Meng Fei was greatly shocked when he heard the child's words.

"What do you think the world should be like?" Meng Fei asked him.

The child thought about it carefully and even forgot all about Meng Fei, a stranger.

I saw him reply: "At least I think there should be tall dirt bags and other trees. In short, with such a big sky, the world should also be very big. But why is the world I see like this? Small."

There was doubt and speculation in his tone. In this place where he had lived for many years, this problem seemed to have been bothering him.

Why is the world not as big as the sky?

His question also made Meng Fei feel a little emotional, and at the same time he concluded that there must be an ulterior secret here.

But there didn't seem to be any clues in this place, so Meng Fei decided to continue investigating.

So, Meng Fei leaned down, touched the child's head, and even said to him with great confidence: "I'll tell you the answer, the world is very big, and there are many things you haven't seen before. I couldn't tell you the details last day. Finished! And you’ll see it soon!”

"Really...?" The child was about to continue asking something, but Meng Fei's figure had disappeared.

Meng flew to the depths to find out the guy behind the scenes.

"Tian Yaksha, this guy's ability really makes me extremely curious." Meng Fei couldn't help rubbing his fists, looking a little excited.

"The ability to divide and create the world is not an ordinary skill. Find a way to get it!"

Such an ability is really extraordinary. Meng Fei guessed that this guy might have realized such a thing based on the emergence of ghosts, and finally developed such a perverted ability.

But looking at this posture, this move doesn't seem to be perfect yet, and it may even be in an "experimental" stage now.

It is normal for this level of strengthening training to take hundreds of years.

Therefore, the people in this folding village are estimated to have a history of almost hundreds of years.

So much so that people in the village now think that the world is only so big.

Only a very small number of children who are curious about the world have such doubts.

Meng Fei sighed with emotion. Many young people and children among them should have lived freely in a larger world, instead of living like this in "captivity".

However, he innocently became an "experiment". This method made Meng Fei numb for a while, but fortunately, he was still alive. This was the only good thing.

"who is it?!"

At this moment, a voice that penetrated Meng Fei's mind suddenly appeared with a questioning tone, and Meng Fei instantly entered a state of alert.

"I want to ask who you are?!" Meng Fei asked.

"How brave you are to dare to break into my territory!"

Just these words, this tone.

Meng Fei understood immediately.

"It turns out to be you - Tianyaksha."

Meng Fei is not inferior to him at all, he is also a person with a temper.

"You?!" After hearing Meng Fei's words, the voice also felt unhappy and confused.

It seems to have calmed down. People who can come to Tianyaksha directly with such an attitude can be said to be rare among the rare.

This guy is obviously not an ordinary person, so Tianyaksha said: "It seems that you are here to find me, so don't waste your time!"

"Okay." Meng Fei looked indifferent, waiting for its next move.

After all, Meng Fei had no initiative in that guy's field.

And more importantly, Meng Fei didn't know where the guy was hiding. Maybe he was in another world, so he couldn't tell.

At this moment, a crack as high as a person appeared in front of Meng Fei.

The cracks actually unfolded, just like the cracks that appeared on a painting. Through the cracks, it seemed that there was another world hidden behind it.

Meng Fei approached the crack and saw what was going on inside.

It was like a ghostly world. In the blue-gray space, there was almost nothing else except the blue-colored will-o'-the-wisps.

"It seems you need me to go in."

After saying that, Meng Fei took a big step into it.

In the blue-gray space, a ferocious evil ghost seemed to be floating.

It looks like a giant human being. On its tall but thin body, it has a heavy head hanging down on its thin neck, as if it will fall down immediately.

At this time, it turned around and saw Meng Fei.

"A mere human being, how dare you shout at me?!" Tianyaksha is naturally not a docile master, and his violent temper cannot tolerate the appearance of scum in his eyes, and Meng Fei at this time is obviously that scum.


After it looked at Meng Fei carefully, it suddenly changed its view. Meng Fei's body was as eye-catching as a natural gem.

Ordinary people cannot observe it, but it is impossible not to know it.

This guy's body is extremely strong and perfect.

For it, such a body can really be regarded as an excellent tonic.

"I'm starting to be interested in you, and you came just in time!"

It couldn't help but grin, revealing its sharp fangs, and then its lips trembled slightly, as if it was smiling.

"Oh, that's good. I happen to be very interested in you too!" Meng Fei also laughed.

Tian Yaksha was stunned for a second. It was a little confused. Meng Fei seemed to treat it as prey, but this was not right. Shouldn't it be Meng Fei who was the prey?

No matter what, the prey was right in front of it. Tian Yaksha took action directly. The guy on the opposite side was very strong. It could feel it, but it was not an opponent that it could not defeat.

"This guy is very strong."

Seeing Tian Yaksha attacking him, Meng Fei said so.

He could clearly feel that the strength of this Tian Yaksha was not ordinary.

After all, a guy who could think of such a method would not be ordinary. It could be said that it was a Tian Yaksha of the upper-middle level.

It was already a guy who was impacting a higher level. Meng Fei would not underestimate it.

So, Meng Fei dodged the previous attack first, but even so, he was hit. It was just harmless. The wound healed quickly and Meng Fei came back to his senses.

"It's really a tough guy."

Seeing Meng Fei's wound healed instantly, Tian Yaksha also frowned. Humans like this are rare, and this ability is definitely not ordinary.

"You too!"

Because he wanted to train himself, Meng Fei also wanted to try out his current skills.

What would happen if all kinds of moves were used?

So, Meng Fei did not let himself enter the super-limit state, nor did he use the God-Looking Technique to strengthen himself.

He used the air-stepping step to move in the air, and Tian Yasha's attack seemed extremely difficult to hit Meng Fei at this time.

Tian Yasha sneered, and then, a move that Meng Fei did not expect appeared...

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