I am so suitable for slaying demons because of my infinite resurrection

Chapter 191: Battle against the Celestial Demon Star

Although the chimpanzee was angry, it did not dare to act rashly anymore. Its strong resilience was repairing its wounds.

"It seems you are no match for me."

Meng Fei looked at his hands with satisfaction. At this time, he was in full power, and it was no longer a problem to suppress a primary-stage Sky Demon Star.

He couldn't help but glance at the mural, and he didn't know what kind of strength the two remaining guys there were.

"No matter what, let's deal with this guy first!"

Meng Fei was very decisive, and then the black mist vortex appeared in the palm of his hand again.

The chimpanzee had almost recovered at this time. It was no longer arrogant, but started to act extremely seriously. It wanted to deal with Meng Fei directly this time, which was obviously inevitable for it.

What he did just now was just his carelessness.

That's what it thinks.

When it saw Meng Fei's palm, it couldn't help frowning, and it was still a little afraid of that guy.

Having just suffered from that thing, it will definitely be more careful.

The chimpanzee was seen roaring to the sky at this time, and then its whole body was reflected with silver light, and scale-like things suddenly emerged from its fur.

Finally, silver scales like armor appeared all over its body, reflecting the silver sunlight. It punched the scales on its chest, and suddenly it made a low and loud thumping sound. throughout the site.

Meng Fei was not affected by it at all. He rushed forward and slapped the silver scales with his palm.

"This is?"

However, when Meng Fei put his palm up, he was dumbfounded.

It is undeniable that he was definitely careless. After his palm landed heavily on the silver scales just now, he should have destroyed everything with the meteor fire.

But this is not the case. The silver scales not only provide him with defense, but also directly reflect the damage he receives.

If it weren't for the whirlpool of black mist immediately reversed in the palm of Meng Fei's hand and swallowed up the returning power, Meng Fei would have been riddled with holes by his own power.

In order not to continue to be rebounded by the force, Meng Fei shot the devoured force into the air.

There is a clear difference between the swallowing of his black mist vortex and the tengu of the big yellow dog. The principle of his swallowing of the black mist vortex is to reverse, and then temporarily absorb and store it. It cannot truly complete the swallowing like the big yellow dog's tengu.

After Meng Fei swallowed it, he had to expel the power.

After absorbing the power, he can no longer continue to attack the chimpanzee demon. He must now find the weakness of the chimpanzee demon.

The chimpanzee demon became excited at this time, and Meng Fei's blow was easily defused by it. It thought that Meng Fei probably had no more tricks to use.

So, it punched Meng Fei hard.

Chimpanzee monsters are still monsters playing with the body after all, without those fancy techniques.

Moreover, the difference between monsters and ghosts is that monsters can use all kinds of magic, but they don't have violent realms. Ghosts don't have that many magics, and they mainly rely on Qi, and they have violent ghosts.

Facing the chimpanzee demon's punch, Meng Fei showed no fear and chose to confront it directly.

He is not afraid of the collision of forces. If he wants to wrestle with him, then he will accompany him to the end!

The two forces connected together in an instant, and the entire ruins trembled instantly. Meng Fei's fist was as powerful as a bamboo, and he faced it forcefully.

Both are strong in strength, and at the same time they are surprised by the strength of the other.

It was obviously not easy for Meng Fei to meet someone who could compete with him, because before this, almost no one could resist Meng Fei in hand-to-hand combat, and today was the first time he could do so openly.

But the most surprising thing is the chimpanzee demon. It has always been known for its strength. In the past years, for the humans it regarded as food, it would almost beat people into flesh if it could not control its strength even slightly. mud.

It never thought that one day a human would stand in front of it and fist-fight with itself.

As a result, it was completely no longer arrogant and showed no contempt for the humans in front of it.

Its eyes became extremely serious, and it regarded this battle as a battle of life and death.


A bolt of lightning exploded between the two fists, instantly scorching the ground black, and the middle turned into a vacuum. One person and one demon retreated one after another.

The duel between these forces finally ended, but the battle was not over. They all took several steps back.

But the chimpanzee demon was a little unsteady in the end and almost knelt down, while Meng Fei stopped smoothly.

The chimpanzee demon gritted his teeth. It seemed that Meng Fei was the better one this time. How could he bear this bad breath?

So, it attacked Meng Fei again.

He waved his fist at Meng Fei crazily, very fast.

Meng Fei seized the opportunity. If he wanted to compete with him in terms of strength and speed, he would be overjoyed.


Meng Fei shouted loudly, and then countless pairs of his fists appeared in front of him, attacking the chimpanzee demon's fists like a rain forest.

The chimpanzee demon forcibly hits the afterimage punch at a high speed, and the power will be lost to some extent, but Meng Fei's Thousand Hands Secret Technique is not a vegetarian, and there is no loss of power to make countless punches. This is the real terror of the Thousand Hands Secret Technique!

As a result, Meng Fei quickly suppressed the chimpanzee demon again.

But his condition is also not optimistic.

The rebounded damage also burned Meng Fei's skin, but his strong recovery power made him feel nothing.

However, Meng Fei also found that if he used the Thousand Hands Secret Technique, he would not be affected by the rebound damage, because he did not need to touch the scales of the chimpanzee demon in person, so he would not be hit by the rebound damage.

After that, Meng Fei set off again, attacking the chimpanzee demon with the Thousand Hands Secret Technique while constantly observing the chimpanzee demon's whole body.

The purpose was naturally to find its weaknesses.

The chimpanzee demon's whole body was almost covered with scales, and Meng Fei did not have an absolutely overwhelming force to destroy this kind of thing that could rebound damage, so there was no way to deal with it.

He could only look for loopholes.

However, the scales grew on it like its skin, and it was completely airtight.

"There are always places that cannot be covered!"

Meng Fei still didn't believe that the scales could cover everything, so he continued to search.

Finally, Meng Fei saw a pair of beads.

That was the eyeball of the chimpanzee demon. Meng Fei couldn't help but raise his mouth and said coldly: "If there is on the eye, then you can't see anything, right?!"

Meng Fei's voice was low and powerful. Although it was not loud, it still reached the ears of the chimpanzee demon.

The chimpanzee demon grinned with difficulty, and a trace of worry appeared on his face.

"Hehe, I guess your next move is to cover your eyes and then roar loudly!" Meng Fei showed a confident smile.

After that.

The chimpanzee demon immediately covered his eyes and roared angrily at Meng Fei.

Meng Fei was excited at this time, and he felt that his strength seemed to have increased a lot.

It was the God-Looking Technique! At this moment, the God-Looking Technique was strengthened.

So, Meng Fei rushed to the face of the chimpanzee demon, and the powerful force directly pulled the two hands of the chimpanzee demon apart.

The chimpanzee demon opened his mouth and wanted to bite Meng Fei, but Meng Fei kicked his fangs.

Afterwards, the black chimpanzee could only watch as Meng Fei punched through its eyes with two punches.

Moreover, Meng Fei's two punches directly punched through its head from the position of its eyes, leaving two terrifying holes in its head.

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