Meng Fei shouted, but the distance was too far, and because the child was too hungry, he did not hear Meng Fei's shout.

However, the monster was already hovering over the child, but it did not attack directly.

"What is it doing?" Meng Fei did not know what the guy was thinking, but he did not care so much, and rushed directly to the child's position, and the black mist vortex on his finger was always ready to go.

When the monster came closer, Meng Fei could clearly see that the guy was a big roc.

At this time, it was staring at the "prey" below, but it did not move.

"I understand, bastard!"

Meng Fei suddenly realized that this guy was waiting for the child to eat and drink enough before attacking him.

And Meng Fei thought of those broken bodies, and then he understood that the big roc had a very serious tendency to tyranny, and its methods were extremely cruel and ruthless!

Finally, when the little boy was full and patted his stomach, the big roc above immediately let out a deafening roar.

The little boy was horrified and trembling as he raised his head. When he saw the Dapeng bird above him, his pupils immediately shrank, and he held his hands on his head. His legs softened and he squatted down, unable to move.

There was even liquid dripping out between his legs, which scattered all over the ground.

The Dapeng bird above made a strange sound, and its two large wings that covered the sky and the sun began to flap wildly. Its eyes turned blood red in an instant, and it stabbed the boy's neck with its sharp beak.

"Don't even think about it!"

Meng Fei shouted loudly. Seeing that the Dapeng bird had already moved, Meng Fei shot out the black mist vortex that he had prepared in advance.

An extremely accurate small meteor fire shot directly at the Dapeng bird's sharp beak.

The Dapeng bird was fast, but Meng Fei was faster!

The small meteor fire pierced through the Dapeng bird the moment it approached the little boy, and it also caused a crazy explosion.

The Dapeng bird was directly blown aside, and the huge noise also frightened the little boy to faint.

Meng Fei took the opportunity to speed up and flashed in front of the little boy. At this time, the little guy had been frightened and fainted. Meng Fei moved him to a slightly safer place.

Then, he came to the big peng bird and wanted to control it.

However, this guy was not a vegetarian. After Meng Fei's violent attack, only his beak was slightly crooked, but he was also shocked by Meng Fei's strength.

The moment he saw Meng Fei, his eyes were full of disbelief.

It didn't speak, and it seemed that it didn't want to speak human words. After all, how could a guy who feeds on humans disdain to use human language or even appearance.

And this guy's strength should not be underestimated. He can withstand Meng Fei's thousands of meteors, so his strength must be at the peak of the demon star.

But it understood more clearly that the attack just now was just an ordinary attack from the other human. Knowing this, it quickly moved the battlefield.

It flapped its two pairs of wings frantically and rose straight into the air.

At this time, it was in a high position, and it made a series of provocative cackling noises to Meng Fei below.

It felt like it was telling Meng Fei, "If you have the ability, come up."


However, Meng Fei snorted coldly and then showed a weird smile.

He was seen running the gas, then stepped on the gas ladder and went up, and suddenly he was in the air, and instantly became a horizontal existence with the Dapeng bird.

Dapeng bird was dumbfounded, and it felt as if the world view collapsed. Perhaps it was the first time in all the years it had lived that it saw a human who could go up to the air and move!

Is this really still a human? Are there such strong humans?

Meng Fei stood quietly in the air at this time, like a god descending to the world.

Dapeng bird couldn't help but breathe faster. Facing this human, it was extremely nervous.

In the past, humans were placed in front of it, just like fish on a chopping board, which could fall into its mouth at any time.

However, today, it was like the polarity was reversed. Humans stood in front of it like gods, and it was more like a weak bird at this moment.

However, after a psychological struggle, its eyes immediately became fierce.

It shouldn't be like this. It is the top demon star Dapeng bird, and it feeds on cities.

Humans are nothing to worry about!

Dapeng flapped its wings, and suddenly rolled up a violent wind, rushing towards Meng Fei like a violent knife.

However, Meng Fei's face was cold, like an indifferent beast. He frowned slightly and slowly stretched out a palm towards Dapeng bird.

In the palm of his hand, the black fog vortex began to gather and grow, and finally directly swallowed all the violent winds rushing towards Meng Fei.

This is the current multiple uses of the Thousand Meteor Palm, and the black fog is also a powerful force developed by Meng Fei.

Black fog is a deep control of Qi. Meng Fei had seen this method before. It was there when he fought with Tian Yasha for the first time, and Tian Yasha used this black fog method.

At that time, it also made Meng Fei suffer a lot. However, today, Meng Fei finally mastered this power and became more powerful!

Now Meng Fei has pure single strength, and there is almost no problem in crushing the Dapeng bird in front of him.

The roc gradually realized this problem, so it soared up a few meters again, and then waved its wings towards Meng Fei, and countless feathers flew out of its wings.

Those feathers were like arrows, attacking Meng Fei in unison like a violent storm, and the ruthless blades seemed to be judging Meng Fei.

Meng Fei slapped his palm again, and the black fog vortex became as big as a person, and began to spin wildly, with countless meteors and fire shooting towards the feather shower.

There was no feeling of fear at all, and Meng Fei's meteors and fire were obviously stronger.

In the sky, it seemed as if two huge cumulus clouds of different colors were hitting each other, and immediately made the sky that day a little unclear.

On one side was Meng Fei's fire color, and on the other side was the brown color of feathers.

It was like two different skies connected, but it was obvious that the fire color was constantly devouring the brown!

The big peng looked at the approaching fire color, and it seemed as if a huge "death" was approaching it.

The animal's survival instinct was also constantly telling it-escape!

So, the big peng was seen flapping its wings frantically on the spot, as if it was accumulating strength.

Meng Fei frowned and soon realized what it wanted to do.

"What a nice thought..."

Meng Fei's expression turned cold, and he immediately paved a large area in front of him with Qi. Now he could run freely in this sky at any time.

Then, Meng Fei stretched out his hand, and the black mist vortex swallowed everything in front of him. Meng Fei did not waste any of the power, and all of it was added to his legs.

Meng Fei accelerated and approached the big bird quickly.

The big bird had already accumulated power at this time, and it burst out with power and disappeared in an instant.

"Not good!"

This speed far exceeded Meng Fei's imagination.

Meng Fei gritted his teeth, his whole body was hot, and soon turned slightly red.

"Time, stop!"

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