The magic book seemed to have merged with Meng Fei, and it had disappeared in Meng Fei's hands at this moment.

But Meng Fei knew that everything in the magic book had entered his head completely.

He stretched out his hand, and in the palm of his hand, he could see purple gas constantly flowing in his body.

This was the power of the ultimate magic book's replication. Now as long as Meng Fei was hit by the enemy's hostile attack, he would immediately trigger this power and gain the opponent's ability.

Undoubtedly, this was an unexpected gain for Meng Fei.

"I didn't expect that there were so many mysteries hidden in this desert." Meng Fei looked at his hands with satisfaction. Now that he had gained new power, his strength naturally increased again.

The difference between the ultimate magic book and the crystal battle axe was that the crystal battle axe could only absorb power, and could not replicate abilities like the ultimate magic book, just like Meng Fei's black fog vortex was replicated before.

This power is obviously extremely terrifying, because once the enemy has unpredictable abilities, Meng Fei can directly copy his abilities, not only can he use his abilities to fight against himself, but also can use this to more quickly understand the weaknesses and shortcomings of the opponent's abilities.

Of course, with Meng Fei's current strength, this power should not be used unless it is critical.

But there are some things that you can do without, but you can't do without. Meng Fei knows this truth deeply.

"It's time to leave."

Looking around, the original magic book world has collapsed, and the surroundings are already covered by the yellow of the desert. His vision is vast, and it always makes people lose their sense of direction.

"I didn't expect that after dark, it is still a desert. Where is the way home?"

Facing this vast land, Meng Fei was in a trance.

Once again, he used the stepping air step to come to the sky, but this desert is really terrible, and there is still no way out.

This world is too big, Meng Fei thought, if the size of the earth is used as a standard, then a desert is estimated to be as big as the earth, not to mention the whole world.

I thought this was the real edge, but Meng Fei was wrong.

Meng Fei was now lying on the clouds, looking at the sky above the clouds, he was in a trance.

It seemed that he had forgotten something.

Sometimes, it might not be so troublesome to get something done.

It was just that he had been thinking the wrong way all along, so he couldn't find a way out.

Although he was now a blessing in disguise, not only did he become stronger again, but he also got a more powerful and mysterious new power. It can be said that this line of work has only benefits and no disadvantages.

But he still had to go to a place he should go, but it definitely shouldn't be here.

"Got it!"

He slapped his thigh heavily, and then he remembered that he still had the yellow paper.

"If I'm not mistaken, this thing should not have been found by us."

Meng Fei thought so, so he took out a piece of yellow paper and put it on Wanling Si Nan.

"Wanling Si Nan, please guide me!"

Meng Fei called out the command, and then Wanling Si Nan moved.

He nodded excitedly, and then walked directly in the sky with the air step.

In the sky, Meng Fei walked on the clouds, as if flying.

Mainly, if you walk in the sky, you can better observe the bottom and have a better vision.

And in the sky, with Meng Fei's current strength, the air step has also been strengthened a lot. Now when he walks in the air, his speed does not decrease at all.

There are even times when walking in the sky, because there are almost no obstacles, so it can even move faster than on land.

When walking on land, Meng Fei will also consider everything on the road, so he can't let go of himself to move, but it is naturally different in the sky. At his height, I am afraid that there is nothing except clouds and some birds.

The clouds will not block his progress, and the birds are so few that they are almost invisible. Meng Fei's speed can be said to have reached his extreme.

Meng Fei, who thought there would be no obstacles, stopped in the next second.

In front of him, there were a group of geese arranged in a big "人" shape. Of course, this was not a strange thing, and Meng Fei also understood this.

He stopped for only one reason.

"Why are these guys' routes so strange?"

Meng Fei was surprised to find that the flight routes of these geese were actually similar to his route.

Moreover, Meng Fei took out the Wanling Si Nan for comparison and found that it was true.

Meng Fei felt something was wrong and even followed them directly.

While he followed, he also held the Wanling Si Nan in his hand, and his face was even more incredible.

"Why are these guys on the same route as me?"

Meng Fei was also very confused.

Although to be more precise, it should be that his route was the same as that of the geese, but because the place Meng Fei was going to was very special, these guys inevitably made Meng Fei suspicious.

A group of geese, one person, was also moving non-stop, and Meng Fei's face was serious and confused.

As the saying goes, the geese return south, where are these guys going?

Now Meng Fei undoubtedly has several questions in his mind.

Are these geese just on the same road as him?

Or are these geese really related to the weirdness?


No matter which one, it is so bizarre.

"Let me see."

Meng Fei opened his psychic eyes and wanted to see what these guys were.

However, after some observation, Meng Fei couldn't help but knock his head, because these guys in front of him were really real wild geese!

Real animals, even whether they were stained with strange auras, Meng Fei could see clearly, but the fact was that they were not stained with those auras.

"It's really strange."

Meng Fei couldn't help but touch the back of his head. Now he was even more confused. After all, after traveling for so long, Meng Fei was still on the same route as these guys.

"Could it be that they just happened to be in the same place?"

Thinking like this, Meng Fei felt a little bit that he could explain it, although this did not explain why the wild geese did not have strange auras.

"No matter, let's follow them first!"

Meng Fei had no choice in the end, and even a little anxious.

So, he decided to talk about it when he got to the place and see what these guys were like.

Unknowingly, Meng Fei, who was walking in the sky, finally left the desert.

Of course, just following the wild geese would definitely be very slow.

So, Meng Fei came up with a way to lead the geese at a very fast speed, help them break through the wind resistance, and guide them with Qi to accelerate.

Therefore, the geese also sped up a lot, so they escaped from the desert very quickly.

Now their goal is getting closer.

Still on the way, Meng Fei and the geese traveled together.

Finally, after a full day of travel.

Finally, they arrived at the destination, and Meng Fei was even more shocked by this destination.

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