Even if they regretted it, there is no regret medicine in the world.

Not to mention, it is already the next day.

The early morning sun was climbing up the hillside, and the early roosters were crowing.

However, in Wugong City, what got them ahead was a loud sound of gongs and drums.

The sound of gongs and drums was like thunder in the daytime, high-pitched and exciting, waking up all the contestants in Wugong City from their sleep instantly.

The exciting drum sound completely took away their sleepiness. They opened their eyes and walked out of the door. What came into view was the yellow sand arena not far away.

The huge arena was enough to stand hundreds of people, and it can be said that there was enough space for everyone to compete.

And the arena covered with yellow sand was the trap arena mentioned earlier.

The challenge of the trap arena is not just an ordinary battle. There is only thick yellow sand on the arena, and as for those trap pits, they are covered by thin wooden boards, and a little force will break them and fall into them.

But what entered the eyes was always the yellow sand all over the sky. Everyone standing on it would not know whether it was flat ground or a trap pit that would represent their failure.

Therefore, the only thing that the contestants needed to do on the trap arena was to defeat the opponent standing in front of them.

"What's wrong? Are you scared?"

Meng Fei noticed Jiang Rufeng trembling next to him, so he said to him jokingly.

"There's nothing you can do if you're afraid. Now you're here..." Jiang Rufeng's voice trembled slightly.

But he had never doubted the power of money since he was a child, but he was still unsure in his heart whether he should believe Meng Fei's words or not. This made him sleep poorly all night.

Soon, after thinking for a while, he gave up thinking, after all, whether it would succeed or not would be known today.


Hearing his words, Meng Fei also laughed.

Seeing his far-fetched look, Meng Fei felt an inexplicable sense of humor.

He was obviously a young man from a big family, but he didn't look like one.

But speaking of it, it was indeed rare for him to be like this.

Boom... Boom... Boom Boom Boom!

A few extremely rhythmic drum beats sounded, and everyone's eyes were cast on the stands above the ring.

On the stands, a man in official uniform shouted to the people below, "The first test of the West Test Site - officially begins!"

This sound was like the flame of a firecracker, instantly setting off the whole venue. The people of the entire West Test Site rushed towards the trap ring like crazy, and then each chose their own opponents to fight.

"Gu Liu, Jiang Rufeng!"

Meng Fei gestured to the two of them, and the two nodded in response, and then Meng Fei rushed to the ring in one step.

At the end of yesterday, Meng Fei optimized the plan again, that is, let Gu Liu and Jiang Rufeng pretend to fight, and act according to the situation!

After all, Meng Fei later learned a reality, that is, after the war, it is almost a one-on-one situation, and there will be no multi-to-one situation, so let Gu Liu and Jiang Rufeng pretend to fight first, which is obviously safer.

Jiang Rufeng and Gu Liu also agreed with this idea, so they decided to go up together at the end, mainly to avoid being forcibly dispersed by the crowd.

When the two saw that the number of people going up was almost the same, they went up to the ring together and started their performance.

But Meng Fei was different. He came up almost for real.

But seeing that almost all the people in front of him were "taken", he couldn't help but look embarrassed.

After waiting for a long time, even his hands were a little itchy.

"Hey, it's you! What are you looking around for? I'm here to fight you!"

Finally, an arrogant woman's voice appeared behind Meng Fei.

Meng Fei turned around and saw a woman dressed like a man, but the white face and shrill voice, as well as the large protrusion, told Meng Fei that this was a woman.

"No way? It's a woman right at the beginning? Forget it, I don't hit women." Meng Fei said helplessly, after all, hitting women is not what men should do.

When the woman in men's clothing heard this, she was furious and yelled at Meng Fei: "What's wrong with women?! All these dogs think they are so great, and don't want to fight me? I think they don't dare to fight me. After all, it would be so embarrassing if they lose."

Don't dare to fight me.

It would be so embarrassing if they lose.

Don't dare to fight me.

It would be so embarrassing if they lose.


These two sentences kept repeating in Meng Fei's head, and even stimulated his body unscrupulously.

"Provocation! But it still worked!" Meng Fei gritted his teeth and said.

"That's right!"

As soon as the voice fell, the woman didn't give Meng Fei any reaction time. She saw a short sword stretched out from her sleeves and held it in her hand.

The short sword reflected a sharp cold light and stabbed directly at Meng Fei's arm.

Wugong City does not allow human lives to occur, but it does not say that people cannot be injured!

Fortunately, there was a certain distance between the two, and Meng Fei's ridiculous speed, with a lean of his body, Meng Fei barely avoided the attack.

"Very impressive!" Meng Fei sighed, he really made a very stupid mistake, that is, he underestimated the woman!

"You don't need to praise me."

The woman was very cold, not giving any face, and a dagger appeared in her other hand.

The two daggers danced, forming a scissors shape and approaching Meng Fei's chest.

Faced with this, Meng Fei leaned back and then turned over in the gap on the side.

"That's enough."

Meng Fei snorted coldly, his eyes full of seriousness.

The woman in men's clothing saw him move to the side, so she turned around and stabbed Meng Fei with a sword.

This sword was also very fast, but it was nothing to Meng Fei who was prepared.

So, Meng Fei turned sideways, and the dagger passed in front of him. He stretched out two fingers to clamp the dagger, and then exerted force.


The dagger was instantly broken into two pieces by Meng Fei's two fingers and fell to the ground.

The woman was shocked. Her dagger was not an ordinary thing, but it was broken by the two fingers of the man in front of her.

"Asshole, you have to compensate me for the dagger!"

"Huh? So I will stand if you stab me!"

Meng Fei was speechless.

The woman was extremely angry, holding the last dagger and stabbed Meng Fei in the face.

Meng Fei was not in a hurry. He stretched out two fingers and controlled the dagger in front of him again, but this time he did not use his fingers to break the dagger.

Meng Fei did not expect that the woman's purpose this time was not to stab him. Taking advantage of this gap, she punched Meng Fei in the abdomen.

Generally speaking, the abdomen is a relatively vulnerable place.


"Why is it so hard? Is this a normal body?" She looked at her red back of the hand in disbelief.

Looking at Meng Fei again, she looked like nothing happened. You know, she used a lot of strength in that punch just now. Although she was a woman, she was also a martial artist, and her strength was definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people.

"Are you tickling?" Meng Fei said sarcastically.

This sentence ignited her anger again, and she kicked directly towards Meng Fei's position.

At the same time, she shouted proudly: "I don't believe you can withstand this!"

After all, that position is generally speaking, it can be said that every man's absolute life gate.

However, something even more unimaginable happened, and Meng Fei still had no reaction.

"How is it possible?! Even there?!" The woman's face was full of disbelief, as if she had seen something that was absolutely impossible to happen.

Of course, even Meng Fei himself was a little surprised that his own place was also strengthened by the system, which was unexpected but reasonable.

So, Meng Fei showed her a wicked smile, and gave her a thumbs up and said: "How is it? Am I powerful?!"

"You! Hooligan!"

The woman blushed instantly, and then stomped her foot hard.

As a result, she fell into the trap pit.

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