As soon as he said this, the guy immediately became anxious.

He began to curse and kept claiming that the Taoist priest did it on purpose.

"Hey, hey, hey, stop it, that thing is just a tree, how powerful is it?" Meng Fei was also puzzled, how could he plant a tree and then directly seal it.

You must know that it is also a Tianyaksha after all, and it is not an ordinary Tianyaksha, but a very powerful one.

But this magical tree sealed it just because it said it was a seal, which was indeed outrageous. Meng Fei couldn't understand it at all.

Unexpectedly, after hearing Meng Fei's question, the guy became even more angry and said: "Are you really not aware or are you pretending not to know? Such a strong strength? No sense? That is a magical tree!"

Then it was explained.

The Lingmiao Tree is a rare sacred tree that lasts for ten thousand years. It is a sacred object among sacred objects, and it is conceived by the spirits of heaven and earth.

It is the most pure, spiritual and yang thing. For ghosts like them who are still under the constraints of the law, it is simply the nemesis among nemesis.

Not to mention, this thing went directly to its head and has been purifying it for so many years. Now it has even been purified from a ghost to an "elf".

It has become an elf in the mountain, but it still can't escape, because it has almost integrated with the mountain and the tree, and is close to one body, so it still can't come out.

Unless someone pulls out this magical tree, although it is said to be helpless and cannot move the magical tree, people outside can, just like the former Celestial Master Zhong De who took the tree and planted it.

Meng Fei sat leisurely on the ground and couldn't help but glance at the tomb of Master Zhong De. Many things came to his mind in an instant.

He thought that Master Zhong De's strength should be so powerful that it was terrifying, and he should be on his deathbed, so he came here, and he even got a magical tree.

At the last moment of his life, maybe he really just wanted to go somewhere to die, but he accidentally discovered this guy on the way.

So he simply stayed here. It was not by mistake, but because he deliberately planted the magical tree on top of Tianyaksha.

It's just that all of this was because he was too powerful, so he could even control everything as if it were an accident. Later, even that guy really thought that all of this was just his bad luck.

"Hahaha..." Thinking of this, Meng Fei couldn't help laughing again.

Then, he said to the people below: "Hey, give me the thing."

"Give it to you? Let me go before we talk!" That guy wasn't stupid, so he naturally put forward conditions.

Meng Fei blinked and said: "No, who knows if you, the guy, will cause some trouble?!"

"Huh?" The guy was obviously dissatisfied and said extremely puzzledly: "I turned into a mountain spirit even when I was riding a horse! What else has happened to me?! I only eat spiritual energy now!"

It spoke righteously, and although it didn't speak in front of Meng Fei, its momentum was almost the same.

"Well..." Meng Fei thought seriously for a moment, touched his chin, and said slowly: "Then let me take a look..."

After saying that, Meng Fei came to the Lingmiao tree and slapped away the soil near the roots of the Lingmiao tree. Then he tilted the tree a little, and then he could see what was inside from the tilted corner.

Under the Lingmiao Tree, it seemed to be a completely enclosed space. After Meng Fei opened a corner, the guy inside also saw Meng Fei.

Meng Fei was also shocked when he saw it.

It was completely different from what I imagined. I thought it would be an "elf" with a ferocious face but a pure breath. Who knew that the guy not only had a pure breath, but also looked very petite in appearance, and his entire body was white. , also exudes a silvery white shimmer, and the whole thing looks very holy.

Is there still a ghost here? He is simply a living elf!

"Hurry, open it!" It looked at Meng Fei, stunned on the spot, and almost jumped up in anxiety.

"Don't worry." Meng Fei came back to his senses and observed it carefully.

This is its true form, and there is no disguise. That guy has truly become a mountain spirit.


Meng Fei suddenly couldn't help but want to laugh. After all, this could be said to be the most unlucky and comic ghost Meng Fei had ever seen.

And now that guy doesn't have the aura of bloodthirsty rage. His whole body looks very sacred, making people even feel a little comfortable.

"It turns out that ghosts can be purified, but it takes too much time and energy... Oh, what a pity." Meng Fei shook his head repeatedly, and then tore down the magical tree.

As soon as the magical tree was torn down, the entire tree suddenly shrank to the size of only half a person's height, and Meng Fei directly lifted it in his hand.

The mountain spirit immediately jumped out happily, and then started spinning around everywhere. It was so excited that even its breathing was heavier than the others.

"Hey, hey, hey! I told you, don't forget to give me your coat! Otherwise, I'll beat you up!" Meng Fei shouted loudly to the mountain spirit who was having fun.

"Hey, wait for me. I'll come over and give you that thing right away. It's really troublesome!" This obviously disturbed its fun, so it seemed very unhappy, so it was ready to come over and give Meng Fei something right away.

"Huh?" At this moment, Meng Fei noticed strange movement coming from the magical tree on his hand.

It seemed like there was a slight movement, Meng Fei could feel it.

"Here it is, here it is, really! Wait... what's going on?!"

At this moment, Shan Ling also came. It came to Meng Fei's side and handed the yellow paper to Meng Fei. Although Meng Fei's eyes were fixed on the Lingmiao tree in his hand, he subconsciously took the thing and put it in the space ring.

At this time, Meng Fei and Shan Ling were shocked, because now in front of them, an extremely magical thing was happening.

I saw that the pink leaves on the Lingmiao tree were moving slightly, and finally several leaves fell directly, and finally fell on the position where the Lingmiao tree was pulled out.

The next second, something even more magical happened. I saw that the soil around the leaf actually gathered up and buried the leaf. Then, a small seedling actually popped out of the soil, and then it grew wildly and instantly reached half a person's height, so it stopped temporarily, and at this time, the small tree could see the spiritual energy coming out.

"This thing?!"

Shan Ling was angry when he saw this thing, and then he waved his palm over, but finally stopped.

Well, it still needs spiritual energy to survive in this state, so it couldn't bring itself to kill the tree. It had to grit its teeth and punch its thigh.

Meng Fei said in amazement:

"The Spiritual Tree, as if it knew I would take care of it, took the initiative to leave its 'offspring' here. After all, the creatures here can no longer live without its spiritual energy. It's amazing..."

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