
Meng Fei thought about it and felt something was not right.

If it was cutting, it would not be directly separated like this without any cut blood.

Spatial separation?

This seems to be reasonable, but it can be said that it makes no sense at all.

Because spatial decomposition should be a partial spatial decomposition, not like this, where the decomposed limbs can be moved freely.

"Damn it!"

None of these seemed to be the case, which made Meng Fei a little panicked. He began to exert force to break free from the control of his limbs, but the more he wanted to break free, the greater the force would be.

Those damn limbs were like rubber, Meng Fei could not break free, and they kept relying on Meng Fei, but it didn't work.

Seeing that they were about to approach the formation, Meng Fei was now in a hurry, the situation was extremely urgent, and the situation was extremely serious.

"What's going on?" He looked at the bound limbs.

At the same time, he was even more puzzled that he had fought with that guy before, but why couldn't he do it now?

In the previous power confrontation, there was no such situation as now. Now Meng Fei could not break free from his power. This was really outrageous.

Meng Fei could be said to have never thought of this problem.

"This feeling?"

Meng Fei exerted force again, and the limbs still increased their strength.


At this time, Meng Fei was lost in thought as he looked at the limbs of the Yaksha that day. He always felt that something was wrong.

As he looked at it, Meng Fei suddenly realized.

"Although these limbs are twisted, there is actually no sense of force!"

That is to say, although those limbs entangled Meng Fei, the strange thing is that there is no trace of force on those limbs, as if some force twisted those limbs, and in the end it was just a presentation.

"I understand!"

At this moment, Meng Fei finally understood.

He understood that it was not space decomposition or space cutting, but just an ordinary creation of a space world!

"Wrap the created space worlds around the parts of your body that you want to separate, and then control the space world to move!"

After saying that, at the critical moment, Meng Fei began to operate the space technique, and then it could be seen that Meng Fei created several space worlds to wrap around his head, body and limbs.

But Meng Fei obviously used more space worlds, and then he decomposed his body into more and smaller parts, and then slipped away, and finally escaped from control in an instant.

Afterwards, Meng Fei tried to use the power of controlling the space world to change the shape of his body.

Sure enough, his body immediately twisted in shape, but there was no pain or discomfort transmitted to his consciousness.

All the mysteries were finally solved.

Meng Fei successfully escaped from danger, and then landed in a safe place. Finally, his body was reorganized immediately, and Meng Fei stood on the ground intact again.

"Damn it!" Tian Yasha was obviously very angry about Meng Fei's escape from death. It directly withdrew the formation, and then reorganized it very boldly, facing Meng Fei head-on.

"Are we finally going to face off?"

Meng Fei's face seemed to still have a sense of anticipation.

It seems that the guy has almost used up all his tricks, and now he seems to have run out of tricks.

It has come to this point, and it is naturally the time that Meng Fei likes more.

When both sides have reached this point, it is a matter of strength.

"It seems that you don't have any tricks anymore, right?"

Tian Yasha said to Meng Fei who was motionless.

However, Meng Fei made a bitter face, and then stretched out a finger and shook it and said: "No, no, no, my tricks will only start now!"

"You?!" Tian Yasha frowned, and even twitched a little on his face.

"Go to hell!"

Tian Yasha roared, and then rushed towards Meng Fei like a mad dog, and there was even a long strand of saliva hanging from the corner of its mouth, just like a real mad dog.

However, facing such an attack, Meng Fei did not take it seriously, and turned around and dodged it directly.

Meng Fei then ascended with a stepping air step, and when he came to the air, he shot out a terrifying palm of thousands of meteors.

Thousands of meteors immediately swept the entire space world, and then launched a crazy attack on Tian Yasha.

Tian Yasha quickly created a space world to wrap itself, and then isolated itself from the outside world.

Now even if another world exploded, it would not affect it.

"This move is really good, but now I will not be affected by it."

Meng Fei's face was calm and indifferent, as if he had already made up his mind.

It was said that it was too late.

Meng Fei flashed towards the position of Tian Yasha, and then time stopped.

Then, he used the space technique to directly force the connection between Tian Yasha and the outside world, so that thousands of meteors could hit it completely.

Meng Fei flashed away from here, creating a huge space for thousands of meteors.

At the moment when time flowed, thousands of meteors fell terribly and instantly shot into the space world created by Tian Yasha.

Hit by thousands of meteors, the body of Tian Yasha was destroyed bit by bit, and in the end, it just roared in pain and unwillingness.

It looked at Meng Fei, with confusion in its eyes.

Finally, its pupils suddenly dilated, as if at that moment, it finally understood everything.

"I didn't expect... you still have that ability!"

After the words fell, Tian Yasha completely collapsed and no longer had a body.

In the end, its voice was extremely desperate, because it received an extremely terrifying message, that is, a person who possessed the power of time and space at the same time.


Meng Fei took a piece of yellow paper here, and then with his current mastery of the power of space, he successfully escaped from the multiple worlds.

Afterwards, the folded village was also easily solved by him in two moves. As for whether the villagers knew what happened, Meng Fei left it for them to find out for themselves.

Finally, Meng Fei secretly glanced at the child. The child was originally lying on the ground, but at this time he suddenly stood up. He seemed to have noticed something was wrong.

The child looked around, looking a little confused, then he scratched his head and sat down again.

But not long after this, he seemed to feel that something was still wrong, so he immediately stood up and began to look around for something.

Meng Fei smiled, then turned and left.

His pace was so fast that he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

On the way to the next destination, everything around him seemed like something out of this world, and had nothing to do with him.

At this time, Meng Fei entered the vicinity of an abandoned temple, and he stopped suddenly.

Because at this time, there was something under his feet that hurt him.

You know, how could ordinary things make him feel painful under his feet?

So he lowered his head and saw the thing that hurt his feet, "This is... a small model tower?!"

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