"Valley Master?"

Meng Fei was somewhat surprised by the man with this title.

I thought they were a group of people who did whatever they wanted, but who knew they actually had a boss like them.

The old valley master walked two steps in front of the crowd, then stroked his long beard, squinted his eyes and looked at Meng Fei, as if he was trying to observe.

"What a powerful boy, I wonder if you can fight with me?" The old valley master spoke, his voice seemed very kind.

Compared with other weirdos, the valley master is more like a master who has left the world. You can only feel that many stories are passing by like sand in him, but it is unknown what kind of stories they are. The old valley master looks very out of the world, as if he has seen through it, and as if he has seen too much.

And his challenge to Meng Fei did not make Meng Fei feel anything unusual. After all, Meng Fei has met many people like him, and they all think Meng Fei is very mysterious and powerful, so they want to try with him.

Meng Fei is used to it.

However, the old valley master's behavior shocked the other weirdos.

"What! The valley master hasn't taken action in so many years. Is he interested?!"

"You are so fierce. Isn't it because there is no one worthy of him to take action in so many years?"

"What you said makes sense. That is to say, the valley master saw that this guy is very strong, so he wants to try with him?"

"You see the valley master is still asking for help. Doesn't he doubt that he can't beat him?"

"That's far from the truth, but we can see first."


It seems that the old valley master is also a powerful master, and there is basically no opponent in the entire Lingxu Valley. Seeing Meng Fei today, his hands can't help but itch.

He also used courtesy before force, and did not rush to take action. Instead, he asked Meng Fei first, "Boy, why did you come here?"

Meng Fei was also outspoken, saying, "I heard that Lingxu Valley is full of strange people, so I came here to improve my skills and experience."

"Hahaha!" The old valley master laughed heartily, and he stroked his beard again, saying leisurely, "I'm afraid we can hardly be your opponents, how can we improve our skills? But this Lingxu Valley is indeed a good place to practice, and young people still have to ask the old man!"

This is not modesty, but after some observation, the old valley master found that Meng Fei's strength was terrifying, and it can even be said that he had never seen such a strong strength in his life.

Of course, this cannot be said to be short-sighted.

After all, Meng Fei's strength is now between the Earth Yaksha and the Sky Yaksha, and he is approaching the Sky Yaksha. A person who can kill the Sky Yaksha, such as Li Changfeng, is a world-famous existence.

It can be said that the strength of Tian Yasha is almost the strongest strength that these people can see, so Meng Fei is now almost the most terrifying strength they have ever seen in their lives.

However, the old valley master obviously did not look scared, but was extremely excited. The aging self in his heart seemed to be reborn at this moment.

However, he was still steady, turned around, and saw him ordering the other ten or so people:

"Everyone, if I tie with him today, or if he beats me, then we must give our unique skills to this young man! You also heard that he came here to increase his skills. If he can really not lose to me, we must do this for him! This is respect for the young strongest."

"What do you think?"

The old valley master asked them again.

The other weirdos couldn't help but think seriously, and after thinking for a while.

The old woman came out first. She supported her bent body and said as if she was talking to herself: "I have no objection. After all, I am an old man in Lingxu Valley. If this skill is not passed down, it will be said that the roots are cut off. Instead of rotting here, it is better to pass it on to him! I just hope that he can have this ability! Otherwise, if our skills reappear in the world, we will probably be hunted down!"

The old woman's words really expressed her true feelings.

After she said this, even the old valley master was shocked. He never thought that she would say what was in her heart.

So, the old valley master broke the jar and confessed his true thoughts to Meng Fei.

It turned out that these people were not here to enjoy themselves, but to unite their strength in Lingxu Valley, and a group of people faced the enemies of the world together.

This Lingxu Valley can be said to be the Valley of Evil. These people have learned skills, but they have not done good things. They are hunted down outside. They fled here. A group of people based on their own strengths finally decided that the valley master was the leader.

There were more than thirteen people originally, but one person died, leaving only a child, Hu Xin, who they have taken care of for more than ten years.

This guy is also curious about everything, always likes to run to the edge of Lingxu Valley to look around, and just happened to run into Meng Fei.

And these people are almost all very old. If Hu Xin is not counted, the youngest is more than 30 years old, and the oldest valley master is more than 70 years old.

The rest are probably in their forties or fifties.

And they are not afraid of death, but just feel it is a pity that they can no longer appear in the world, even if they are related to them. They are grateful.

With Hu Xin's strength, once he appears in the world, if he is found to be the offspring of those weirdos, he will be killed.

And now Meng Fei said that he wanted to increase his abilities. This undoubtedly gave them a chance to make their abilities reappear in the world.

Most people cannot understand their thoughts, and only they themselves will understand what this means to them.

It can be said that they spent the rest of their lives huddled in this Lingxu Valley, never seeing the light from the outside. Although the scenery here is beautiful, it is a real prison for them.

They are like birds in a cage. Even if the cage does not let them die, they have permanently lost their freedom. As long as they can see their feathers flying freely in the vast world, they will feel a little comfort in their hearts.

So, under such circumstances, all the weirdos stopped hiding and began to express their feelings.

And if he wants to realize what he wants, the most important thing is that Meng Fei cannot lose to the old Valley Master!

"Come on, young man! Don't lose!"

"Show your true skills! We must succeed!"

"Young man! Let us see what you are capable of!"

"You must not lose! We are still waiting to pass on all our skills to you!"

"Oh ho ho! I haven't looked forward to anything like this for a long time!"

Hearing these blessings from evil people, Meng Fei couldn't help but smile. The extremely vicious bad people were finally punished. Bad people are indeed not worthy of sympathy, but the same is not true for people who long for freedom.

The old Valley Master smiled heartily. He faced Meng Fei with a kind smile like a golden Buddha. He stretched out his palm and said gently to Meng Fei:

"Look, everyone is blessing you, and so am I, but don't think that I will be lenient!"

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