"Your mother's kiss, is this really where the ghosts stay?!"

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, Meng Fei's eyes almost popped out.

He never thought that the place where the yellow paper was located under the guidance of Wanling Sinan should be the place where Tian Yasha was located.

In the past few years, the places where the yellow paper was located that Meng Fei went to, except for special cases like Huaicheng and Li Changfeng, were almost all extremely dangerous places, and Tian Yasha was hiding in them, full of dangers.

However, even the places where Huaicheng and Li Changfeng were located were extremely strange.

How could it be like this situation now? The scene in front of Meng Fei can be described as a rich landscape.

The high protruding peaks are green beauty, and wild geese and birds are circling on them, and finally landed directly on the branches. There are even streams flowing, exuding a quiet beauty.

Meng Fei didn't expect that he would stop at such a place in the end.

And after observing with the psychic eye, it was determined that there was almost no strange breath except that the spiritual energy was still very dense.

And Wanling Sinan also indicated that this was the last location, which meant that what Meng Fei wanted was below.

How could Meng Fei explain this strange phenomenon? Without Gu Liu, no one could answer these questions for Meng Fei.

"Let's go in and take a look..."

Puzzled, Meng Fei decided to go into the mountain to take a look.

Walking into the mountain, all kinds of flowers and plants exuded a fascinating fragrance, and it was still a fresh fragrance, a faint fragrance that made people energetic. The tall trees grew extremely straight, and all kinds of small animals, such as squirrels, made their homes on them.

This scene once made Meng Fei wonder if there was something wrong with Wanling Sinan.

Now that Meng Fei's pure single-body strength has reached the level of Tian Yasha, it should be said that these tricks should no longer fool Meng Fei.

So what Meng Fei saw now was not false, but the real truth.

Although Tian Yasha's ability is not a trick, Meng Fei can completely crack it now.

The fact is that Meng Fei did not find any abnormality.

Although he also wanted to say that there was something strange here, he really couldn't find it.

However, there was only one thing, that is, this place seemed to be isolated from the world, there were no human figures, only various animals existing here, but this feeling of being isolated from human habitation was similar to Tian Yasha's hiding.

But this didn't seem to explain anything. Meng Fei still had no clue. He even gave up looking for a little and began to wander in the mountains, finding whatever he could.

So, Meng Fei came to a cool place, which was the source of the stream flowing down.

It was an extremely moist pond, and the soil around it was soft. Meng Fei stood by the pond and felt the spiritual energy here.

The whole mountain was filled with spiritual energy, like a natural treasure.

Meng Fei was in it, and even felt like he was back in the Datianmen Sect. The locations of those sects were not simple, and almost all of them were spiritual treasures like this place.

He began to sit cross-legged and feel the spiritual energy of the whole mountain.

Meng Fei closed his eyes and then entered a state of perception.

At this time, the whole mountain seemed to have changed.

Meng Fei felt as if he was in the center of the whole mountain. It was like a mountain was a person, a living organism, and Meng Fei was located at the heart of it.

The heart kept beating, providing life force to the whole body.

This mountain was also like this. In Meng Fei's mind, the activity route of this spiritual energy became extremely clear.

It was extremely clear from where to where.

Meng Fei felt the operation of the spiritual energy, and then guided the spiritual energy to himself.

He was surrounded by spiritual energy, which kept nourishing his body.

Although the current nourishment is actually a drop in the bucket for him, it is better to have it than nothing. After all, it is still this kind of natural aura, which can be said to be the essence of the essence.

The aura gathered from all directions, and Meng Fei's body was like a black hole, constantly absorbing the aura and digesting it.


Suddenly, the aura coming from all directions made Meng Fei feel a little weird.

"Although these auras are gathered from everywhere, they feel a little weird. Their routes seem to overlap at a certain point."

From Meng Fei's perception, it can be clearly felt that although those auras come from all over, they seem to come from the same source.

That feeling is like a big tree with branches and leaves. Although the branches and leaves are numerous and scattered, they are finally on the same trunk.

The abnormality of this phenomenon made Meng Fei surprised for a while, and then he directly recovered from the state of perception and cultivation. He stood up and began to look around, frowning.

This is the upper part of the whole mountain, and Meng Fei did not find anything unusual here.

"Spiritual energy will also pass through here, so naturally this is not the origin." He guessed so.

And Meng Fei had an idea.

"You can't see it at all, unless... you can color it?!"

After having the idea, Meng Fei directly circulated his true qi, led out a strand of his own qi, and then dyed his own spiritual energy.

It is not easy to dye the spiritual energy here, but it is not so troublesome to dye his own spiritual energy.

And Meng Fei also successfully dyed the spiritual energy here.

Then, Meng Fei followed the flow of the dyed spiritual energy and moved.

He thought that there must be a connection, so he followed directly.

He wanted to see what was behind it.

Following the flow of spiritual energy, Meng Fei quickly went up the mountain. This was the closest place to the top of the mountain. There were almost no trees on the top of the mountain, and there were no trees around here.

But there was only one, standing there quietly.

"What is that?"

The only tree inevitably makes people wonder what it is.

Meng Fei walked closer to see that there was a raised earth mound next to the tree.

There was also a slanted wooden sign in front of the earth mound.

This attracted Meng Fei's attention even more, so he went straight to the earth mound.

I saw that the wooden sign read: "The Tomb of Master Zhong De, the Master of Lingmiao Tree".

"Lingmiao Tree? Master Zhong De?"

Meng Fei responded.

The tree next to it is called Lingmiao Tree, and the tomb in front is the tomb of Master Zhong De.

Then, without paying too much attention, he turned his gaze to the Lingmiao Tree.

The Lingmiao Tree looked like a blooming pink peach tree. He stepped forward and placed his hand on it, and Meng Fei immediately felt a surge of vitality and surging spiritual energy.

That feeling was like a beating heart, and the endless spiritual energy was the result of its constant beating.

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