"Understood? What do you understand?"

There was unconcealable suspicion in the old man's eyes, and Meng Fei would have noticed otherwise.

Then this man really needs to attract their attention.

After all, the so-called spiritual root refers to the ability of perception. The old man in the high stand naturally communicates with Master Fang Quan.

This Meng Fei was tested and found to be a psychic violent body with waste spiritual roots. Logically speaking, from the perspective of comprehending Qi and secret techniques, he should not have such perverted abilities.

However, Meng Fei's various performances kept slapping them in the face. Whether it was his understanding of Qi or secret techniques, Meng Fei undoubtedly showed extraordinary understanding.

And he actually used his anger. As for whether the secret method will be stolen by him, no one can say.

But now, Meng Fei also had a sneer on his face, as if he really knew something again.

"I understand, that is of course about your Thousand Hands Technique. This is not just done with Qi. Obviously, it also includes some secret techniques that I don't know about, so that the things produced by Qi are close to reality. Transformation, and what I can also confirm is that although this huge arm looks intimidating, its power seems to be almost the same as your own body!"

Meng Fei's words immediately surprised the old man. His extremely proud ability was actually revealed by Meng Fei in one word, and what he said was absolutely correct.

"Yes, you are such a good boy, but just knowing it doesn't work!" Seeing this situation, the old man still showed no weakness.

However, Meng Fei smiled and didn't reply to the old man without blushing, because he thought of something at this time.

If he can learn this trick, it will undoubtedly be a huge enhancement for him.

After all, there will be a time lag if the exhaust palms are fired continuously in the air, and it is difficult to achieve a situation where the firepower can cover the situation even if it is unexpected. But as long as he has this technique, Meng Fei can hit with several fists at a longer distance, and even achieve a surprise !

So, Meng Fei started to discuss terms with him and said, "Old man, can we negotiate terms?"

"Conditions? What conditions?" The old man also paused.

Then, Meng Fei said with a harmless smile: "As long as I beat you with one punch, you will teach me your secret technique! What do you think?"

Originally, when he heard that he was going to teach the secret technique, the old man's face showed a lot of displeasure, but when he heard that Meng Fei said that he would kill him with one punch, he instantly became unhappy.

"One punch?! That's such a big statement!"

The old man blushed instantly, and his anger was directly displayed on his face without any concealment.

Meng Fei's words really didn't save him any face. He even said that he could solve it with one punch. Where did he put his face?

Therefore, the old man who originally would not agree with Meng Fei at all, now said loudly to Meng Fei without giving in: "If you can really solve it with one punch, everything is free!"


Unexpectedly, Meng Fei had just finished uttering the word, and the aura on his body exploded instantly, as if it was going to swallow him up in an instant!

The old man was also shocked by Meng Fei's move, so he immediately moved over. He activated the Thousand Hands Technique and stretched out densely packed arms directly in front of him to block him.

Moreover, the old man directly merged those arms into one in an instant, and immediately erected a tall, thick and huge wall of flesh in front of him.

I saw that Meng Fei's punch was not as relaxed as before, but he used all his strength.

His fists were turning red, as if heated molten iron had entered a high temperature state at this moment, wisps of steam surrounded his arms, and he was still running the air throughout his body.

Then the energy finally surrounded Meng Fei's fist. All sparks and lightning could be seen in Meng Fei's fist. The huge fist wind was like a sharp blade, overturning the ground and disturbing the surrounding air. The huge friction directly brought There were bursts of thunder and explosions.

Meng Fei's punch pierced the sky!

Immediately pressed against the huge wall of flesh, Meng Fei's fist was like a savage charging bull, pushing towards the old man bit by bit, overturning all the obstacles in front of him.

Although the length of Meng Fei's fist was limited, it only stretched out and then stopped.

However, the power of Meng Fei's fist did not weaken at all. The fist directly formed a vacuum shape, and it still approached the old man violently in a form visible to the naked eye.

A horrifyingly large hole was torn open in the thick flesh wall. From between the large hole, the violent punch force continued to approach the old man without any reduction, and the speed was even more astonishing!

Looking at this situation, the old man obviously couldn't escape, so he had to stand firmly on the spot, and then all the strength and energy in his body condensed on his palms. The old man immediately stretched out his hands and led He turned all his strength into a defensive wall of airflow in front of him to resist Meng Fei's shocking punch.

Bang bang bang!

Meng Fei's punch finally hit the air flow defense wall, and the force of the ricochet to all directions destroyed the surrounding area.

People in the audience also began to panic, looking for a safe position.

There was a huge gap in the airflow defense in front of the old man, and his body was retreating steadily, and it was obvious that he could no longer withstand the force.


In the end, the airflow defense in front of the old man was finally completely broken, but the remaining force still knocked him away. Fortunately, someone in the high stands caught the old man, otherwise this would have been a devastating blow.

The old man was physically strong, but he remained awake.

In the end, he kept repeating, "I'm willing to bet... I admit defeat!"

"Hehe, I'm so sorry!" Meng Fei laughed and responded rather hastily.

After this, basically no one wanted to challenge Meng Fei anymore. Everyone knew that this man's strength should not be underestimated, and it was also shown that he was stronger than anyone could imagine!

Today's matter ended here.

The people of the Great Tianmen Sect wanted to keep Meng Fei, but Meng Fei refused. However, Meng Fei asked them for something.

First, the things that the old man gave him were naturally indispensable, and the Thousand Hands Secret Technique was directly obtained by him.

And for Qi, he also wanted the relevant scriptures, but it was not easy to give it to him, so he gave Meng Fei a copy for his use.

Meng Fei was not picky, and felt that this was almost enough.

And then, it was still not over. Meng Fei also asked them for a space ring to make it easier for him to pack up his things.

He had similar things before, all of which were provided by Gu Liu. Now that Gu Liu is not here, he needs such things, and the people in the sect have no choice but to give them to him.

Datianmen Sect gave almost everything Meng Fei wanted. First, Meng Fei's request was not excessive, and second, they didn't want to offend this person.

And Meng Fei's previous purpose was the same.

The challenge was to get everything he wanted more quickly and slowly climb up in the sect. Meng Fei didn't have the time to do that.

Finally, Meng Fei also asked them where was a better place to practice, regardless of the danger.

They also gave Meng Fei instructions:

"Practicing this thing, it is indeed slower in the sect, after all, it is about the basics, and if you want to talk about speed, you have to go to Lingxu Valley!"

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