Meng Fei had the idea of ​​taking him away.

Then the magical tree automatically left its roots.

"In that case, this thing shouldn't be rare, right?"

Meng Fei was also puzzled. If this was the case, it meant that the magical tree had the ability to inherit and should not be so rare.

It is true that these problems are not something Meng Fei can understand. If Gu Liu is here, these problems will naturally not be a problem.

Looking at the falling leaves, Meng Fei guessed that it would happen after a certain time.

After all, every plant and tree on this mountain is inseparable from its aura.

Meng Fei shook his head and sighed for a while, then he turned and looked into the distance. He paused and said behind him: "Hey, I'm leaving, just stay here."

After saying that, regardless of whether the guy heard it or not, Meng Fei left.

As for the words of thanks, Meng Fei thought it probably didn't exist, after all, he had played with it in the first place.

On the way, Meng Fei decided to collect all the yellow paper. Since he had nothing to do during this period, it didn't hurt to do more things.

So, Wanling Sinan moved again to guide Meng Fei in the direction.

Meng Fei set out on his journey again, still alone. Apart from being a little lonely, it was still pretty good.

It's just that sometimes when you turn around and want to say something, you find that no one is there. At this time, you will inevitably feel extremely lonely.

But I shrugged my shoulders and moved on. There is still a long road ahead, so go ahead and cherish it!

"The magical tree..."

Meng Fei stared at the spiritual tree he was holding in his hand. Even though he pulled it out of the soil, it still exuded vitality, and the continuous spiritual energy seemed to last forever.

"It would be great if we could fuse this thing."

Meng Fei thought, after all, no matter how rich his spiritual energy was, he was still far from being able to compare with the level of the Lingmiao Tree.

Therefore, Meng Fei thought that if he could combine it with the Spiritual Tree, it would be equivalent to having an extra engine that could continuously provide him with a massive amount of spiritual energy.

"Seed with your body!"

Meng Fei thought in his heart that he wanted to use himself as "land" so that he could plant the magical tree in his body.

If this can be successful, it will undoubtedly be the best way to deal with it.

He can also use the spiritual energy of the magical tree more conveniently.

So, while walking, Meng Fei thought about ways to do this.


He reached the place where another piece of yellow paper was.

The terrain here was weird, and Meng Fei couldn't help but come back from his thoughts and began to turn his attention to the front.

"What happened to this village...?!"

In front of Meng Fei, a strange village appeared.

This village is like a folded piece of paper, and it is folded halfway, which is equivalent to a right angle.

Half of the village is on the ground, and the other half is on the plane of the straight line raised at right angles.

What makes Meng Fei even more strange is that the people in this folding village are actually acting like no one is doing anything wrong.

Those who should buy groceries buy groceries, and those who should take care of their children take care of them, as if there is no such thing.

"Could this be Tianyaksha's handiwork? But it doesn't look like they are feeding people in captivity and treating them as playthings? It's not very imaginative. It's like nothing has happened to these people..."

The more Meng Fei thought about it, the more confused he became. He couldn't figure out what was going on in front of him.


Meng Fei shouted towards the village, but there was no response from the village.

He was stunned, as if the village was a world isolated from the outside world.

This time, Meng Fei finally felt that the matter was far more than that simple, so he began to observe again.

Meng Fei was shocked to find that not only the people in the village could not hear him, but what was even worse, the people in the two folded "faces" of the village seemed to be unaware of each other's existence.

There is no intersection or connection between them. They are completely like people from two worlds.

Meng Fei even suspected that they could not see the other "side" world at all, let alone the outside world.

The whole world seems to be divided into three parts!

"What a generous move."

I don't know if it's because of Meng Fei's current level increase or something else, but the things he encounters now are getting more and more outrageous.

This time it can be said that it once again refreshed his knowledge and divided the world. He was very interested in this ability, and he suddenly had an idea.

"If you can carve out a world in my body, can you plant a magical tree in my body?" Meng Fei became more and more excited as he thought about it. This seemed to be a great method.

But the question now is, who created this thing?

How should he enter it, and what should he do after entering?

And should he enter it?

These are undoubtedly important questions.

Meng Fei stepped forward and began to approach the part of the village on the ground.

Then, he came to the village, only one step away, but it seemed as if the sky and the earth were unreachable.

Maybe if you take another step forward, it will be a completely different world.

Meng Fei took a deep breath, and then he looked at the village standing upright.

His face was solemn, and he thought it would be better to be cautious. He was not afraid of anything, he was just afraid of being trapped and wasting time.

So, he came to the folding village and kept wandering around, looking for some possible problems.

However, after searching for a while, he even looked around with the psychic eye, but there was nothing strange.

"There is really no way."

In this case, Meng Fei could only think of one possibility, that is, the source of all this is hidden in another world.

He had to focus on the folding village again.

"It seems that I have to go in and take a look."

Meng Fei took a deep breath again, and then strode into the flat village.

The moment he entered the flat village, Meng Fei instantly felt that his body was being pulled by a huge force, and it seemed to be twisting Meng Fei's body, but in general, the effect on Meng Fei was average, and he entered it safely.

Then, he saw more clearly that those villagers really seemed to have never happened.

There was only one child near Meng Fei, lying on the ground, looking at the sky blankly.

"Hey, little brat!"

Meng Fei came to the child and called him.

But the child didn't respond, just staring at the sky, lost in thought.

Other children were running and jumping and playing carefree, but he was different, as if he had something on his mind. Meng Fei was very curious, so he came here.

He didn't respond, so Meng Fei called him again.

He finally reacted, and he looked at Meng Fei's unfamiliar face, a little absent-minded.

Meng Fei ignored all this and asked directly: "Little brat, others are playing, what are you doing here?"

The child was stunned, and then looked at Meng Fei with a puzzled look, and then pointed his finger at the sky and asked Meng Fei:

"Because I am confused, why is the sky so big, but our world is so small..."

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