"Lingxu Valley?"

Meng Fei was naturally unfamiliar with this name.

"Yes," the elders in the sect continued to explain to Meng Fei: "Lingxu Valley is a place where strange people gather. Not only that, but even some strange creatures exist there. Ordinary people cannot set foot there. I think Meng Rufei should have the ability to go and see it!"

"That's great, but if I go directly, I'm afraid it will take a while, so..."

Meng Fei didn't finish his words, but the meaning was not difficult for them to understand.

The people of Datianmen Sect also answered very well: "We understand, don't worry, we will help you get there."

"Then I'm very grateful!" Meng Fei's face was full of smiles, all of which were expressions of gratitude.

So, Datianmen Sect arranged for Meng Fei to go to the teleportation array, and then he could be sent directly to Lingxu Valley by the teleportation array. With their help, Meng Fei's actions would be easier and more convenient.

Before leaving, Ye Jing also found Meng Fei and couldn't help asking, "Meng Rufei, are you leaving?"

Her eyes seemed to be full of reluctance, Meng Fei smiled and said gently: "Yes."

"Then...will we meet again?" Ye Jing's eyes seemed to be filled with crystal tears.

Seeing this scene, Meng Fei couldn't help but be stunned, then he thought seriously for a while, and couldn't help but touch his chin, then he came to Ye Jing's side, close to her ear, Meng Fei whispered to her, "We will see each other again, before that, please remember my real name, agreed not to tell others, my real name is Meng Fei."

After saying this, Meng Fei moved aside, smiled at Ye Jing at last, and then turned and left.

"Meng Fei."

Looking at Meng Fei's figure going away, Ye Jing couldn't help but mutter in a low voice, and no one else knew.


Meng Fei's side.

With the help of the Great Tianmen Sect, Meng Fei quickly arrived at the destination.

The first thing was to check whether he had reached the place he wanted to go.

What is now presented in front of Meng Fei is a scene like a beautiful landscape painting.

The beautiful mountains and rivers, the birds flying freely in the sky, are screaming in the sky, and the sound is stretched in the valley. It seems like a sad sound coming from the valley.

The spiritual energy is like a layer of gauze covering the entire valley. This is obviously not an ordinary place. It is obviously Lingxu Valley. The people of Datianmen Sect don’t have the courage to lie to Meng Fei. It is obviously not good for them.

Through the powerful power of smelling spirits, Meng Fei can know that this Lingxu Valley is really a mixed bag, and all kinds of creatures seem to exist in it.

This makes Meng Fei more curious to enter it to find out.

"What is there in it? It's really exciting!"

Meng Fei feels excited just thinking about it. If he practices here, it will naturally be better than anywhere else for him.

As soon as he stepped into it, Meng Fei had just entered the valley when he felt a malicious breath moving quickly towards him in the dark.

Meng Fei stayed where he was, quietly feeling the extremely fast breath, and paying attention to its movement trajectory through its breath.

"It's a bit strange."

Meng Fei couldn't help but touch his chin. The thing seemed to be moving in a very strange trajectory.

In other words, the thing didn't seem to be moving close to the ground.

If Meng Fei didn't use his nose, he couldn't even detect its existence with his ears.

"Could it be a flying guy?"

Faced with this situation, Meng Fei could only guess like this.

But what puzzled Meng Fei was that this guy didn't seem to be far from the ground, because from the breath, the individual of this creature was probably about the size of a human.

And the feet didn't touch the ground, as if it was flying.

Meng Fei initially determined that it was a person, but the way it moved was indeed weird. It was estimated that Meng Fei would not figure it out if he didn't see it with his own eyes.

At this time, the thing was almost near Meng Fei. It was also an extremely cautious existence. When it came to Meng Fei's vicinity, it did not rush up recklessly.

Instead, it kept turning and moving around Meng Fei, and its speed was much faster than before.

But Meng Fei had a faster speed, so he was naturally not afraid of these.

So, after the thing finally determined the direction to attack Meng Fei, it suddenly rushed over, but was caught directly by Meng Fei.

This finally made Meng Fei see the truth of this thing.

A boy who looked like a skinny monkey, who looked like he was in his teens and nearly 20s, looked sloppy and not serious.

And he was from Lingxu Valley. I knew that Lingxu Valley was full of weirdos, and this guy was obviously no exception.

"Tell me, what do you do?" Meng Fei asked him while holding him.

The skinny monkey was stunned and asked directly: "Shouldn't I be the one asking you this?!"

Meng Fei was stunned, as if this was indeed the truth, but he didn't care about it and asked again: "What happened when you approached me just now? Why did you feel like you were not touching the ground?"

After hearing Meng Fei's question, the skinny monkey was dumbfounded. It turned out that his previous actions had been discovered long ago.

And this is not the most outrageous thing. The most outrageous thing is that the other party even noticed the extraordinary method he used. What does this mean?

It is naturally an extremely terrifying reality, that is, the other party is very strong! Very, very strong!

Although I don’t know how strong he is, I can be sure that the other party is definitely not an enemy I can face.

So, in order to save his life, he had to tell everything, and Meng Fei only heard a rough idea of ​​his identity.

Hu Xin, that’s his name.

Meng Fei only remembered this one identity.

And what came after that was what Meng Fei paid more attention to.

That was about his ability when he approached Meng Fei.

It was a secret technique that was extremely rare in the ordinary world, called stepping in the air.

Stepping in the air, as the name suggests, is a magical step that can be stepped on in the air to move forward, and with Hu Xin’s current cultivation, he can only step on a small distance, which is incomparable to those masters.

The higher the cultivation, the more advanced it is, and the higher the height that can be jumped.

Meng Fei thought about it. He had never heard of flying in this world. Today, he heard about the stepping into the air, which was the closest to flying.

Meng Fei could not help but become very interested in this.

"How to learn?"

In the end, Meng Fei was even more outspoken, telling him his inner thoughts without any concealment.

Hu Xin had no choice but to obey Meng Fei and said, "If you have the courage and ability, just follow me."

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