After surfacing, Meng Fei came to the shore and found the old man staring at him with a look of horror.

"Water, the water has sunk a lot..."

The old man stuttered a little as he spoke, as if he had seen something extraordinary.

"Oh yes."

The things inside disappeared a little, so it was reasonable for the water to sink in. Meng Fei was not surprised.

The old man was surprised, but after seeing the stone sword Meng Fei was carrying, he couldn't help but take two steps back. From his face, it seemed that this seemed to be a more terrifying thing.

"Stone... stone sword?" The tone seemed doubtful and full of excitement.

"Yes." Meng Fei did not deny it.

Moreover, he held the stone sword in his hand, shook his head and said: "This thing is indeed extraordinary, but it has no specific use for me. You can take it, but be careful. If you meet someone who knows the goods, But it’s not that easy.”

"I understand, wait... you just said... give it to me?!" The old man didn't react. Although Meng Fei said it had no specific effect on him, he was still a little confused.

"Yes, if you accept it from now on, the thirty years of waiting will come to an end. But what will happen next depends entirely on you." Meng Fei said to him.

The old man nodded fiercely and took the stone sword. He used all his strength to pull out the stone sword. Immediately, a strong force came from the stone sword and entered his body. When this force entered his body, it was as if he had been completely reborn. She looks like new, as if she is at least twenty years younger.

Meng Fei smiled and turned around to leave.


The old man's words were choked in his throat, and he saw Meng Fei's figure disappearing into the distance.

He smiled knowingly, holding the stone sword, tears falling on it.

"Excuse me, where are you going?"

Here, Meng Fei came to a small road again, and he met groups of people rushing on their way.

Those who were on their way had a look of panic on their faces, like a group of people who had escaped disaster.

Meng Fei naturally didn't know why, so he called a passerby to ask.

The man was a little impatient, probably because he was in a hurry.

So he suddenly pushed Meng Fei away and shouted quickly: "Go away, go away!"

"Hey, I said you guy, come here!"

Meng Fei subdued him to the ground. No matter how hard the man struggled, he was unable to move at all.

"My hero, have mercy on me, my hero, have mercy on me, my voice was too loud just now! It was my fault!" The man was immediately convinced and quickly begged Meng Fei for mercy.

Meng Fei continued to ask him: "So now can you tell me what you are running from?"

The man quickly replied: "My hero, it's like this. We all live in a mountain city called Yucheng, which is located on the mountain. Recently, a monster flying in the sky appeared there and ate all the food in the city. There are so few people who have no choice but to find a chance to escape in order to survive.”

After listening, Meng Fei let go of his hand, and the man immediately took the opportunity to run away. Meng Fei ignored him and started thinking about what they said.

"A monster flying in the sky?"

Meng Fei touched his chin, and he became interested. He remembered that he had just learned the air step, and this was an opportunity to practice.

And if you encounter such guys like Tianyaksha or Tianyaoxing in the future, you will have a way to deal with them.

So, he once again had a direction and decided to go there and take a look.

Meng Fei took out Wan Ling Si Nan, and inadvertently tore off a piece of the passerby's clothes, and then placed it on Wan Ling Si Nan, Wan Ling Si Nan guided him in the direction.

Near this group of fleeing queues, Meng Fei's marching in the opposite direction was truly unique.

From time to time, doubtful glances would be passed to him. People on the road would see such a figure, as if Meng Fei's route was somewhat the same as theirs, but in the opposite direction.

"Why does that person seem to be heading towards our Yucheng city?"

"Well... who knows... maybe it's just a simple overlap of routes..."

"Don't worry so much, let's leave quickly!"

After hearing all their discussions, Meng Fei became more convinced that what the guy mentioned before was really there.

On the road.

Meng Fei decided to hurry up and get familiar with his skills.

Take empty steps.

Also based on Qi.

Air cannot be stepped on, but Qi can.

And if you want to release your own Qi, it will be too late to step on it directly.

All of them are to release the Qi in the air in advance, forming a ladder shape, and because it is Qi, it is almost invisible.

Meng Fei was seen circulating the Qi throughout his body, and his Dantian and eyebrows were working crazily at the same time.

At this time, Meng Fei was like an erupting spring, constantly spraying air toward the outside world. He guided the air to fly in front of him, gradually arranging it into a ladder shape.

Meng Fei has established a unique connection with his own Qi, which means that only he can step on the Qi he sprays out, and everyone else will just encounter a thick mass of air.

He jumped up, stepped on the Qi ladder, kept rising, and moved forward bit by bit.

There is also no one around. Otherwise, if ordinary people saw Meng Fei's actions, they would probably kneel down and worship him. It was like seeing a god.

After all, Meng Fei was walking in the sky at this time.

In order to avoid wasting Qi and achieve better air walking, almost every step forward, the Qi behind him will automatically return to Meng Fei's body.

Naturally, there will be some losses in this process, but Meng Fei's two major gas springs are open, and the reserves can be said to be as rich as the sea.

In the sky, Meng Fei also increased his speed. In this case, more gas may be wasted, but the speed is much faster than on the ground.

Meng Fei even directly produced a series of sonic booms, leaving a long cloud line hanging in the sky.

Not long after, Meng Fei arrived at his destination.

On a mountain city, Meng Fei was sitting on the auspicious clouds, quietly watching everything below.

He used his air to push the clouds under him to move downwards, so that he stopped above the sky of Yucheng, and the whole Yucheng was easily visible.

"This city?! Ugh...!"

However, after seeing the city at first sight, Meng Fei was so nauseous that he almost vomited.

I saw that in the mountain city, there were corpses everywhere, blood was flowing like a river, and most of them were broken limbs and bodies. Some were half-cut off, and the intestines fell out of the upper body, and there were also signs of being eaten...

This city was like a feast for some kind of cannibal monster!

"No wonder those people were so panicked."

Meng Fei couldn't help but think of those who escaped, and finally understood them.

"What is that?"

Suddenly, a small figure in the pile of corpses attracted Meng Fei's attention.

"A child?"

Meng Fei continued to observe.

I saw the thin figure pushing away the half of the corpse that was pressing on him. His body and face were also full of dried blood, which stained his body black and red.

He covered his stomach, looked around, and came to a dilapidated house under the condition of ensuring safety.

Then he turned over a flattened dustpan, which contained several gray-black round cakes. He subconsciously patted the round cakes and put them into his mouth. It seemed that the cakes were too hard, so he hurt his teeth and then ate them carefully.

"Be careful! Stop!"

However, as he watched, Meng Fei shouted at the child, and a black mist vortex appeared on one of his fingers.

The monster appeared and was hovering over the child's head!

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