"what happened?"

Tianyaksha couldn't help but poke his doubtful head out and look around in the space.

"Why is that guy missing?" It couldn't see where Meng Fei was, and it was even more incredible for a while.

This feeling is like it, annihilating all the breath and disappearing. Isn't this the same as it? !

"Really?" Tianyaksha's voice started to tremble a little.

It seemed to realize something very scary.


At this moment, a familiar cry sounded in Tianyaksha's ears.

"It's you?! How could this happen!"

It retracted its head in disbelief, and this was actually another space.

It can be said that this is the space within the space, and now, Meng Fei is standing behind it.

"You...how did you do that?"

Its two round eyes were so wide that it almost popped out of its head. It had never seen such a thing before.

How did Meng Fei enter its inner space?

This made him think so hard that he didn't even understand it.

However, Meng Fei smiled harmlessly and said: "Hey, that's all thanks to you!"

"Thanks to me? What do you mean? How did you get in?!" It desperately wants to know the answers to these questions. It can be said that it is extremely eager for answers.

It can be said that if he is not told why, it may cause problems in future cultivation.

However, Meng Fei just touched the back of his head and replied with a smile: "If I want to enter a world like yours, the best and most direct way is to master your abilities, so the answer is obvious, how did you get in?" That’s how you got in!”


Hearing Meng Fei's words, Tianyaksha inevitably collapsed.

He actually said that how it got in was how he got in. Tianyaksha was dumbfounded.

After all, what this means is that Meng Fei has mastered its ability, and he has mastered it. It is not just a simple understanding.

And you must know that it can be said that it has spent a lot of effort and energy to become what it is now, and when it first met Meng Fei, it did not see Meng Fei capable of his ability.

But now he suddenly had this ability, and he also entered it and came in front of it. How could it not be shocked?

And Meng Fei still came to it in his own way.

"What, do you want to defeat me with my own skills?" Tianyaksha finally calmed down, and his eyes finally returned to their cold look again.

Realizing that Meng Fei might have really acquired his own abilities, although Tianyaksha didn't understand what was going on, the battle was not over yet and he could not take it lightly.

Don't panic because of this problem. Once this happens, there will really be no chance of victory in the battle.

At this time, Meng Fei saw Dantian Yaksha's limbs scattered into six pieces.

From its head to the soles of its feet, its head flew out, but there was no blood spurting out. The whole body was as horrifying as if it had been torn apart by five horses. Its legs, body, and arms were all untied.

This seemed extremely weird, but Meng Fei didn't understand all this.

He now clearly knows that these are nothing more than Tianyaksha moving the part of the space where his body is located, and it has not actually split apart.

"I'm afraid these tricks won't be so effective on me now."

At this time, its head was floating in mid-air, and from time to time it showed a ferocious smile at Meng Fei. Then, each part of its body was doing different things.

Only his upper body was seen standing on the ground, with the holes left after his arms, head and thighs separated.

Those holes were like black holes, emitting unknown black dirty gas.

Those dirty gases are slowly spreading like a wisp of smoke, and they are constantly flying, like a long black smoke with dregs in the middle.

What exactly this thing can do is obviously still unknown to Meng Fei.

"Black mist?"

Although he didn't know what the smoke could do, Meng Fei recognized its essence.

Since it was caused by the black mist, it was probably some kind of magic or something like that.

Meng Fei turned his palm, and then a vortex of black mist appeared in his palm.

Meng Fei also has the same technique based on black mist.

The black mist is actually the qi that has been practiced to the extreme, and in the end it directly transforms into black. This kind of qi is more powerful, and it will also have better usage ability, and can make better use of the qi, and even use it in various fields. In this technique, one can strengthen or even transform.

Meng Fei placed the black mist vortex near the black smoke, and then the black smoke was successfully sucked away by Meng Fei.

However, things don't seem to be that simple.

"These cigarettes?"

Meng Fei suddenly realized something was wrong.

He suddenly discovered that the real reason why all the black smoke around him did not attack him seemed to be that they were moving in an extremely regular trajectory.

That is to say.

"This is a formation!"

Meng Fei suddenly realized, and then he stepped into the air, trying to get out of the formation.

"Don't even think about it!"

At this time, the head in the air saw Meng Fei's movements. After shouting, its limbs suddenly appeared beside Meng Fei, and it immediately controlled Meng Fei's limbs.

The body of Tian Yasha seemed to have no bones, and the whole body was limp. Meng Fei's limbs were directly entangled by its limbs.

And the broken limbs came with the power wrapped in black mist, and Meng Fei was immediately affected.

So, he began to fall.

"Is this formation?!"

Meng Fei struggled to slow down his fall, but looking at the formation below that had almost formed, Meng Fei was shocked.

The formation did not seem to have any offensive power. It was like an abyss that could not see the bottom. Once you enter it, it seems that you will never find a way out.

"Yes, it's just what you think. This is not a formation that directly destroys human life, but a power that swallows everything into the void! I also call this formation the Exile Formation!"

Just like the Tiangou of the big yellow dog, once it is sucked into it, even it itself does not know where the things or lives sucked in will go.

This formation is extremely terrifying, mainly because of its huge unknown. Even Meng Fei dare not be so rash.

"What should I do?"

Meng Fei questioned himself.

Seeing that he was about to fall into the formation, Meng Fei had to come up with some ideas.

"These damn limbs are so difficult to deal with!"

Meng Fei cursed the limbs of Tian Yasha that were entangled with him.


Looking at the limbs, Meng Fei seemed to have thought of something.

"Can I do it?"

Meng Fei tried to mobilize his spatial power.

He began to think, how should he use the spatial power so that he could achieve the ability to control the decomposed limbs like Tian Yasha?

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