"Forget it, I'm not interested."

Meng Fei continued.

The rich young man seemed a little anxious. After all, such a decadent contestant should be better at talking about this matter, but the man in front of him did not agree to what he said.

"Please tell me the number! I really need to enter this re-examination!" Mr. Fu insisted.

"Why do you care so much?" Seeing his persistence, Meng Fei couldn't help but become a little curious.

After hearing this, the man suddenly felt a little embarrassed on his face. After thinking about whether to tell or not, he finally chose to tell the two people in front of him despite all the entanglements.

It turns out that this guy is the eldest son of the Jiang family, a very wealthy family in the Ning country. The Jiang family is as rich as the rest of the country. It can be said that it has a power that changes everything in the Ning country. And Jiang Rufeng, the eldest son of the Jiang family, is a famous figure in the entire Ning country.

But this guy is actually an infatuated person. With his huge wealth, he never spends too much time and money. Just because of a chance meeting, he fell in love with the beautiful third princess of Ningguo. However, the princess only said that she did not love the dandy, so he read the eulogy. He learned a lot about elegance, but the princess later said that she didn't have the power to bind a chicken, and she couldn't do it even if she only knew how to read, so he took advantage of the opportunity of the martial arts city competition to come here and take the preliminary test.

Naturally, anyone can participate in the preliminary test, but it is not easy to enter the retest. There are at least hundreds of people in each pilot, and it is not easy to reach the top four among these hundreds of people.

It can be said that those who enter the re-examination are already a strong proof.

But Jiang Rufeng didn't know any martial arts, so he had no choice but to make this move. After all, money was nothing to him.

After listening to his story, Meng Fei couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth and couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" Gu Liu asked on the side. After all, as far as he knew, a rich kid like him was actually quite rare.

"I remembered a saying called the silly son of a landlord. I finally saw it today! Haha!"

Anyway, for Meng Fei, isn't Jiang Rufeng just a waste of his own capital?

Although Jiang Rufeng can live freely as he pleases, he is an infatuated person who brings unnecessary trouble to himself, and she happens to be a princess. For Jiang Rufeng's status, the only thing that can make him helpless is the princess level.

"This Taoist priest, please stop laughing at me. Can you give me a positive answer?" Jiang Rufeng was still very patient and polite. In short, the book was not in vain.

"Well, well..." Meng Fei rolled his eyes and thought, and then asked him, "Hey, how many people have you asked so far? How many have agreed to you?"

"Oh, I have a record of this," Jiang Rufeng said, taking out a piece of plain paper with many names and a bunch of numbers listed on it, "There are a total of five hundred people in the West Pilot, and I have been with almost two A hundred people have negotiated it..."

"two hundred?!"

Meng Fei and Gu Liu looked at each other in disbelief.

"Hey, didn't you say the atmosphere in this city is very good?" Meng Fei poked Gu Liu with his elbow.

"You're stupid. There's nothing wrong with the city, it's the people who have the problem! And almost all of them are people from outside. I guess most of them know that they are not strong enough. It's better to just agree to this guy. What's the problem? It’s a guaranteed profit, so it’s not surprising after all.”

What Gu Liu said made sense, and Meng Fei nodded to express that it was indeed the case.

"So you two?" Jiang Rufeng asked tentatively.

Meng Fei's head was like an overturned river at this time, all kinds of thoughts were mixed together like numbness, and then broke apart directly, and he had another good idea.

"In this case, I promise you, but I have one request. I won't fight with you and let him act with you." Meng Fei pointed at Gu Liu beside him.

Gu Liu looked confused, pointed at himself and said in surprise: "Me?"

He couldn't understand why it suddenly got related to him again.

"Yes, Taoist priest, what do you mean?" Jiang Rufeng was even more confused by someone who complained that he was too weak before but said that he would not accompany him in a fake fight.

"I have a better and more secure idea." Meng Fei continued, no longer making any excuses.

Meng Fei's plan was to use the rules of the competition to better send Jiang Rufeng to the re-examination. Of course, this would not affect his entry into the re-examination.

And the specific steps are.

First of all, due to the rules of the competition, because there are too many people, the competition can only be conducted in a trap arena. The specific thing is that everyone will have a chaotic battle on a huge arena full of traps, and those who fall into the traps will In order to fail, the last four people left will enter the re-examination.

So when the time comes, the people who were bribed by Jiang Rufeng will probably fall into the trap on their own after a while, and the problem at this time is how to solve the problem that there are so many other people.

Therefore, Meng Fei decided to let Gu Liu secretly take care of Jiang Rufeng with him, and this kind of thing can only be done when there are many people, and it will be seen when there are few people.

So when there were few people, Gu Liu could be allowed to enter the trap, and then Meng Fei tried to anger and challenge the other people, and then solved them until there were almost only two people left, and everything was successful.

In other words, the most important point of this plan is still focused on Meng Fei and Gu Liu. After all, Meng Fei still has to challenge, and it is Gu Liu who is really taking care of Jiang Rufeng.

If you use some magic secretly, you may not be discovered.

And Meng Fei is the top priority. After all, it is not easy to ensure victory.

Similarly, Jiang Rufeng felt a little unsure about Meng Fei, who had been showing weakness in front of him before: "Is it really okay? I think it's better to ask some more people..."

"No, no, no!" Meng Fei hurriedly stopped him, "Don't spend that wasted money anymore, why not leave more money for me! Believe me, it's definitely right!"

Meng Fei didn't want the cooked duck to fly away, or to be divided by others. With fewer people, he could eat more meat, or so he thought.

"Is it necessary? Why do we need so much money?" Gu Liu still asked Meng Fei with some doubts.

Meng Fei looked at him with disgust and said: "So you know nothing about money. Don't think that if you don't need money now, you won't need it in the future! As long as this thing exists, it must have its use!"

"Ah, right..." For a Taoist priest, Gu Liu was not very thorough with this concept, but one thing he understood was that money can buy a lot of wine.

"Does that mean you can buy a lot of wine?!" Gu Liu said with enlightenment.

Meng Fei was confused at first, then he remembered his experience in Huaicheng, and then he remembered that this guy was a Taoist priest who was greedy for drinking. Then he said with a bad smile: "It's not just wine? Anyone who can accompany the wine will do..."

"Huh?" Gu Liu was confused again.


On the other side, looking at the strange expressions of the two people who were already thinking about successfully getting the money, Jiang Rufeng felt even more unsure.

These two guys don't seem to be very reliable...

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