Meng Fei rushed to the front.

He saw that on the wall, there were actually murals of ferocious beasts.

The delicate outlines seemed to be the bulges of the real thing hidden in them, and the delicate lines were confirming this conjecture that might become a fact bit by bit.

And the body of the big peng bird was absorbed by the murals bit by bit, and Meng Fei was somewhat helpless.

To be more precise, he didn't know what was happening now.

After a long time, the whole big peng bird was finally sucked clean by the mural.

Even the blood stained on it was sucked clean without exception, which was too abnormal.

At this time, the whole mural was also fully displayed in Meng Fei's eyes.

In the mural, there were three ferocious beasts with ferocious faces.

The beast on the far left had three wolf-like heads, and the faces on the three heads were distorted, and they looked extremely painful.

The one in the middle looks like a bat, but it has a huge body and a head that is not like a mouse, but more like a lizard's head. Its movements are that its two wings are stretched out, its head is facing the sky, and its mouth is wide open.

The beast on the far right has a head and body that looks like an orangutan, but the two huge fangs at the corners of its mouth are directly at the lower corners of its mouth, and it is also huge in size, with its two arms behind its back and its mouth wide open, as if it is trapped by a chain.

The most noteworthy one is the orangutan, because when Meng Fei was watching the big bird being sucked, his main position was here with the orangutan, and the last blood also disappeared near the orangutan's mouth.

"What the hell is this?"

Meng Fei was shocked. He originally thought that he would not encounter anything confusing him again, but he did not expect that such a thing would happen again today. This mural is so weird, and he has never seen such a scene since he came to this world.


At this moment, the mural in front of Meng Fei showed abnormality again, and a rumbling sound like a building collapse sounded.

Meng Fei was a little confused, and he couldn't help but take two steps back, looking at the movement in front of him nervously, not knowing what would happen.

At this time, the gorilla pattern on the mural really had an unexpected abnormality.

I saw that thing trembled and glowed, and then under the cover of the huge light, it seemed that a thick black thigh stretched out.

At that moment, there seemed to be the sound of the wailing of living creatures around, and Meng Fei felt that the world around him was beginning to become dim.

Obviously, it was caused by that thing!

Meng Fei gritted his teeth, and began to accumulate power in his fists, ready for all the changes that were about to happen.

After a black leg stretched out from there, more body parts began to appear from the light of the mural, and that was not an illusion, but a real thing!

The light dissipated, and a chimpanzee three or four people tall was hammering his chest vigorously, and roaring wildly at the sky, venting!

Its roar even changed the world. This ability was naturally not something that could be done by ordinary weird creatures.

Feeling the deep demonic aura on that guy, Meng Fei frowned and said coldly: "It's the Heavenly Demon Star."

At this time, the chimpanzee first looked back at the mural, and there seemed to be a little disappointment in its eyes, and then turned around and saw Meng Fei, who was very small to him.

Its eyes changed, and it felt like a beast seeing its prey. It pointed at Meng Fei, and then shook its head back.

Seeing that Meng Fei didn't seem to react, it even spoke directly in human language: "You, go."

While it spoke, it coordinated with body language. The meaning was very simple, that is, let Meng Fei sacrifice himself to the mural like a big bird, and then release the other guys in it.

"But... I refuse."

However, Meng Fei also directly rejected the chimpanzee with verbal language and body language.

The chimpanzee frowned, and an expression of dissatisfaction appeared resolutely on his face. He waved his fist at Meng Fei, as if to warn Meng Fei.

Meng Fei was not afraid at all, and waved his fist at him with a cold expression.

The chimpanzee was completely angry. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Meng Fei as if he was catching a chick. After succeeding, he grabbed Meng Fei high and roared at the sky.

Meng Fei closed his eyes and began to adjust himself. His body was slightly hot.

This was facing the Sky Demon Star. Meng Fei could not be lazy or underestimated. So he adjusted his breathing and quietly adjusted the super-limit state and the God-watching Technique. He would burst out with the most abnormal power.

And this would be the first time he was in full swing after three years of seclusion.

"This demon star is still at the elementary level. This is a good opportunity to practice and see how strong I am now!"

Meng Fei silently chanted in his heart, providing himself with strength over and over again. The Qi was dredging his blood vessels. This was the sign that the God-Looking Technique was working, and his whole body was getting hot, which was the proof that the super-limit state was activated.


On the chimpanzee side, this guy finally vented almost everything, and the purpose of venting was probably to restrain his desire to eat Meng Fei. After all, Meng Fei was more useful.

So, it resisted its appetite, and after aiming in the direction, it closed its eyes, swung its arm thicker than a bucket, and then smashed Meng Fei directly towards the mural.

"Stepping into the air!"

At the moment Meng Fei was thrown out, Meng Fei had already entered his peak state, and his stepping into the air became even more abnormal.

Meng Fei's soles stopped in the moment before approaching the mural, and a stream of steam came out of his body.

Meng Fei grinned brightly, exerted force on his feet, and shook the entire unknown ruins. He instantly broke away from the mural and quickly moved to a safe place.

"Assholes, you are sealed here, and you have to rely on this bloodthirsty method to reappear in the world. I think you are not good things with my feet! Today I will get rid of you!"

Meng Fei ran into the chimpanzee's ears with angry words. The chimpanzee opened his eyes in disbelief and was stunned for a moment. It seemed that he was thinking about the reason why he didn't hear the sound of meat smashing on the wall just now. Now he finally has an answer.

The man in front of him is not simple. Even if he understands it, it seems to be arrogant by nature, so even so, he just raised his head high and laughed rhythmically.


Meng Fei also sneered in cooperation, and then the black mist vortex appeared in his palm.

Then, he dodged and left several afterimages. Even the chimpanzee didn't react, but Meng Fei's palm was already on its belly.

The black mist vortex began to shoot countless meteors through Meng Fei's palm, instantly piercing the chimpanzee's thick body.

Roar! !

The pain made the chimpanzee roar, and it took several steps back and began to stare at Meng Fei with extremely disgusted eyes.

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