The wind breaks the waves, and thousands of sails pass by.

On this river, Meng Fei is like a lonely ship floating on the ocean.

He folded a small boat and sat on it, and then he kept floating on this river, day after day.

The sun shone on the river, reflecting Meng Fei's eyes. Meng Fei stood and looked at it, covering his eyebrows with one hand.

"What is that?"

Since he was drifting by himself, Meng Fei didn't know where he was going.

He could only see that the nearest to him was an inner beach, which seemed to be inhabited. Meng Fei planned to stay here for two days.

After getting on the shore, Meng Fei walked inside, passing through the small paths blocked by trees, and Meng Fei soon came to the beach.

This seemed to be a place similar to a "ditch", surrounded by ponds, and the water looked dark blue.

At this time, an old man with a white cloth wrapped around his head appeared near Meng Fei.

He looked at Meng Fei with a puzzled look on his face, and said, "Young man, why are you here?"

Meng Fei looked strange and asked, "Is it strange to come here?"

The old man lowered his head slightly, then sighed softly, and said, "Do you know where this is?"

"I go wherever I go, I don't recognize the place." Meng Fei replied.

"Stupid!" Hearing Meng Fei's words, the old man scolded him and continued, "I am the only one in Jiuyungou."

"You alone?" Meng Fei couldn't help scratching his head, he was puzzled, "But when I came here, it seemed that there were still several people active here, right?"

The old man frowned and said to him unhappily, "You have such good eyesight, but you don't know how to be careful, and you come to this place."

"Oh..." Meng Fei was helpless, and said, "Old man, don't keep me in suspense, just tell me if you have any questions."

"You!" The old man glanced at Meng Fei, then sat cross-legged on the ground, and gently explained everything here to him.

As far as the old man knows, this Jiuyungou is a cursed place. There are bad things here, and people need to watch over it. Once that person enters here, he can no longer escape and must guard those so-called "things" here.

And, more importantly, there are many people like him before and after, but only one person each time.

And there are only two ways to leave the shackles here.

One is to die, and the other is to wait for the next unlucky person to come here, and as long as the person who comes is younger than the person here now, he will be left here directly, and not only that, there is also a forced way.

That is, if the new person who comes here drinks the water here, he will also be left here, and the original person can leave, and the old man said that he was left here like this.

And almost every time it will be these two situations. According to the old man, he has been here for thirty years, but he came here willingly, including drinking the water here, which he is also willing to do.

Meng Fei asked him why he voluntarily stayed here.

The old man continued to tell the story.

It turned out that he was once an important official of a country, deeply valued and loved by the king, but such a situation would also cause extreme phenomena.

So, he was united by other red-eyed officials and set a trap for him to jump into.

He escaped many times, but once he was careless, so he fell into their trap and was tricked.

He also hated this, but the punishment for carelessness was far beyond his expectations.

Although he made a lot of coping strategies, he was only successfully dismissed in the end, but the matter was far from over.

After being dismissed, there was no protection from his subordinates, only a loyal personal guard was still there, so he didn't care about it later.

In the end, his entire family was killed except him, and even the personal guard died for him.

He fled overnight and finally came to Jiuyungou.

He had heard the legend of Jiuyungou, so he plunged into it.

Then there was the scene today.

After the story was told, the old man's face was full of vicissitudes.

Meng Fei was a little emotional. The old man's behavior was contradictory. His family was all killed, so he should have lost the courage to live, but he insisted on living.

Is he afraid of death? Meng Fei didn't think so. He thought the old man probably had some other ideas in his mind.

The white cloth on his head was to remind him of his family's experience. The clear words seemed to preserve his wisdom. All this was probably revenge, Meng Fei thought, but the old man thought he didn't have that ability anymore, so he kept hesitating and struggling whether to go out.

"Old man, you are not willing, right?" Meng Fei was also blunt.

When the old man heard Meng Fei's words, his brows were furrowed, and then he was relieved and nodded with relief. Then he said to Meng Fei with a helpless tone: "Yes, but..."

These three short words seemed to have endless content.

Meng Fei sighed. After all, he was just a passerby. He would not interfere in these things. Everything depended on the old man's awareness.

At this moment, the old man suddenly gnashed his teeth and said with a ferocious look: "If...if I can get that thing, I will definitely be able to take revenge!"

"That thing? What is that?" Meng Fei's face was full of confusion and curiosity.

The old man calmed down, then stood up, pointed at the dark blue pond and said: "Legend has it that there is a stone sword hidden under Jiuyungou, and everyone who is bound here is actually using his life to Protecting the stone sword!"

"Stone sword?" Meng Fei became a little interested.

"Yes." Then, the original light in the old man's eyes disappeared a lot, "But I don't know if it is true or not. After all, I only heard that the stone sword can give you magical power. Now I think that having this kind of power is definitely truly powerful! It's just that! Unfortunately, I don’t have the ability to get it or even verify its existence.”

"I see."

Meng Fei couldn't help but touch his chin.

He thought the old man was hesitant, but then Meng Fei realized that the old man "knew" that the so-called artifact was hidden here, so he stayed here. Rather than protecting those who accidentally came here, he said He was afraid that the stone sword would be taken away by others.

And now he is confessing to Meng Fei, probably because it has been too long. Thirty years have made the old man a little numb. After all, so many years of persistence have not seen results.

"Haha, that's interesting."

Meng Fei stood up with a big smile, and then started to circulate his Qi, Dantian, and eyebrows at the same time. The gas vortex began to crazily provide energy for Meng Fei.

In the end, the energy directly wrapped up Meng Fei's whole body, and then he saw Meng Fei jump up, turn over on his back and jump into the water, and kept diving.

"young people?!"

The old man looked shocked and couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"This guy actually went down as soon as he said it..."

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