When a person walks on a vast land, it feels like a tiny ink dot on a huge white drawing paper.

The feeling of vastness often brings people a feeling of powerlessness.

Meng Fei looked forward, and the entire horizon was stretched out in a "one" shape, and the world in front of him seemed like a scroll.

The world seemed to be cut into two halves, with an orange-red sky at the top and a golden desert below. One person occupied half of the position, and the upper layer of the scroll was a gradient orange-red, and the lower half was a gradually deepening golden yellow.

The hot desert is not short of the heat that kills people, even people like Meng Fei can't stand such exposure.

And every time the heat reaches the extreme, whether looking in front or in the distance, it will feel that the scenery in front is constantly twisted as if it is wrapped in water.

Walking in the desert, Meng Fei couldn't tell the direction and could only follow a road to the end.

In fact, there was no road, but Meng Fei kept moving in a fixed direction.

"No, how can we go on like this..."

Walking aimlessly is not the end, Meng Fei also deeply understands this truth.

"Got it!" Suddenly, Meng Fei's eyes lit up and he became excited for the first time in a long time.

Stepping into the air.

This is exactly what he thought of.

As the saying goes, the higher you stand, the farther you can see. Instead of walking like a headless fly, it is better to go up and take a look.

So, Meng Fei started stepping into the air and climbed up to the sky along the gas ladder in the air.

But this desert is really a big shock. When Meng Fei didn't rise high enough, he looked down and saw yellow sand everywhere.

So he had to continue to rise, constantly raising his position, and finally even directly reached the position of the clouds, where he could barely see the general terrain below.

Finally, in addition to the yellow sand, there were some other things, and Meng Fei was also relieved.

"Over there!"

After Meng Fei scanned a week, he finally saw the place with people below.

That was almost the border of the entire desert. There was a tall, small square house there, and Meng Fei was very sure that it looked small not because he was in the sky.

It was small to begin with, and Meng Fei was sure of that because he saw people the size of ants there.

If Meng Fei looked at the people below like ants in the sky, then the square house could probably only accommodate three or four "ants".

"Since someone appeared, it means that there is absolutely no problem in that direction."

So Meng Fei started walking in the sky and kept moving towards there. It must be said that it was very cool in the sky. Meng Fei even doubted whether he had lost his mind after the battle and didn't even think of this.

In the sky, the speed of the air step should not be underestimated. Meng Fei soon came to the sky opposite the house.

He then landed from the sky and came to the vicinity of the house without anyone noticing.

This is a square earth house, made of solid earth, the same gray-yellow color as the earth. The whole house is connected to the yellow sand, as if it came out of the earth.

From time to time, people with revealing clothes come here, and the revealing clothes are mainly because of the heat.

So, in order to figure out how to leave here, or where this place is, Meng Fei came to the front of the earth house. After waiting for a while, he caught a passerby who came here.

"You, what are you doing?!" The passerby saw Meng Fei's strange face and the foreign dress, and couldn't help but feel inexplicably scared.

"Don't get excited, I came here accidentally. Come on, tell me, what is this place, and how to leave here?!" Meng Fei asked while comforting the frightened passerby.

Seeing him like this, the passers-by seemed not to be a fierce person, so they relaxed a little and explained to him: "This is the desert, how did you get here by mistake? This is an uninhabited place, and it is said that there are unclean things in the depths of the desert. It is said that the Three Yuan Monster is sealed in it, and this temple is dedicated to the person who sealed the Three Yuan Monster. Over time, the people around us have regarded this place as a sacred place... And we don't know if we want to leave the desert, otherwise we would have left long ago and would not have lived in this border..."

"Oh... so..."

After listening to his words, Meng Fei couldn't help but think of when he was in the sky, although he saw the border of the desert in his field of vision, after the border, it was still a place with an extremely harsh environment, and he couldn't see more things, so Meng Fei thought it was not so easy to leave here.

If you want to go directly from here, it is probably not easy, because it is covered by a more harsh environment on all sides, and no one knows what is inside.

For Meng Fei now, encountering monsters is nothing, but what he is afraid of is the existence of strange terrain

And the most important point is that when Meng Fei arrived at the sky above the border, he continued to look up and saw a strange black.

After listening to the passerby's words, Meng Fei could understand.

So, he continued to ask, and the content was naturally about the black.

"What? Go from here? You have to!" However, after hearing Meng Fei's words, the passers-by shook their heads repeatedly, with a look of horror on their faces. His voice trembled and he said: "There is a great terror in the dark. Legend has it that there are more than three Yuan Yao is a scary thing, and whether it is a living thing or not is a question, so we have never dared to go!”

After saying this, he felt that he could no longer communicate with Meng Fei, so he found an excuse to escape. Meng Fei's words and actions were like a devil, which made him dare not continue to communicate with him.

After all, many of the things Meng Fei said were almost all related to the horror here.

Meng Fei turned around and looked into the distance past here.

There was a dead silence there, with all kinds of earthen mounds unusually raised and gloomy, directly blocking people's vision when looking at them directly, and then mysteriously affecting people's nerves.

"Forget it, let's go take a look."

Out of confidence in his current strength, Meng Fei decided to find out.

What is in the dark? This question has always touched his heart.

So, he started walking forward.

Go to the raised area of ​​the earth bag, which is the place you must pass to reach Black.

Soon, Meng Fei walked into the group of dirtbags.

It was at this time that something strange happened.

Meng Fei's head suddenly sank, and the things in front of him began to distort. In his eyes, those dirtbags seemed to be moving, disrupting his sense of direction.

At the same time, Meng Fei's ears also heard bursts of melodious and magical music...

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