"What a magical tree."

Meng Fei had never seen this tree before. Even in the Great Tianmen Sect, he had never heard of such a thing.

The tree that can produce spiritual energy is truly magical. If the sects saw this thing, they would probably have to take it away secretly.

But for Meng Fei, he had no such idea.

For Meng Fei, the most curious question is naturally about the yellow paper.

Wanling Sinan finally stopped here, indicating that the thing is here.

When he came here, he had to walk all over the mountain, but he didn't see any yellow paper.

But this magical tree really surprised him.

This Heavenly Master Zhong De also made Meng Fei come up with some stories.

What does it mean to plant this tree here?

Meng Fei couldn't help but wonder, could it be that he would just die here? Is this tree just his last spiritual sustenance?

Maybe that's the case, but for Meng Fei, this is still useless information. After all, he still has no clue what he wants to know.

"Where's the yellow paper? Where's Tianyaksha?"

This is the biggest problem. This is the purpose of Meng Fei coming here, but he is extremely confused now, as if everything around him is a ghost and he is in it without knowing it.

It's a pity that with his strength now, there is no such problem of being corroded by ghosts. He just wants to find something now.



A bell-like knocking sound resounded in Meng Fei's mind.


He looked around in confusion, not knowing what sound entered his ears, and finally it vibrated throughout his mind.

Creaking, creaking...

Immediately afterwards, the creepy sound of teeth grinding continued to appear in his mind. The sound sounded like a monster gnashing its teeth.

And that sound sounded to Meng Fei as if it was very rhythmic, as if it was formed deliberately.

This kind of regular sound often reminds people of language. People say that language is regular, so Meng Fei couldn't help but think that the sound seemed to be conveying some message to himself.

"What do you want to say?"

Meng Fei questioned the voice.

The sound was vague, but it was being adjusted, and finally it became clearer little by little, until Meng Fei could hear it clearly.

"Who are you?!"

Meng Fei was even more shocked after hearing that voice.

The voice said to him: "Young man, if you can pull up the tree in front of you, I can grant you a wish!"

Hearing his words, the flesh on Meng Fei's face couldn't help but twitch, it was an expression of being unable to hold back.

Then, he pretended to be pious and replied to the voice: "Really? Are you a god?"

"Yes, I am the mountain god of this spiritual mountain. As long as you pull up this tree, I can fulfill your wish!" The voice was also slightly excited, but overall it still seemed extremely calm and calm.

Meng Fei rolled his eyes, and then said: "Ah! Oops! This tree is so heavy, I can't pull it up!"

"You?!" When the voice heard Meng Fei's words, it became anxious. Then it paused for a while, and then it seemed to adjust, and then said to Meng Fei: "It's okay, you dig up the surrounding soil first, no Is that enough?”

"Okay, I'll give it a try." Meng Fei pretended to dig, but actually walked around the tree.

After a while, Meng Fei estimated that the time was almost up, so he said again: "Okay, the soil is almost dug, what's the next step?"

"Next step?" The voice was full of disbelief. It didn't expect that Meng Fei would actually say such words as the next step. It couldn't help but think that this was a pure fool.

After that, it said with an extremely helpless tone: "The next step is of course to pull up the tree!"

"Okay!" Meng Fei made a few false moves, and then shouted: "Okay!"

"Okay?!" The voice was full of disbelief. How come it's okay but there's no response here?

"Are you sure?!" it asked Meng Fei.


At this time, Meng Fei finally couldn't hold himself any longer and lay directly on the ground laughing non-stop.

"You are such a stupid ass!" Meng Fei continued to mock.

"You?!" The voice finally came to his senses and understood that he had just been tricked before.

"How do you know I'm lying to you?" the voice asked Meng Feidao in confusion.

Meng Fei clapped his hands and said, "Can you still lie to me?"

He didn't say much, but the voice also understood the specific meaning. He knew that Meng Fei was not an ordinary person. He had been treated like a monkey by Meng Fei before.

"Alas." The voice sighed again.

"Didn't you think that my mighty Tianyaksha would never have peace?" The guy's tone was full of desolation.

"Tian Yaksha?!" Meng Fei suddenly came back to his senses.

"No, there is no ghost energy. You said you are Tianyaksha?" Meng Fei didn't believe it.

"If you still don't believe it, the reason why I don't have ghost energy is because this damn tree has covered me. I am under this tree. This thing has sealed me for thousands of years. I can no longer be considered a ghost." Oh, the breath of riding a horse is purer than that of a child!" The dissatisfaction with all this can be clearly heard in its tone.

"Do you have the yellow paper?"

However, Meng Fei didn't want to care about its old stories, he just wanted to do his own thing. Of course, the only thing Meng Fei was curious about was what kind of tree it was that could suppress and seal even Tian Yaksha.

"Yellow paper? That thing... seems to exist, I can't remember clearly." The guy said leisurely, and his tone was not very happy, because Meng Fei didn't seem to take it to heart.

"Oh, by the way, how did you get sealed here? Is this thing so powerful?" Meng Fei asked curiously.

This seemed to open its chatterbox directly.

So, Meng Fei listened to it with great regret.

"It was almost a thousand years ago..."

At that time, it had a high level of cultivation and even broke through to the realm of Tian Yaksha. Yellow paper was a symbol of strength, and only the strong could have it.

It also successfully got the yellow paper from another Tian Yaksha because it defeated it in just ten moves.

Originally, it thought it was about to reach the peak, but it didn't expect that a dog-blooded thing happened after that.

It wanted to find a good place and decided to sprint to the final peak - the ghost king.

After all, with its qualifications, it has this arrogance.

However, what it didn't expect was that not long after it entered this mountain for retreat, an old Taoist actually brought a magical tree to this mountain.

The old Taoist was actually a master among masters. He came here just because he thought the place was good and wanted to spend the rest of his life here.

And his strength also made its disguise invisible, so the old man found this mountain at a glance.

After that, it was an extremely bloody thing.

The old man actually planted the magical tree directly above its location, exactly...

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