"I didn't expect that the surface is so dark, but the inside is so transparent."

As he spoke, Meng Fei seemed to have entered Jiuyungou.

What he didn't expect was that under the dark blue surface, there was such a transparent and clear underwater world.

And this time underwater, Meng Fei didn't see a single living thing.

This is obviously abnormal.

Surrounded by air, Meng Fei can also move normally underwater.

So, he kept diving and soon came to the bottom of the water.

Meng Fei stepped on the bottom of the quicksand and mud, as if he was walking on land.

This place seems to be a flat land filled with water. If the water is drained, it is estimated that there will be people living here.

"Stone sword? Where is it?"

With the idea of ​​the stone sword, Meng Fei came here, but he didn't see anything.

Everything here is extremely flat, and the quicksand land is also sparse. Meng Fei has some ideas, "Could it be buried underneath?"

With this idea, Meng Fei decided to lift the quicksand layer to see what is there.

So, Meng Fei immediately circulated his Qi, and then a black mist vortex immediately appeared in the center of his right palm, and then he put his right hand on the quicksand layer.

The quicksand layer immediately "rippled", and layers of quicksand were pushed to the surrounding area, and the entire bottom of the water went deeper again.

Almost half a leg length of Meng Fei went down, and something unusual really appeared in front of him.

"What is that?"

In front of him, a small corner emerged, and the sand on it was tightly attached to it, which was the precipitation of years.

Meng Fei came to it, pinched the corner with his fingers, and pulled it out of the thick quicksand layer with great force.

It had almost become a ball of quicksand solid, and it was not seen at all. Meng Fei used his fingers to roughly flick off the sand and soil on it.

The general appearance of the thing finally appeared in front of Meng Fei.

"Is this the stone sword?"

Meng Fei looked at the sand and soil solid in his hand that was roughly in the shape of a sword, and his head was full of guesses, but the biggest guess was naturally the stone sword.

But this is a bit rough.

And Meng Fei did not feel the magic of this thing, so he did not know where the mystery of this thing was.

Perhaps it was because Meng Fei did not clean it up.

So, Meng Fei continued to clean the sand and soil on it, doing it carefully and seriously, and time passed little by little.


Finally, Meng Fei almost cleaned the surface of the stone sword.

And he finally saw that the stone sword was inserted into the stone hilt, and its hilt was also made of stone.

Meng Fei slowly pulled out the stone sword.

The sword body of the stone sword was also exposed, and Meng Fei finally saw it.

The sword body of the stone sword is also the color of stone, but it looks extremely sharp.

Moreover, Meng Fei held the stone sword in his hand at this time, and he could feel a vigorous energy infusing into his body.

That kind of energy is absolutely positive, and it is definitely not the transmission of negative energy. Meng Fei's body feels comfortable, of course, this is just the feeling acting on him.

If this force acts on an ordinary person, it will definitely make this person undergo a qualitative change and transcend the existence of ordinary people.

"It seems that the old man is right." Although I don't know where the old man got the rumor, the accuracy is indeed surprising.


Suddenly, Meng Fei felt a tremor at the soles of his feet, and his balance gradually lost.

"What is this?"

While balancing his body, Meng Fei stared at the front of him in disbelief.

That was exactly where he pulled out the stone sword, and at this time, the sand and soil around the hole that was originally left there began to rotate, and the original hole began to sink.

In front of Meng Fei, a whirlpool appeared.

However, the strange thing is that the surrounding sand and water were not sucked away by the whirlpool.

This made Meng Fei think that there should be something blocking the bottom of the whirlpool.

So it will not suck away other things.

Meng Fei went forward to check, and a powerful Qi burst out to wrap his body. Meng Fei put the black mist vortex in his palm again. He slapped it down, and the vortex in front of him was instantly swallowed by the black mist vortex.

Meng Fei turned his hand to the side and discharged the power. The whole pond was almost disturbed by this.

Even the old man above couldn't help but soften his legs when he saw this scene, and was surprised that Meng Fei could survive so long there, and it seemed that he was still fine now.

Meng Fei lifted the sand again, and an exquisite box appeared in front of him.

Moreover, there was a small gap in the middle of the box, as if it was prepared for something to be inserted into it.

Meng Fei then realized that there seemed to be very little sand invading the position of the sword tip on the stone sword, only a thin layer.

So he put the sword back into the stone sheath and inserted it into it at the position of the sword tip.

Unexpectedly, it really fit.

Even Meng Fei didn't expect that this stone sword would be placed here like this.

"What's going on? Could it be?!"

However, as Meng Fei inserted it, the surrounding sand began to gather, madly gathering towards the box and the stone sword, and trying to bury them little by little.

Meng Fei immediately had a clue in his mind, he pulled out the stone sword, and everything stopped again.

He immediately stepped forward to break up the sand that had just gathered, and then smashed the box open with brute force.

The box was forcibly opened, and a black unknown creature flew out like mist.

And soon the figure was complete, and the guy looked like a snake.

Covered in black scales and two orb-like eyes, he kept spitting messages at Meng Fei.

The only difference from a snake is that in addition to its huge body, there is also a transparent and crystal-clear head, which is like a luminous pearl.

Meng Fei glanced at that location and became deeply curious.

But the black snake kept staring at the stone sword in Meng Fei's hand. Although humans and snakes were different, their cold gaze could be easily detected.

The black snake pointed at the stone sword and made a standard snake cry at Meng Fei.

Meng Fei said impatiently: "What are you doing? These things are just to seal you?"

Of course, the black snake would not answer him, and after seeing Meng Fei's behavior, it became a little cautious and took the lead in spitting out a mouthful of venom at Meng Fei.

The venom moved so fast that there was no sign of spreading under the water, and it shot towards Meng Fei like an arrow.

The venom shot through Meng Fei's body, and a fist-sized hole soon appeared in Meng Fei's body, and it was still spreading.

The black poison spread, but it stopped all of a sudden, as if it was stuck.

Moreover, Meng Fei's body is still recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. It looks very terrifying, and it is simply not like a situation that would happen to an individual.

After recovering, Meng Fei looked at Black Snake and grinned, "It's my turn."


A ray of sword light passed by, and Meng Fei cut off the black snake's head from the transparent part. It was extremely hard, but after all, it could not avoid Meng Fei's gravity sword.

The snake head immediately broke into two pieces, and Meng Fei succeeded in killing the demon.

He put away the stone sword and began to swim outside.

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