"What exactly is going on……"

Meng Fei's tongue was a little tangled, and the vortex of black mist in front of him had almost gathered, and he was about to attack him.

The black mist vortex in front of him suddenly burst out with extremely powerful power.

This time it was like an invisible mountain hitting Meng Fei's body. Meng Fei's strength should not be underestimated. He easily took the move, but at the same time he couldn't help but take several steps back.

Meng Fei couldn't help scratching his head, that power was exactly the power he had just unleashed.

"Could it be that?"

Meng Fei first wondered if it might be a problem in this world.

Just like the earth bag array outside, is there something similar here?

The array of dirt outside will confuse people's hearts and even their eyes, making them confused about the direction.

And where Meng Fei was now, he wondered whether it would be a strange formation that could return the power in this world to the source of the power.

With this idea in mind, Meng Fei decided to give it a try.

So, he stretched out his palm and pushed towards the gas very gently.

This palm can't even be considered an attack, it may just be a simple "touch".

Meng Fei looked to see if there would be any reaction, and whether his "touch" would be returned.

However, after a while, Meng Fei did not receive any "return" "touch".

This puzzled him.

Logically speaking, if the power can be returned, then there should be a reaction.

"Did you guess wrong?" Meng Fei continued to think in his mind while preparing to take action again.

I saw him vigorously "stroking" the gas again, but he still did it with a normal mentality.

However, there was still no response.

"Hey~ It's really weird..."

Meng Fei became increasingly confused.

In order to verify what the problem was, Meng Fei even deliberately hit the purple gas again.

At this time, the purple gas attacked again and returned its power to Meng Fei.

"Hey, it's really weird! You didn't do it when I asked you to do it, but you did it even if you didn't say it!"

After talking and scolding, Meng Fei still fell into deep contemplation.

Since there are two different situations, Meng Fei believes that this purple gas must have trigger conditions.

But what exactly is this triggering condition is undoubtedly a question.

In order to explore this issue, a lot of memories first appeared in Meng Fei's mind.

Those are almost all profound memories of being in the desert, and Meng Fei is recalling them carefully.

As for the more points at present, it naturally has to be everything in the environment he is in now, the strange world, purple books, and purple gas.

Everything here seems extremely mysterious.

However, Meng Fei believes that there is a point that he can catch.

So, after thinking about it, Meng Fei kept muttering in his mouth at this moment: "There is no response at random. The difference seems not to be how much power is given and then returned, but the source of the power. psychological reasons.”

Thinking of this, Meng Fei seemed to have a sudden enlightenment, and his head suddenly became much clearer.

In the end, he directly concluded: "When there is no hostility in the heart, it is just a ball of energy. But when there is hostility in the heart, the guy will copy the power and fight back the same way!"

With this idea in mind, Meng Fei decided to make sure again.

At the same time, this time he felt strongly in his heart that there should be no problem.

So, Meng Fei stepped forward, with a calm mind, and slapped the purple gas like a friend, with a strong force.

After a while, there was no response. Meng Fei was overjoyed. This basically verified half of his idea. He only needed to confirm it again and further verification would confirm that his idea was OK.

Immediately afterwards, Meng Fei stepped forward. This time, he gently stroked the purple gas with his hand, but at this moment he adjusted his psychology and stroked it with extremely angry and hostile mentality.

At this time, the slight force of the touch actually returned to Meng Fei.

"As expected!"

Meng Fei was pleasantly surprised. If this was the case, then he would have a solution, at least he would not be like a headless fly like before.

So, Meng Fei took a deep breath and was adjusting his mentality.

Putting all those negative emotions behind, Meng Fei was now as calm as a thoughtless insect.

At this time, he stretched out his hand and opened his palm without any hostility in his heart, and then the vortex of black mist appeared again, ready to suck away the purple tome not far away.

The black mist vortex was operating in Meng Fei's hand, and a powerful but not violent suction force appeared. Soon the purple book began to move, but Meng Fei was not happy about it and continued to calm his mind.

As he thought before, as long as the mood is peaceful and there is no hostility, then there will be no problem.

Finally, the purple book moved slightly and finally reached Meng Fei's hand directly.

Meng Fei finally took this thing in his hand.

The heavy feeling is very real.

Meng Fei was finally able to observe this thing up close. The thick cover and back were like a thick shell.

He grabbed the corners and tried to open the book.

"So heavy?!"

Meng Fei didn't expect that opening the book would be like moving a mountain. The heavy feeling was simply terrifying.

Fortunately, he was extremely strong, and finally opened the purple book without any doubt.

As soon as he opened it, the four big words on the first page directly attracted Meng Fei's attention.

"Ultimate Magic Book?!"

This seemed to be the name of the book, and Meng Fei looked again, but found that the world around him began to tremble.

"What happened?"

Meng Fei looked around with a puzzled face, and the world seemed to begin to collapse.

A huge hole appeared directly in the sky, and Meng Fei could even see the sky outside.

Then, he saw that the purple gas that was originally in front of him actually began to fly into the Ultimate Magic Book in his hand.

And at this time, the ball of gas was still wrapped around the book, constantly circling, and finally suddenly flew towards Meng Fei.

"What is this?!"

Meng Fei was shocked. Facing the sudden attack, he had not yet reacted, but the thing had already flown into his eyebrows.

But the final target seemed to be his head!

Meng Fei only felt that a large series of animations and texts were constantly flashing in his mind, as if conveying some information to him.

He looked at the world that was collapsing around him, and then wrapped his body with air to avoid being affected.

Then he sat down cross-legged and began to comprehend the information in his mind.

"This is... the power of replication?! I got it?!"

After comprehending, Meng Fei was surprised.

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