A claw suddenly appeared in front of Meng Fei and grabbed Meng Fei's face. Three terrifying marks immediately appeared on his face.


Meng Fei glanced at the wound on his face and was confused.

Because of his self-healing ability, it took him a long time to completely repair the wound.


Meng Fei looked at the guy and was in a trance.

That night demon actually stretched out his claws in front of Meng Fei out of thin air. How could Meng Fei not be surprised?

Although Meng Fei also has similar methods, such as the Thousand Hands Secret Technique, the difference is that.

In order for Meng Fei's Thousand Hands Secret Technique to suddenly grow arms, it must rely on a carrier.

And it is obvious that in this space, Meng Fei can only use his Qi to find a carrier.

At this time, Tian Yasha showed a smug expression on his face.

Then, he saw his body tilt slightly to one side, and finally he actually sank directly into the void.

Meng Fei was shocked for a moment and immediately activated various abilities to sense its existence.

However, it was useless. The guy disappeared as if he had evaporated from the face of the earth.

"What's going on?"

Meng Fei was confused. What kind of ability did this guy have?

Then, a strange bell-like laugh exploded in Meng Fei's ears.

"Not good!"

He turned around and slashed with his palm, but this time it fell directly into the air.


Meng Fei was stunned again. It was just that the sound came from behind him, but when he turned around, he didn't find anything.

At this time, an extremely sharp force hit Meng Fei's neck.

"This force?!"

Meng Fei only then realized that the sharp claws on his neck had already cut through the surface of his neck and were moving madly deeper.

He grabbed the claw and pushed it out.

His hands were shaking because the force was indeed amazing.

Meng Fei was stunned, then gritted his teeth and used great force to get rid of the claw.

Facing the sudden claws, Meng Fei was also extremely surprised to find that just now, only the claws appeared, and they appeared out of thin air, without any body.

Things that appear out of thin air always catch Meng Fei off guard.

Meng Fei couldn't react to such a sudden attack, just like just now.

This is not to say that the speed is so fast that Meng Fei can react, but Meng Fei doesn't know where the attack will appear, and even if it appears, it is very likely to be a feint, and the real attack is lurking behind.

Therefore, Meng Fei is now in a dilemma and it is difficult to get out.

He is now eager to find a flaw, otherwise it will be difficult for him to deal with the guy in front of him.

This ability is too weird, Meng Fei can't sense it, he even suspects that the guy's body is divided into several parts, and then each part is hidden, sometimes appearing here, sometimes appearing on the other side.

In order not to be affected by frequent attacks, Meng Fei had to expel the air, so as to wrap his body and make it less affected.

In this way, Meng Fei can better think about the solution.

"How can so many things be hidden? Breathing, movement, sound, figure..."

Meng Fei's mind kept flashing with various contents.

Finally, he thought of something.

That is a situation similar to a village. In other words, this guy can change the shape of the space in this space at will.

It's like its ghost cave.

In this space, it can change the position of the space incomparably willful.

Even let its body merge with the space here.

However, it has caused the current situation, it just evaporated and disappeared.

In fact, it didn't disappear, it can even be said to be everywhere.

It can also be said that in this world, it can exist anywhere, and it can also be said that it does not exist anywhere.

And what he needs to pay attention to has even reached the exaggerated point of this whole world.

"It seems that the guy I met so far is the strongest."

Meng Fei sighed, the guy in front of him is really perverted.

It can even be said that he is the strongest opponent Meng Fei has ever met. The weirdness of this guy's ability is unimaginable.


Meng Fei shouted, and then his whole body began to change.

His skin began to turn red and hot, and his Qi began to consume violently.

With both states fully activated, Meng Fei's strength leaped again and reached the extreme.

I thought it was unnecessary to activate such a state, but Meng Fei still underestimated the strength of this Tian Yasha. It was really not possible to be careless.

Meng Fei relaxed the Qi that was wrapped around his body, and then his sensitivity reached the peak.

Tian Yasha attacked again, but he dodged it at once. His speed and reaction can be said to have reached the extreme.

Such an unpredictable attack was actually dodged by Meng Fei with his reaction power and speed. Meng Fei's strength in this state can be said to be extremely terrifying.

But this cannot solve the problem. Meng Fei still cannot defeat it.

It can even be said that Meng Fei can only dodge the attack now, and it is simply impossible to fight back.

"Damn it." Meng Fei was a little upset. This made him feel a little overwhelmed.

That guy had been hiding in the dark and never came out. The force of each blow showed no sign of reduction. He hit Meng Fei violently, which made Meng Fei feel a headache.

At this time, a burst of light seemed to come from the slightly red palm of Meng Fei's hand.

Meng Fei looked down and saw that it was a purple light flowing through his palm.

"What is this?"

Looking at this purple light, many events emerged in Meng Fei's mind.

"Ultimate Magic Book!"

Meng Fei was surprised. Because he had just obtained it, he did not realize that he still had this power at the first time.

"Come on!"

At this moment, Meng Fei stopped dodging and began to stand quietly in place.

Then, a burst of purple light directly wrapped Meng Fei's whole body.

At this time, Meng Fei opened his arms.

The sharp claws attacked violently again, but Meng Fei did not have any intention of dodging this time.

At this time, the claws hit Meng Fei, as weak as hitting cotton.

Then, Meng Fei copied Tian Yasha's spatial ability in an instant through the power of the Ultimate Magic Book.

"The power of space? It seems very powerful."

Meng Fei couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

At this moment, another attack came towards him. It seemed that Tian Yasha didn't seem to care about Meng Fei's previous actions.

At this time, the claws stopped at the moment they stretched out.

Because Meng Fei was gone at this time...

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