"Damn it!"

Feeling the "stone wall" blocking his way, Meng Fei couldn't help but curse.

But he soon calmed down. This was not the first time he had seen such a situation, although the situation was urgent now.

At this time, Meng Fei calmed himself down completely. He was thinking about the problem.

Gradually, Meng Fei suddenly felt a little fuzzy. His head was dizzy, as if he was falling upside down towards a cliff.

Meng Fei felt uncomfortable at this time, so he tried to open his eyes, but it seemed extremely difficult.

His body seemed to be falling non-stop, and the last force lifted him up, as if he fell into the water.

At this time, the negative effects on him seemed to be eliminated at once.

At this time, Meng Fei was like a light leaf, and the comfortable feeling made him feel only a burst of pleasure.

He suddenly opened his eyes and found that he seemed to be surrounded by some unknown white gas, and when he looked up, he found that there was a huge wall in front of him.

"What is this?"

Meng Fei was inevitably a little at a loss.

All this happened so suddenly that he was not prepared.

He stepped forward and touched the wall with his hand. For some reason, when he put his hand on it, he always felt a very subtle feeling in his body.

The gas around Meng Fei was getting more and more, constantly gathering around him.

The gas quickly gathered into a ball, and then squeezed towards the wall in front of him frantically.

It was like a blocked river, the rivers gathered together, trying to break the obstacles in front of them.

"This... is such a familiar feeling?"

For some reason, Meng Fei always felt that everything in front of him was very familiar to him, but for some reason, it was as if there was some memory in his head that was sealed up and could not be seen.

Meng Fei couldn't help but pat the stone wall in front of him, and looked around at the crazy gas.

Apart from anything else, this feeling of being blocked made him more and more suffocated and uncomfortable, so he immediately had a bold idea at this time.

He did it as soon as he said it. Although it was just an idea in his mind, Meng Fei directly raised his fist and hit the stone wall in front of him with all his strength.

The stone wall was instantly broken into pieces by Meng Fei's punch, scattered all over the ground. Meng Fei looked at his hands in surprise. He was a little surprised and doubtful about his own strength.

As the stone wall was broken, the gas rushed towards the side behind it crazily, constantly gathering huge amounts.

For some reason, Meng Fei looked at the unobstructed scene at this time, and not only his mind was unobstructed, but also his body felt comfortable, just like the feeling of being choked by something for a long time and then being unobstructed. That feeling was simply indescribable comfort!

At this time, everything around him began to collapse, and Meng Fei fainted again.

When he woke up again, Meng Fei suddenly opened his eyes and gasped heavily, as if he had just experienced a desperate life-and-death battle.

Meng Fei seemed to be reborn, and the whole person seemed to have undergone a gorgeous transformation. Now he seemed like a brand new person.

"What is this?"

Moreover, he could clearly feel the incomparable unobstructed feeling from his head.

He couldn't help but touch his forehead, which was extremely flat and normal, but Meng Fei felt that it was swollen, as if something had passed through it.

Then there was a feeling of great comfort. Meng Fei began to recall everything that had just happened in his mind. He suddenly opened his eyes and finally understood what had happened.

"The forehead was finally broken by me!"

Meng Fei shouted in surprise. After entering the wonderful state before, he was even more confused and seemed to have lost his memory. At this time, he finally remembered everything.

He finally returned to reality at this moment. Meng Fei looked at the black fog above his head and showed a confident expression.

There was almost only a thin layer of the ground under his feet, and the monsters below were about to break out of the ground.

The passage had been destroyed by the tremor long ago, so they had to keep destroying the cave. Now they were about to break out and appear in this world in broad daylight!

Meng Fei gritted his teeth and stimulated all his states at this moment. The limit and the god of vision were fully opened, and a sharp light suddenly shot out from his forehead.

He suddenly made a move and slapped the black fog in the sky again.

This palm, the black fog seemed to stir like crazy, and the whole thing took on a spiral shape, and finally became a huge black vortex.

The meteor light spots above also spun wildly, and the friction of the black fog immediately produced terrifying sparks, and the crackling sound was even more terrifying, as if a jungle beast was roaring with its head down.


There was a sudden sound, as if two sounds overlapped together.

One was the sound of the monster breaking through the ground, and the other was the sound of thousands of meteors exploding.

The monsters had just shown their heads when they were directly covered by meteor showers. Meteor light spots shot through their bodies, instantly hitting them to the point of direct disintegration.

Meng Fei looked at everything in front of him with satisfaction.

The thousands of meteors now can be said to be fully developed.

The fully developed thousands of meteors have a faster gathering speed and even more powerful and violent power!

All the monsters were destroyed.

A terrifying sunken ground was formed on the ground, which was Meng Fei's big move.

After solving these strange things, Meng Fei was at ease to continue his retreat and practice.

This short retreat solved his biggest problem, and he was extremely satisfied.

Now he can practice more smoothly.

Various secret techniques are extremely smooth when the qi is almost perfect.

After all, qi is the basis of all techniques, and Meng Fei's subsequent practice became easier.

But it's easy, but you should try to calm down and persist.

In the following days, Meng Fei calmed down.

He practiced everything he had received that was useful to him.

Especially the fused secret technique, the Thousand Meteor Palm.

It was consolidated and strengthened, so that Meng Fei could control its strength more freely in the future, and even master the size of its destructive power.

Finally, he could even put the black mist in the palm of his hand and make a small meteor explosion.

Meng Fei's strength has made a qualitative leap.

And time passed even more mercilessly.

When Meng Fei felt that the time was right, he came out of retreat to ask, but it had been three years since he came to Lingxu Valley.

It had also been three years since he had been separated from his companions. It seemed that it was time to start traveling alone again.

Now he was extremely confident. With those secret techniques and Meng Fei's pure individual strength, he believed that he could already compete with Tian Yasha.

"It's time."

Meng Fei said goodbye to the weirdos in Lingxu Valley.

It was time. Meng Fei was going to start his wandering journey again.

This time, he was going to do something more meaningful.

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