The face of the poison master was full of confidence at this time.

Although he had seen Meng Fei's powerful recovery ability before, he didn't believe that Meng Fei could directly recover his heart with this move directly hitting his heart.

Meng Fei's side.

Although he couldn't see what was happening inside, he could only see that his chest was black and eroded, and it was still spreading.

Of course, his powerful recovery ability was also gradually reducing the degree of spread to the minimum, and he was fighting against it tenaciously. The poison on Meng Fei's body was constantly easing.

And his heart was the most pessimistic place at this time. Meng Fei only felt a burst of stabbing sensations coming from his heart, and the feeling of barbs being pulled out of his heart.

This situation made Meng Fei extremely tortured and painful, and the severe pain rushed straight to the top of his head.

Fortunately, the abnormal self-healing ability was not false. First, his brain was protected to make him less painful, and then he fought against the poisons that destroyed his body.

In order to speed up this process, Meng Fei even had a violent idea.

And he did it right away. Meng Fei immediately took action.

"What does this guy want to do?!"

After seeing Meng Fei's incredible move, Du Laoye turned his head slightly, not daring to look directly at the scene in front of him.

Meng Fei actually emptied his chest with his palm, and the terrifying heart was exposed.

"Fuck! Ugh~"

Who knew that Hu Xin in the distance was just curious, so he stuck his head out to take a look, but who knew that he would regret it immediately.

The scene in front of him made him feel sick, and he felt something was about to come out of his throat.

Such a scene was too shocking, where had he seen it before, and he clearly knew that this was definitely not the effect of the Poison Heart Palm, but Meng Fei was trying to fight against the negative effects of the Poison Heart Palm.

Even Du Laoye was dumbfounded, so he did not continue to attack, but just watched quietly in front of him, and his two not-so-conspicuous eyebrows were directly fused together, which made him a little horrified.

What was even more bizarre was Hu Xin. After taking a look at such a scene, he vomited directly, but at the same time, his curiosity made him want to continue watching, but he didn't dare to watch it. He was really entangled.

"Got it!"

Hu Xin patted his thigh as if he had suddenly realized something, and then he didn't know where he went. He could only see his figure disappear in the cloud house group not far in front of him.

Not long after, his body appeared again. This time, all kinds of people appeared around him, about ten or so.

It looked like the weirdos in the whole Lingxu Valley, there was an old woman with an evil look on her face, a bald man with his breasts exposed, and all kinds of weirdos...

They all came to the "battlefield" and wanted to see what happened.

"Hey, isn't this Lao Du? What are you doing?"

"What happened?"

"Hmm... who is this kid? It seems that Lao Du hit him with a palm? He didn't die? What's the situation? Did you do this, Lao Du?"

"Oh, this young man is not simple!"

"Is it his ability? It's really weird!"

"Weird? No matter how weird it is, it can't be blamed on us, right? Those outsiders call us the Lingxu Thirteen Weirdos!"

"Huh? No matter what, we can't do such a thing, right?"


Lao Du was also surprised when he saw the twelve of them. He didn't expect that they would suddenly appear at this time, which really surprised him.

"Who alarmed you?" Lao Du asked.

"This kid."

As he said, the ** bald man picked up a person, and that person was Hu Xin.

"The Hu family kid? Why did you call them here?" Lao Du was even more puzzled, and wrinkles appeared on his suspicious face.

Hu Xin touched his head in embarrassment, and after glimpsing Meng Fei, he squeezed his eyes with a painful expression, and only saw a moving mouth explaining: "Because... I want to see... but I dare not..."

"Oh, this stinky boy, he is really a cheapskate."

The old woman on the side also showed a wicked smile, looking like a vicious old woman.

"Mother-in-law!" Who knows that Hu Xin immediately showed an unhappy expression when he heard this.

"Oh, mother-in-law's fault, I spoke too quickly, don't take it to heart!" The old woman laughed again, looking like an old witch who can eat people.

"Look at that boy! It's really against the sky!"

One of the thirteen people said a word to directly pull everyone's thoughts back.

Everyone's eyes were cast on Meng Fei again.

I saw Meng Fei was pulling out the barbs growing from his heart one by one. The poison was still there, but Meng Fei's self-healing ability was fighting against it, and Meng Fei didn't need to worry.

The black color around his chest was gradually fading, and his self-healing ability made Meng Fei not lose any blood, let alone fall into a coma.

Instead, he was able to remove the barbs very smoothly. With Meng Fei's own efforts and the blessing of his self-healing ability, he worked hard for a short time, and finally his efforts paid off.

Meng Fei's toxins and barbs were cleaned up, and then his heart automatically recovered to its original state, and then the big hole in Meng Fei's chest was also immediately restored.

Finally, it returned to its original state, and Meng Fei appeared in front of everyone again.

This scene directly amazed everyone in Lingxu Valley.

"This guy could have avoided my palm, but he chose to take it hard, and he was really intact. Did he really do it on purpose?" Lao Du began to doubt himself.

"This young man, wow, wow, he's incredible!"

"Old Poison, don't pay attention to him, this guy is much more interesting than Hu Xin!"

"Haha, don't brag, this guy is obviously not serious, Old Poison may not be able to deal with him!"

"I don't know what this guy wants to do in Lingxu Valley?"

"Oh, interesting young man, this body is really an endless material for making clothes!"

"Old woman, don't think too much, your body can handle this kid? This kid doesn't look like an ordinary person."

"Is this guy a monster? He can even repair his body by himself!"

"Hey, you really don't say it, it really feels like that!"


Everyone was talking.

At this time, an old man with white hair and a long and white beard appeared. He closed his eyes slightly and had not spoken before.

After he came out, several people in the audience quieted down, and some of them, including Hu Xin, said respectfully:

"Hello, Valley Master!"

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