"Haha, you can't just say mercy."

Meng Fei also responded to the old valley master forcefully.

The old valley master's eyebrows twisted for a moment, then suddenly opened, and the mind that had been thinking for a while immediately relaxed.

The old valley master's eyes changed at this moment, and his whole temperament became completely different at this moment.

If the old valley master was like a kind-faced golden Buddha at the beginning, then now he has a head of snow-white hair dancing wildly, like a demon who has just woken up from a deep sleep.

The old valley master's eyebrows are like swords pointing to the sky, his whole face is as attractive as an eagle, his eyes are like cold arrows, and his whole body is full of murderous and bloodthirsty breath.

"Is this what the old valley master looks like?"

Meng Fei couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the change in the old valley master.

Such a huge change made Meng Fei feel surprised.

But after thinking about it carefully, all this can be explained. After all, there is no saying that the weirdos in Lingxu Valley used to be good people.

Therefore, the appearance of the devil now is the real appearance of the old valley master.

Meng Fei also became serious. Although neither side had made a move yet, he could strongly feel the powerful pressure from the old valley master.

Since the old valley master could beat all the other weirdos in Lingxu Valley alone, his strength was naturally beyond doubt.

The old valley master burst out with momentum. Although he was a senior, Meng Fei's strength was worth his immediate attack regardless of everything.

The old valley master's snowy hair was dancing wildly at this time, and there was a low roar in his mouth. His body in his seventies looked so strong and powerful at this moment.

He punched the ground, and the whole earth even trembled.

Cracks began to appear on the ground, and they kept invading Meng Fei's front.

Meng Fei immediately dodged, because the speed of the cracks was not too fast, he still dodged it easily.

But it would definitely not end like this.

Meng Fei had just dodged the crack, but he felt the tremor from the soles of his feet again.

"What does this mean?"

Even he was a little confused, but when he raised his head, Meng Fei found that the old valley master had disappeared in front of him.

"What is this?!"

What made Meng Fei feel even more strange was that the cracks on the ground next to him disappeared at this time.

Meng Fei couldn't help being surprised by such a situation. Fortunately, he had seen a lot of strange things for so long, so this was not a very strange thing.

But his question was, where did the old valley master go?


Suddenly, Meng Fei felt a chill from behind, and his strong perception told him that he was suddenly attacked from behind.

In a flash, Meng Fei turned sideways and a fist passed in front of him.

The fist was very powerful. When it passed in front of Meng Fei, the violent fist wind directly seemed to lift his entire face.

The soil on the side was stirred everywhere, not to mention the other villains, who hid far away when they saw this scene.

All these performances are enough to show how terrible the power of this punch is, and Meng Fei is also extremely amazed.

I didn't expect that a white-haired old man could burst out such power, but Meng Fei is not a vegetarian.

Although this punch made Meng Fei's body unstable, the strong core strength made Meng Fei turn around, and then he punched the old valley master with a cracking sound.

"This power??!"

When the fist was still on the way, the old valley master was stunned when he saw the fist coming with lightning.

At this moment, there was only one word in his heart-escape!

In addition to escaping, he really didn't know what other way to survive this punch.

So, the old valley master's figure suddenly twisted, like a shadow reflected in the water, and finally followed Meng Fei's fist.

This violent punch seemed to hit the water surface, and the old valley master's figure dissipated little by little, like ripples.

"What is this again?"

This punch missed, and Meng Fei was also confused.

From before, the old valley master had shown something very ghostly, whether it was the illusion of the earth cracking and then suddenly appearing behind him, or leaving a ripple-like afterimage and escaping afterwards.

The old valley master's skills seemed extremely ghostly and mysterious, which aroused Meng Fei's curiosity.

But the battle in front of him was not over yet, and Meng Fei was not in the right time to worry about it.

At this time, the old valley master suddenly appeared again. This guy seemed to be invisible, always disappearing and then suddenly appearing. Fortunately, Meng Fei had a strong sense of perception, otherwise he would be easily hit by him.


Meng Fei turned around confidently and punched him again without giving him face.


However, Meng Fei's punch directly stunned him.

He saw that the old valley master who was punched through the chest by him actually disintegrated like a ripple again like before.


This series of strange phenomena made Meng Fei a little unconfident.

Then he turned around, and Meng Fei was stunned instantly.

At this moment, a bunch of old valley masters appeared in front of him.

"What's going on?"

Meng Fei was a little excited at the moment, so he rushed to the group of old valley masters.

Then he punched many old valley masters one by one, but they would regroup after being dispersed, and he was hit several times in this situation.

This made Meng Fei confused.

To be honest, no illusion could escape his eyes, even his nose and ears.

However, everything that happened before kept telling him that all this was so magical.

"Could it be?!"

At this time, in this situation, Meng Fei couldn't help but think.

Could it be that everything he did was not to confuse his eyes with something that didn't exist, but to create some desired fake things like painting, and then achieve real confusion?

To do this, Meng Fei could only think of one thing.

That is Qi!

With such a guess, Meng Fei circulated his Qi again, and recalled the Thousand Hands Secret Technique in his head.

He calmed down, and at this moment he seemed to be out of the world.

The world seemed to be quiet in an instant. Meng Fei first pushed forward a palm, and then pushed out another palm.

The air wrapped around his two palms, the world around him began to change, and his back was getting hot.

At this time, arms suddenly grew out from behind Meng Fei.

Finally, those arms retreated back to his back and finally became a ball of light.

Meng Fei opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes were like shooting divine light, and he kept pushing and pulling his two palms.

Suddenly, huge arms grew out one after another on the ground in front of Meng Fei.

The huge arms wrapped in air bombarded countless old valley masters, and the air was like a gorgeous firework in an instant.

After being knocked down by the air palm, the old valley master's clone could not be reassembled, and in the end, only the last person was left.

The figure of the last old valley master was still there and was not broken up.

He smiled at Meng Fei and said, "It seems that I have reached the end. I have used all my skills. If I fight, I will definitely lose! I, lose!"

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