Meng Fei couldn't believe the painful thing under his feet.

It will actually be a small tower as big as a palm.

This thing was like a child's toy, but when Meng Fei took it in his hand and looked at it carefully, he found that it was not that simple.

From the bottom of the tower to the top of the tower, there are almost five floors in terms of edges and corners. The workmanship is so exquisite that it can be said that it is a scaled down version of a real tower.

"What is the origin of this thing?"

Meng Fei was puzzled.

After all, this thing can hit his feet, which is completely

It can be explained that this thing has some unknown power.

Meng Fei shook the small tower subconsciously, and the small tower suddenly felt like heavy objects moving inside.


However, Meng Fei looked around and saw nothing.

The appearance of this tower is like a real tower reduced in proportion. Likewise, the inner body of this tower is like a toy, empty.

But that feeling just now is real!

Meng Fei was extremely convinced.

He then verified it several times and it was always like this.

However, every time I look at it, the small tower is still hollow, with nothing in it.

"Could it be that?"

Meng Fei suddenly remembered the power of space he had just obtained.

This situation is nothing more than a space problem.

And Meng Fei also thought that using his psychic eyes and spirit-sniffing power, he might be able to frown.

So, Meng Fei looked at the small tower first, and there seemed to be a little evil aura remaining, but it was very weak.

Meng Fei looked around. There was almost a wilderness near him, and the dilapidated temples were overgrown with weeds. The grass would be submerged like an ocean.

Therefore, it is not a strange thing to have some evil aura here, not to mention that after Meng Fei sniffed the aura on the small tower, he clearly knew that it was very weak.

Therefore, this finding does not seem to be very convincing.

"Maybe it's not the reason..."

Meng Fei looked at the small tower carefully for a long time, and kept stroking the small tower with his hand.

The golden rubble on it always showed a different brilliance, and Meng Fei couldn't help but squeeze his eyebrows.

"Material! I understand! It's material! The material used to create this small tower is not an ordinary thing! It is definitely the best of the best!"

Meng Fei became more and more excited as he talked, because if his current body could have such an effect just by touching it like this, it would directly mean that this thing would be of great benefit to him.

Meng Fei can use it to do many things, and sometimes, he can also use it as a weapon.

"Why don't you give it a try?"

With the attitude of giving it a try, Meng Fei had another idea.

He held Xiaota in one hand, and then spread his other hand in front of him without moving.

Immediately afterwards, he used the edge of the small tower to scratch his palm. A crack appeared on Meng Fei's hand, and blood followed.

However, the powerful self-healing ability did not allow the wound to grow uncontrollably. In the end, it returned to normal directly, but the blood still remained there.

At this time, the small tower suddenly moved, and the blood that Meng Fei had just flowed out was actually being absorbed by the small tower.

And under Meng Fei's gaze, the blood flew directly to the lowest floor of the five-story tower.

"what's the situation?!"

Meng Fei was a little confused. Everything that happened in front of him was too sudden. He didn't even realize what happened.

All he knew was that his blood seemed to have been sucked away.

"This thing?"

Meng Fei looked at the thing in his hand again, and his head was full of questions. How did he get such a thing?

And what on earth is this? !

At this time, just when Meng Fei was confused, the small tower moved again, and the bottom layer of the thing inadvertently lit up with a burst of green light.

Meng Fei watched every move of the small tower in his hand extremely seriously. Every change of the small tower was observed by Meng Fei extremely seriously and carefully.


Immediately afterwards, the small tower started to tremble non-stop, and the green light became a little brighter, and even the frequency of flashes was much higher.

Meng Fei stared at the small tower and was lost in thought.

He didn't know what to do now, he could only stare at the changes in Xiaota.

He wanted to see how big this little thing was going to be.

Meng Fei actually didn't think much of the palm-sized tower.


However, the next second, Meng Fei was shocked. The small tower suddenly broke free from Meng Fei's hand as if it had become spiritual.

At first, Meng Fei thought that this guy was planning to leave Meng Fei, but it turned out not to be the case.

Not only did Xiaota not run away, but he even attacked Meng Fei.

This time it was even more cruel, and he actually rushed directly to Meng Fei's arm.

But this time, the blow was obviously stronger!

"It's thirsty for blood!"

Meng Fei finally understood everything.

This little tower is not a serious thing at all, it is an evil thing!

"Damn it!"

Meng Fei couldn't help but scold his mother because that guy actually succeeded.

Meng Fei's arm was cut with a terrifying long gash.

And all the blood was absorbed by the lowest level of the small tower.

"It's really weird, why is it only the last floor, is there something there?" Meng Fei couldn't help but guess.

But whether it exists or not, Meng Fei knows that this thing doesn't seem to be so easy to deal with.

Then, Meng Fei's blood was "eaten" by that thing.

And a thin and strange light shot out from the small tower, and finally hit the place where Meng Fei was hit.

"This thing?"

After being illuminated by the light, Meng Fei was like a water valve that was opened, blood gushed out crazily, and was sucked crazily by the small tower.

Meng Fei naturally didn't care so much, he felt that the small tower didn't seem to be suitable to keep.

So, Meng Fei's fist began to accumulate power, and finally a punch came to the front of the small tower with a violent gust of wind.

However, the small tower seemed to have no big problems.

Meng Fei's attack obviously didn't have much positive effect.

Seeing that he was still being "bleeding", Meng Fei was furious and tore his arm off at once.

Relying on the powerful self-healing ability, Meng Fei instantly recovered and grew a new arm.

The arm that was sucked in before was directly sucked into the small tower.

"It's really unrefined!"

Meng Fei said with a mocking tone.

The perversion of the small tower was indeed beyond his imagination. This thing seemed to have some secrets that Meng Fei didn't know.

"What is this?!"

At this moment, after the small tower absorbed Meng Fei's arm, strange gray smoke finally emerged from the bottom.

The gray smoke filled the air and instantly formed a passage.

Meng Fei frowned, and a strange figure suddenly appeared above the passage...

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