Meng Fei never expected it.

I actually made a mistake, I didn't even think about it.

It turns out that the movements of the lizard-headed bat demon before were actually just done deliberately to show Meng Fei.

In Meng Fei's time-stop field, it goes far beyond just being able to move like that.

Meng Fei also paid the due price for his mistake.

A bone spur seemed to protrude from the lizard-headed bat demon's wings, directly penetrating Meng Fei's chest.

The destructive force even directly shattered Meng Fei's heart, leaving him with no chance of recovery.

The lizard-headed bat demon had realized that Meng Fei had the power of recovery before, so he was so decisive and did not give him a chance.

The three wolf demons had almost recovered at this time, and came to the side of the lizard-headed bat demon. They were laughing together with the lizard-headed bat demon, and were about to tear Meng Fei into two pieces and eat them.

However, at this time, the last expression left on Meng Fei's face was not one of despair.

The lizard-headed bat demon also noticed that Meng Fei's final expression was one of complete assurance, as if all this was not over.

There was also some confusion on its face, and it even didn't understand what it meant.

Just when they were about to throw Meng Fei into their mouths, their hands suddenly fell empty.


They immediately made a weird cry. Although they didn't understand the specific content, they could probably feel the emotion in it. That was exactly what they felt like wondering and not understanding.

Where did Meng Fei go?

Did the food fly away?

The cooked duck is missing?

There is nothing more bizarre than this, and their heads are full of question marks at this time.

He kept turning his head, but Meng Fei was nowhere to be seen.

"I really want to thank you for making me stronger again!"

Suddenly, Meng Fei's voice appeared again, and it was still behind them.

Both of them were undoubtedly shocked and turned around. However, this time, they were even more shocked when they saw Meng Fei's figure again.

Meng Fei was actually standing in front of them. What was even more exaggerated was that he was even standing in mid-air, looking down at them from a high position.

Moreover, Meng Fei's whole body was still bursting with terrifying momentum. This feeling seemed to tell them that he had become more powerful, and their death seemed to have arrived.

Is this true or false?

At this time, the two demons only had one question in their minds.

However, Meng Fei didn't give them any chance to breathe or think at all, and Meng Fei disappeared directly in front of them.

It was as if time stood still, and this was only possible due to Meng Fei's powerful speed.

In an instant, Meng Fei was in full swing. This time, his strength increased by more than a little.

Before the lizard-headed bat demon could react, Meng Fei killed the three wolf demons at once.

The three wolf monsters fell to the ground, and Meng Fei used thousands of more violent meteors to kill them, and the troublesome guy finally disappeared.

Now all that's really left is the final showdown between Meng Fei and the lizard-headed bat demon.

This guy will stop when he resists, so Meng Fei's battle with him will be a head-on battle.

At this time, Meng Fei's true single strength has reached almost the ordinary strength of the Sky Demon Star. Moreover, under the over-limit state and the powerful God-seeing Technique again, Meng Fei's strength has now surpassed the mid-level Sky Demon Star.

The lizard-headed bat demon stretched out its bone spurs as its weapons, and mucus was constantly overflowing from them.

It slashed horizontally, Meng Fei dodged, and the blow hit the pillar, which immediately began to corrode and dissolve.

Meng Fei couldn't help but frown, "He's really vicious."

Afterwards, he appeared ghostly and continued to dodge its attacks with corrosive venom.

Meng Fei was close at once.

The thing reacted instantly and closed its wings, trying to control Meng Fei.

Meng Fei exerted force on his feet and jumped up, dodging this attack.

Then, Meng Fei landed behind the lizard-headed bat demon, aimed at its head, and was about to smash the head with his fist.

However, the head actually rotated 180 degrees and came directly in front of Meng Fei.

Seeing this scene, Meng Fei's neck felt uncomfortable.

Moreover, it suddenly stuck out its tongue and shot it at Meng Fei. Meng Fei immediately turned sideways and grabbed the lizard-headed bat demon's slender tongue.

"So hot!"

Unexpectedly, the thing turned out to be like a red iron bar, but Meng Fei still held back and forcefully pulled out his tongue.

The lizard-headed bat demon roared. Although it could recover, Meng Fei's blow was substantial.

Then, Meng Fei took advantage of its illness to kill it. He directly grabbed the two pairs of wings of the lizard-headed bat demon, and then with a strong force, he tore the two wings into two pieces like tearing strips of paper.

This time it couldn't run away.

Under the blow of Meng Fei's psychic body, it would be difficult for it to recover for a while.

Then, Meng Fei was seen leaping high, and he struck the air with his palm, and the sky and the earth suddenly turned pale.

"The final blow! Thousands of Meteor Palms!"

Meng Fei shouted loudly, which contained various feelings of relief. Finally, he no longer had to waste time here.

Fortunately, the final result was good. Meng Fei finally eliminated all the guys and became stronger again.

The infinite resurrection system strengthened all aspects of his physical body. For Meng Fei, his strength suddenly increased a lot.

Even if they realized that they couldn't kill Meng Fei later, it wouldn't work, because Meng Fei only needed this one time of strength enhancement to successfully eliminate them.

As long as they killed Meng Fei once, they would have no chance.

"In the end, I still calculated the result in the end."

In fact, Meng Fei guessed this situation, so he used the trick to let him kill himself.

How could Meng Fei, who could dodge all kinds of attacks, suddenly lose his chain and be hit?

It was also because he thought that the strength of these two combined would have a chance to kill him, so Meng Fei finally made the right bet and he successfully won in the end.

"What is this?"

After all three guys were eliminated by Meng Fei, something abnormal happened around them again.

I saw that this place began to disintegrate, and everything was returning to dust.

The walls and pillars were turning into sand and dust, and blending into the desert little by little.

Soon, the ground under Meng Fei's feet turned into sand. Standing quietly in the same place, Meng Fei suddenly felt a little desolate.

In the desert that stretched as far as the eye could see, where should he go?

He didn't know how to teleport, so he couldn't teleport away like the Peng bird.

And here, after the wall pillars collapsed, Meng Fei was surrounded by a real desert, and he couldn't even find something that could use the Wanling Sinan.

So, he could only walk in a certain direction.

If he kept going like this, he should be able to reach a place where there were people.

As long as he saw people, everything would be fine.

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