With Meng Fei shouting.

It seemed that he just struck a random palm towards the top, but the next second, a black mist like a dark cloud suddenly appeared in the entire sky.

Immediately afterwards, the black mist expanded and soon enveloped the entire six-clawed monster, like a pitch-black sky.

The six-clawed monster seemed to feel a fatal feeling from its heart at this moment, so it hurriedly shook its head and roared in waves.

Its claws began to spread out, as if it wanted to escape from here immediately.

And its eyes immediately focused on Meng Fei's back, which was the direction Meng Fei came from, and was the exit of the entire deep cave.

It once again let out a long and angry roar at Meng Fei.

Then, it rushed towards Meng Fei desperately, just a little gap beside Meng Fei, that was like its hope of survival.

The black mist above the head seemed to be a sentence of death for it, so the six-clawed monster immediately started to panic, trying to get out of here as quickly as possible.

"Don't even think about escaping!"

However, how could Meng Fei let it succeed.

The place where Meng Fei blocked the exit was like an extremely hard city wall.

He was not a huge body standing there, but he looked extremely tall.

He knocked back the six-clawed monster with one palm. Meng Fei also learned the lesson with this palm and no longer violently beat it into pieces, but simply pushed its body.

At this time, glowing spots began to appear in the black fog overhead.

These spots kept twinkling on the black fog, like stars twinkling on the dark night.

However, these "stars" are not so beautiful, because these are destructive things!

The "stars" light spots flashed, and then there was a blast like thunder, and then you could see those light spots starting to fall crazily downwards.

It felt like a downpour, but the difference was that the raindrops did not have such violent power.

Those "raindrops" began to hit the six-clawed monster crazily, and the six-clawed monster's body disintegrated little by little.

"not good!"

However, Meng Fei saw something bad happening.

Although the power of thousands of meteor palms is full, and in its current state, there is no problem at all in cleaning up the six-clawed monster.

However, Meng Fei saw that the pieces of the six-clawed monster began to scatter everywhere. Although they still could not escape the thousands of meteors in the end, the other stone figurines seemed to be in the process of being shattered after being hit by thousands of meteors.

Although Meng Fei had already solved all their ideas, at this juncture, he had not thought of that much yet, at least not until he had tested the power of thousands of meteor palms.

"Forget it, that's it."

But after thinking about it, the venue here was originally small and restricted, so it was inevitable that such a situation would occur. Meng Fei finally accepted this reality calmly.

The stone figurines began to break, and the rhythm seemed to be exactly the same as the speed at which the six-clawed monster was destroyed, almost simultaneously.

The six-clawed monster was unable to move under the pressure of thousands of meteors, and was collapsing step by step.

What's even more frightening about the thousands of meteors is their extremely violent speed. The six-clawed monster has no time to regroup, and can only watch its pieces of flesh disintegrate little by little, and finally even become one in the air.

Finally, under the crazy bombardment of thousands of meteors, the six-clawed monster completely collapsed and no longer existed in the world. The black mist celestial body that appeared from thousands of meteors also disappeared.

And all this is not over yet, the cracks on the stone figurines spread little by little, and finally the entire cave began to tremble crazily. The remaining nine stone figurine monsters appeared at the same time, and instantly burst out with unparalleled power.

"This is really awesome."

Looking at this spectacular scene, Meng Fei said with some self-deprecation.

The cave had begun to collapse, and Meng Fei punched the top directly, creating a man-sized hole. Through the hole, a small piece of sky could be seen.

Meng Fei rushed straight up and soon reached the land.

The bottom was still trembling, so Meng Fei quickly broke the stone and stuffed it into the hole he had just made.

But this couldn't last long. It was only a matter of time before those guys came out. On the ground, Meng Fei could hear the thumping sound coming from below, which was the sound of them destroying the floor.

"It seems we have to think of a solution."

After all, if those guys come out, it would be very embarrassing if Meng Fei couldn't deal with them all at once and let them run away. It would feel like he had caused trouble.

So, Meng Fei moved again and struck a palm in the sky above the trembling ground, and black mist immediately gathered in the sky again.

Meng Fei's face was not satisfied.

The black mist slowly gathered, and it would not be conducive to what he wanted to do in the future.

"No, the speed is too slow, and if those nine guys want to be solved at once, they must be stronger!"

Once those guys come out, it is obviously not that easy for Meng Fei to destroy them all in an instant.

"If only I could be stronger!"

Meng Fei also complained about his lack of strength.

And what on earth should he do now to wildly amplify the power of thousands of meteors?

Bang bang!

Seeing that the ground beneath his feet had begun to crack, Meng Fei couldn't help but frown. He couldn't go on like this anymore, he had to do something!

Meng Fei walked around anxiously, wandering around.

How can we instantly increase the power of thousands of meteors?

This question has always been tugged at Meng Fei's mind.

Meng Fei couldn't help but fall into deep thought, and the world around him seemed to be quiet all of a sudden, and Meng Fei entered his own world.

At this time, inadvertently, he even entered the super-limit state, and at this time, the god-viewing technique in his mind started spontaneously.

Meng Fei's body was now red with a ray of holy light, and his strength skyrocketed.

In his current state, it is estimated that fighting Tian Yasha is no longer a problem.

Even so, the energy reflected on thousands of meteors is still not enough to allow it to instantly destroy the nine stone figurines.

He couldn't help but stare at his hands, Meng Fei deeply questioned himself, "What strength do you have left?!"

At this time, a white steam-like gas suddenly floated in front of Meng Fei.

Meng Fei looked at this gas and his eyes widened instantly.

He remembered, it was gas!

It was the Qi that he had never been able to break through!

But at this moment, could he do it?

Meng Fei questioned himself, then closed his eyes, feeling and guiding the Qi in his body, and the Qi began to flow in Meng Fei's body.

Like a quiet stream, it wandered gently.

In the end, the water flow encountered a stone wall and stopped there...

Meng Fei couldn't help but frowned.

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