Everything stopped moving, the water flow stagnated, and the fallen leaves stopped.

At this moment, time stopped flowing.

Not far away, the figure of the roc was stopping there.

Seeing the back of Dapeng, Meng Fei also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, we stopped time in time, otherwise it would have been too late."

Time stops.

It was the magical realm that Meng Fei entered by virtue of his super speed when he was in full state. This state could last about five seconds.

It seemed like it was his limit.

Meng Fei took advantage of these five seconds to move towards the position of the roc.

Soon we reached the opposite side of the roc.

At this time, the roc was even more aggressive. If time continued to flow, Meng Fei would definitely be hit by the roc immediately.


But time has come and Meng Fei can't make any more moves.

As a result, everything started to work again, and terrifying power suddenly erupted from the Dapeng bird's body, and it rushed towards Meng Fei directly in front. It didn't know what happened, and it only knew how to rush forward blindly.

However, a huge obstacle stood in front of it like a ten-meter-thick city wall.

At that moment, the roc even felt like it had hit a big mountain during its flight.

However, it seems to be harder than the mountain. If it hits the mountain, a big hole will appear.

But just after it hit it, the force that the obstacle rebounded on it was terrifying. This was enough to show that what was blocking it at this time could not be simply described as a mountain.

The huge force caused the roc to retreat for a while, and there was a crackling sound of bones breaking in its body.

As a demon, it has the ability to recover on its own, but the attack just now was so terrifying that almost all the bones in its body were broken. Although it can recover, it will take some time.

At this time, it began to fall, and it kept looking at the sky while falling.

Wanted to see what was blocking its way.

However, after seeing Meng Fei's face, it was completely dumbfounded, and then let out bursts of painful neighing, seeming to vent the anger and unwillingness in its heart.

Meng Fei was also repelled, but since he did not take the initiative to attack, he was simply impacted. As far as his body was concerned, it only shattered a few ribs.

And Meng Fei quickly recovered and was now staring at the falling roc from above.

Meng Fei moved downwards slowly. It was not excited, because the roc bird seemed to him to have become a piece of fish on the chopping board.

Suddenly, Meng Fei's brows shrank into a ball, and an emergency occurred!

I saw strange lines appearing directly below the roc bird.

"No! That's a teleportation array!"

Meng Fei quickly recognized the pattern and remembered the teleportation array he encountered in Xiaotian Sect.

He really didn't expect that this guy would actually have such a skill!

"Don't even think about it!"

Meng Fei shouted angrily, then swooped down and kicked his legs, rushing towards the teleportation array of the Dapeng Bird, his whole body swooping down like a falling meteor.

"not good!"

Meng Fei's expression changed. The Dapeng bird had already set up a formation, and the lines on the ground began to shine with an unusual light.

Those rays of light are engulfing the entire body of the roc little by little, and are about to disappear in place.

"Time to stop!"

Meng Fei suddenly burst out with all his strength and stopped time again.

Five seconds is enough!

In these five seconds, Meng Fei successfully touched the lines of the formation, and the light from the formation enveloped him.

Then, time continues to flow.

Meng Fei's figure was suddenly surrounded by the formation, and he would also be taken away.

There was no other way, so Meng Fei had no choice but to make this move to hunt down the roc.

The light of the teleportation array completely engulfed one person and one bird, and both of them disappeared on the spot.

When they appeared again, they didn't know where they had gone.

In order to leave the place quickly, the Dapeng didn't take that into consideration at all when carving the teleportation array before. It only blindly extended the distance far, far away, but where it went, even it didn't know.

"You bastard!"

Meng Fei rushed to the Dapeng Bird and lifted it from its neck.

When Dapeng saw Meng Fei, his eyes were full of disbelief and despair.

Its eyes instantly lost color, and it wanted to wave its wings at Meng Fei, trap Meng Fei, and escape. However, Meng Fei only exerted a little force on his hands, and it was subdued and unable to move.

"Look, what the hell is this horse-riding place?"

Meng Fei was about to cry but had no tears. Looking at the world filled with loess around him, he was speechless for a while.

In front of them, they saw a land of loess, with almost nothing except the tall earth pillars and the yellow sand flying in the sky.

It can be said to be a place even more wilderness than wilderness. There is simply wilderness here, no wilderness at all!

The roc bird is also helpless. It doesn't know where this place is.


Suddenly, something extraordinary appeared in Meng Fei's eyes.

Meng Fei controlled the roc in his hands and pushed it aside at the same time, his eyes locked in front of them.

First, Meng Fei discovered that what they were stepping on was not loess, but smooth flat ground like an altar.

There are even yellow pillars near them. The pillars are somewhat broken, and there seem to be a lot of weird raised lines on the pillars.

What's even stranger is that behind them, it seems to be a wall.

"It's like a half-collapsed house here..."

Meng Fei felt that this place was like a normal house before, but then it collapsed and disappeared. In the end, only a few pillars and the last remaining wall were left.

"Up there?"

And Meng Fei saw it again. There seemed to be something weird on the wall.

He began to drag the roc towards the wall. The roc seemed very quiet at this time. It was unclear whether it was because he was curious about the surroundings or was thinking about something else.

Just as Meng Fei approached the wall, he relaxed a little because he was curious about what was on the wall.

Suddenly, there was a huge wave in his arm.

The Dapeng bird seized this opportunity and wanted to escape, and it did see Meng Fei's carelessness, so it successfully escaped from his hand.

The roc bird neighed with great pride, then flapped its wings and tried to escape.

"What a beautiful thought!"

However, Meng Fei was not completely distracted. On the contrary, he quickly reacted and appeared in front of the roc again in a flash.

He grabbed the roc by the neck, then looked around, and finally locked the location of the wall.

Meng Fei sneered, and then threw the roc towards the wall.

The blood of the roc instantly covered most of the wall.

"not good!"

Meng Fei shouted, and before he could even look at the things on the wall, they were covered.


At this moment, Meng Fei was stunned.

I saw that the blood on the wall was being sucked bit by bit by the wall, and even the body of the roc was the same...

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