrifying fist was pressing directly into Nanyang's face.

In the state of Honglian's inner fire, his face could not escape the fate of being shattered.

He had no choice but to change his form at an extremely fast speed to make a change, hoping to avoid the fatal blow.


The powerful fist blasted away Nanyang's face, and drops of flames scattered on the ground.

Meng Fei's fist wind was still stirring up the dust on the ground, and the wind was still blowing people in that entire direction.

Nanyang's Honglian Heart Fire was also completely destroyed by Meng Fei at this time. In the end, he was placed directly on the ground and fell into a coma.

"No, I accidentally got into a state just now and forgot to calm down." Meng Fei felt a bad feeling in his heart when he saw the unconscious Nanyang.

After all, he almost kept his hands on everyone, but Nanyang had just let him get into the state, so he lost control of his strength, and it could be said that he forgot about it in the end.

The disciples in the sect also carried Nanyang down, but for this guy Meng Fei, he can now be said to have a full "villain" image.

After all, he had defeated so many people in the sect, and even defeated Nanyang, who was almost the strongest. There was no disciple in the entire sect who could challenge him.

Meng Fei also understood very well, so he did not continue to challenge him, but waited quietly on the ring. If there was no reaction after a while, he would be ready to end everything.

After that, of course he wanted to learn and practice Qi, even if it took a lot of time.

"Boy! Do you mind if I come?"

Unexpectedly, at this time, a sound of testing came from the high stands.

People looked up and looked at the owner of the voice in disbelief. It was actually the elder in the door.

An old man who looks extremely strong in body, with piercing eyes, and whose mental state is not consistent with his age at all.

The old man jumped high from the high stands, then fell down smoothly, and finally stood quietly on the ring.

After landing, he glanced at Meng Fei, and Meng Fei also said knowingly: "Of course."

That was asking him again if he could give it a try, and Meng Fei naturally refused to accept anyone who came.

Later, Meng Fei also took the initiative to say "please".

After the old man returned the gift, he even said to Meng Fei, "Then don't blame me for being rude."

Since Meng Fei wanted him to leave first, it was natural for the old man to refuse.

As a result, everyone present could see the old man's long clothes dancing wildly, and his whole body was suspended in mid-air.

At this time, one arm after another appeared behind him.

"This is? Thousand-Armed Guanyin?"

Seeing this surprising scene, Meng Fei also expressed disbelief.

Behind the old man, a pair of hands appeared and overlapped. What was even more strange was that the hands behind him were gathering little by little, and finally they disappeared into a single point.

No, it probably didn't disappear. Meng Fei felt that it wasn't that simple.

At this time, Meng Fei suddenly realized something was wrong, "There seems to be something underground?"

Following the strange feeling, Meng Fei set his eyes on the ground, and saw that the plane of the ring was suddenly vibrating.

The feeling was approaching him little by little under the plane. Meng Fei became nervous and his eyes became serious and firm. He wanted to see who was under the ground.


Meng Fei could see that an arm had grown out of his feet.

The arm was huge, and from the floor, it didn't appear through the floor.

Instead, it grew on the plane!

"It's really weird."

Meng Fei was forced to retreat by this sudden attack, and the huge arm began to attack Meng Fei at this time.

Meng Fei was not afraid at all, and he directly punched it, and the two huge forces collided instantly.

But in the end, Meng Fei was better, and the huge arm was directly smashed into pieces by Meng Fei.

However, after being smashed, the arm dissipated like a wisp of smoke.

At this time, everything was far from over.

I saw the ground on the ring, and waves of fragrance came out again, and then they attacked Meng Fei fiercely.

Meng Fei had an idea in his head at this time, so he dodged every attack at a very fast speed.

He came to the old man in an instant and punched him. In front of the old man, he could only resist.

So the two finally faced each other head-on.

This also made Meng Fei and the old man retreat again and again.

The force Meng Fei used was the same as the force he used against the huge arm just now, about 60% of the force.

The old man's reaction was to retreat again and again to relieve the power of Meng Fei's fist, so that he could safely save his arm.

After seeing this scene, Meng Fei showed an interesting light in his eyes and said directly: "I understand."

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