"What the hell is this?"

The devilish music is like a group of people singing their faith.

Meng Fei subconsciously covered his ears, the sound was disturbing.

The things in front of me are also constantly moving.

Meng Fei tried hard to control his reason and prevent his consciousness from blurring.

I don't know what's going on in front of me, but along with the magical music, those dirtbags are constantly changing their positions, and even their shapes and sizes.

What was originally just a round raised bump would sometimes transform into a square shape, or even a spike. Sometimes it would be like a cactus, covered in thorns, and it could actually shoot out spikes.

Meng Fei subconsciously dodged.

Everything that suddenly appeared seemed to be blocking his way.

"What's hidden in front?"

Meng Fei suspected that it was not that simple in the darkness ahead.

Maybe it's not weird, but something affects all of this.

The crazily moving dirt bag was even constantly changing its shape. Fortunately, Meng Fei was fast, and these changes seemed to be in slow motion in front of him.

Overall, the impact is not significant.

But what was annoying was that his head was always heavy, which was caused by the sound of music coming from nowhere.

Such weird things are rare for Meng Fei.

Compared with the previous "Three Yuan Demon" place, this place is even more mysterious.

Mainly because Meng Fei couldn't find the reason, so he seemed extremely mysterious.

Therefore, Meng Fei generally changed his thinking. Instead of being hindered like this, it would be better to directly launch an active attack.

Seeing such a large scale in front of him, Meng Fei didn't mind a little violence.

So, he hit thousands of meteors with one palm towards the sky.

The whirlpool of black mist immediately grew in size and quickly covered the entire earth bag formation.

Thousands of meteors shot down like shooting stars, quickly destroying everything.

Seeing the area in front of him being razed to the ground, Meng Fei could now directly see the blackness in the distance.

But the music is still there, very strange.

Meng Fei tried to ascend with air steps and reached the sky, but it was of no use. The sound was still tormenting Meng Fei.

Meng Fei looked very uncomfortable.

"It seems it has to be there."

Meng Fei looked at Hei and murmured.

He thought that when he got there, there would be no more damn music to torture him.

So, Meng Fei quickly rushed into the darkness.

"This is?!"

Meng Fei felt as if he had entered another world. He was very strange.

He was a little confused, everything was dark, it was pitch black in front of him, behind him, above his head, not to mention under his feet.

How should he continue to act in such an environment?

This is undoubtedly a huge problem.

If before, when Meng Fei was walking alone in the desert, he was like a grain of sand scattered on the ground, then now he is like a stroke of black on a dark scroll.

He was one with the black, he didn't know how to move forward, he didn't even know where was ahead or behind, he lost his sense of direction, and even gradually lost his perception of himself.

Because all of this is extremely dark.

The sound of music has indeed disappeared, but along with it, "everything" has also disappeared.

At this moment, when Meng Fei was at his wits' end, wonderful changes occurred around him.

Light began to appear in this dark world, but the light was not to illuminate the entire world, but to allow Meng Fei to see clearly everything around him.

At this time, Meng Fei could see his surroundings.

It's just that the surrounding area is the same as before. It can be said that the edges are still invisible, because except for the slightly visible color, there is almost no change.

In the hazy world, Meng Fei still didn't know what to do.

But now he can see slightly clearer colors, and Meng Fei can also move around.

At this time, while Meng Fei was walking, a purple book suddenly appeared in the "center" of the world.

That quickly caught Meng Fei's attention.

"what is that?"

Meng Fei came to the purple book, which was a book like a classic.

There are even various gem embellishments on the purple cover.

Meng Fei was so curious that he couldn't help but reach out to touch it, and even wanted to take it off directly.

However, the moment he touched it, a huge force pushed him away.

Meng Fei stared at the purple book suspiciously, still feeling confused in his head.

What exactly is that?

Meng Fei thought in his heart.

And, he wanted to step forward again, but at this time, something strange happened again.

A cloud of mysterious gas appeared in front of him.

The gas was also purple, which undoubtedly reminded Meng Fei of the purple book.

There may be some connection between the two.

Meng Fei didn't pay much attention and wanted to go around the purple gas, but the purple gas actually moved and blocked Meng Fei's face.

Meng Fei stared and said straightly: "Are you trying to block my way?"

The gas couldn't speak, and naturally it wouldn't respond to Meng Fei.

But its movements responded to Meng Fei like words. As long as Meng Fei moved and wanted to go around, the gas would block his face and prevent him from passing.

Meng Fei tried to pass through the gas, but the purple gas seemed to have an entity and could not pass through at all.

Meng Fei became a little angry and said: "Since it is an entity, then I will smash you!"

He punched the purple gas, and it was indeed a solid object. Meng Fei punched it, and it was real.

However, Meng Fei's punch did not seem to have much effect.

The purple gas was almost unaffected except for a slight tremor.

At this moment, when Meng Fei was preparing for the next attack, the gas suddenly deformed, and an arm gradually formed on it, and it was clenched into a fist and hit Meng Fei.

Meng Fei was startled, and then punched it.

At this time, when the two fists met, Meng Fei's face changed a little.

He felt that the power was inexplicably familiar, as if it was the power bursting out of his body.

So, even he had to increase his strength to resist this attack.

This attack was hit back, but Meng Fei was extremely confused.

He didn't understand what happened. This ball of purple gas didn't seem as simple as he thought.

Next, another punch!

It was still purple gas, and the power was still a number that Meng Fei couldn't believe. That was the power of his punch just now!

"Copied my power?!"

Meng Fei was a little surprised, so he didn't plan to take the blow with his fist, but used the black mist vortex to swallow the power, and then hit the power to the side.

"You won't do that, right?"

Meng Fei smiled confidently, thinking that his move, and there was no contact, should be no problem.

However, the next second, Meng Fei's face couldn't be uglier.

In front of him, the purple gas actually had a black mist vortex, which was exactly the same as Meng Fei's!

The black mist vortex was spinning quietly in front of Meng Fei, as if mocking him...

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