"Who are you?"

Looking at the figure that suddenly appeared, Meng Fei asked.

The figure did not answer Meng Fei immediately, but stretched his body there.

The figure showed that it must be a person.

It is just unknown why he came out of this small tower.

The man leaned back with his toes against the ground, supporting his whole body. His hands kept stretching upwards, like the feeling of waking up after a long sleep.

He seemed to be feeling everything around him, everything in this world, as if he had just come to this world for the first time.

"Who are you?"

Because there was no response, Meng Fei asked him again.

At this time, the smoke in the passage dissipated, the small tower fell to the ground, and the man's face finally appeared in front of Meng Fei.


Looking at the man's appearance, Meng Fei couldn't help but be a little surprised.

It was indeed a person, no problem, but he looked very confused, and he seemed to be more unfamiliar with the surrounding things than Meng Fei.

"How many years? How many years?"

He suddenly showed a panic expression, and then he actually counted his fingers there.

But while counting, he stopped suddenly, his eyebrows squeezed together, showing an extremely tangled look.

Meng Fei rarely asked him, so he just looked at him quietly, not knowing what he wanted to do.

But Meng Fei was naturally not idle. He came to the front of the small tower and took the thing in his hand again.

"It should be the seal of the power of space."

Although Meng Fei didn't quite understand what happened, he could be sure that this must be the sealing technique that can only be done by using the power of space.

It's just that this guy was sealed here, which inevitably made Meng Fei a little puzzled.


Suddenly, when Meng Fei was also thinking about the problem, a pair of hands suddenly grabbed his neck.

"What are you doing?"

The man who grabbed Meng Fei's neck was the man who came out of the tower. At this time, in front of Meng Fei, Meng Fei saw his appearance better.

He looked like he hadn't been around for a long time, but Meng Fei saw that his face looked like he hadn't experienced much time, but there were a few tiny marks on his face that couldn't be covered up.

This caught Meng Fei's attention, because it meant that the sealed world in the small tower might have the power of the law of time, which changed the flow of time.

This also meant that the small tower not only had the power of space, but also the power of time.

Being able to master the power of time and space at the same time, it must be that the person who created this small tower was not an ordinary person.

Meng Fei immediately became interested, but the current situation was still very special, and it was not the time to talk about these things.

He opened the hands with one hand, and the guy was a little confused for a moment. Under Meng Fei's strong force, he even took several steps back in succession.

"A person who has embarked on the path of magic?"

Meng Fei said lightly.

The guy couldn't help but laugh sarcastically, and then suddenly said to Meng Fei, "The path of magic-Hua Ye, what about you? Tell me your name!"

"Meng Fei." Although Meng Fei hadn't told anyone his real name for a long time, the guy in front of him was different.

After all, Meng Fei didn't use his real name because he was afraid that too many people would spread it, but this guy was different. After all, this guy had been sealed for many years, and he didn't know how he was released, but he was not a person of this era.

And more importantly, Meng Fei was about to subdue him.

Hua Ye showed a calm expression on his face. Before Meng Fei could speak, he directly wrapped his hands with black air, his eyes turned blood red, his hair fluttered wildly, and his skin looked a little darker, like a real devil.

Meng Fei grinned. Since he was not prepared to communicate, he didn't plan to communicate.

Hua Ye made his hands into claws, and then tore them in front of Meng Fei.

He couldn't help showing a confident expression, as if he had never failed with this move.

However, Meng Fei's expression was even more confident than Hua Ye's.

Meng Fei moved slightly, the angle was extremely tricky, and the claw directly brushed Meng Fei's face, carrying an extremely violent tearing wind.

But the wind was like a breeze to Meng Fei, and there was no need to worry about it. He even used it to grab Hua Ye's arm and then held it.

Then, there was an extremely cruel scene.

Meng Fei was holding Hua Ye and smashing him madly on the ground.

Hua Ye's body was not ordinary. He was smashed by Meng Fei like this, but he was only seriously injured.

If other people came, it would be a problem whether they could survive.

"I surrender!"

After this heart-wrenching roar, Meng Fei finally stopped.

Hua Ye was already covered with scars at this time, but his strong body allowed him to lie half on the ground and still talk to Meng Fei reluctantly.

This was exactly the effect Meng Fei wanted. Meng Fei didn't want to make him half dead. After all, Meng Fei was still very curious about Hua Ye's affairs.

"Oh, it seems that he can't move much." Meng Fei looked at his scarred body. Fortunately, he also controlled the strength, otherwise this guy would be in great danger.

"Damn it, I didn't expect you to be so perverted."

"Damn! You can't beat me so you just curse!"

Meng Fei couldn't help but kick him again.

"Wrong, wrong! Don't hit him! Ouch!"

Hua Ye, who was already injured, was in even worse situation.

He didn't dare to do anything wrong now, and could only wait for Meng Fei's punishment.

"Whatever you say, I give up!" Hua Ye said hurriedly, fearing that Meng Fei would do something terrible to him if he was unhappy.

That just now was enough to give him a shadow, and he couldn't bear too much.

"Well, that's right, okay, I don't have anything else to do, just tell this thing and your story."

As he said, Meng Fei picked up the small tower.

After seeing the small tower, Hua Ye's eyes showed a more fearful and disgusted expression.

He sighed for a long time, and then after a little relief, he continued to tell the story.

He said that it might be something in the last era.

At that time, the sky and the earth were very close, the world was very chaotic, and all kinds of human beings, as well as all kinds of towering beasts and even some people of the magic way, were rampant and domineering at that time, everywhere.

This situation will be a problem. Ordinary lives will live in dire straits, that's for sure.

And people like him in the magic world are the best among them.

They are also bloodthirsty demons.

They do all kinds of evil and will never look at anything that can be killed.

In this way, the world is in chaos.

And this situation will not end until that day.

A powerful person suddenly appeared and changed the direction of all this...

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