Hua Ye couldn't help but smile. Looking at the powerful man who had defeated him in a few attempts, he couldn't help but smile happily.

It was relief after countless years of suffocation, as if the shackles locked on him were finally completely released on this day.

However, at this time, tears flowed from the corners of the eyes of the powerful man in front of him.

"what do you mean?"

Hua Ye looked confused when he saw Da Neng's performance.

Because those tears were not a sign of fear, but rather a look of pity and sympathy.

"What a pitiful look, Hua Ye."

Da Neng's voice was trembling, and tears fell from the corners of his eyes, as if the person in front of him was not a devil, but a poor child.

Hua Ye felt deeply disgusted by his look of sympathy for him, so he took action directly and struck Da Neng's waist with his poisonous horizontal palm, trying to cut it off.

However, something happened that Hua Ye had never expected. The extremely old man moved sideways to avoid the attack, and then hit Hua Ye with a palm.

That palm hit Hua Ye's head, and it was still carrying a monstrous momentum. At that moment, Hua Ye's head went blank, and various pictures flickered in time.

He quickly came to his senses and let all the power come to his head to protect himself.

But even so, that palm still hit his head like a powerful force.

His power was completely disintegrated, and he was finally knocked away.

"How can it be?!"

Hua Ye was shocked, but she was also glad that she was not completely destroyed by this palm.

He can still stand up and everything is fine.

He decided to attack again.

"Old guy! I think you have run out of strength!"

Looking at the body that lay down after making a move, he started mocking again.

At this moment, the most unforgettable scene appeared for him.

I saw that the body of the originally extremely old Mighty was regaining its youth bit by bit, the wrinkled old skin was recovering, and the snow-white hair was even gradually being eroded by black...

In that moment, Da Neng actually returned to his youthful appearance.

Afterwards, Hua Ye's first reaction was to run. At that moment, the deepest fear in his heart was suddenly ignited, and he immediately spread his legs and wanted to escape immediately.

However, how could Almighty let him succeed? In such a young state, he could directly capture him.

"No matter what, I will fight with you!"

Hua Ye, who was caught, also smashed the jar and punched Da Neng directly.

Da Neng stretched out his hand to resist, but the strength was not as strong as Hua Ye imagined.

And it felt more like the intensity suddenly became smaller.

"You guy?"

Hua Ye looked at Da Neng in confusion, and then his eyes widened, because he could clearly see white light flickering in Da Neng's black hair from time to time.

"I see……"

Hua Ye finally understood that Dang Neng's youthful appearance was nothing more than a forced recovery. This was when he had truly burned his boat.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

After asking this question, Hua Ye saw that a palm-sized five-story tower appeared on Da Neng's other hand.

"This is?"

Before Hua Ye finished asking the question, he saw the small tower suddenly appear above his head, and then delivered a huge suction force.

That force seemed to be dragging him continuously, and finally dragged him directly into the small tower.

After that, he could no longer know what had happened.

It was just that day that he understood that Da Neng did not really become young, but concentrated all his strength at the last moment of his life, forcing himself to return to his best state, and then do something he wanted to do. .

After that, it was what happened after he came to the small tower.

for this little tower.

After countless years of accumulation, he has almost finished his research.

This small tower was almost created from the precious blood of five strange beasts, and the main power involved in it was extremely extraordinary.

According to what he observed, there were mainly three extremely abnormal abilities, time, space, and formation spells.

The secret is hidden in it. It is not something that ordinary people can do, let alone ordinary people. Unless they are the strongest among the strongest, it is impossible to make such a thing.

There are five floors in this alien blood tower, so Hua Ye would not think that there are people on his floor.

I believe there should be some in the upper levels, and they will only be more perverted.

In the years that followed, Hua Ye had of course been studying how to escape from here. After countless days and months, although there was no concept of time, the feeling of emptiness that actually arose in him was real.

Later, he also found a loophole in the Alien Blood Tower at noon, and relying on that loophole, he actually went out a few times, but no matter how he escaped, he would eventually be brought back by the power of the Alien Blood Tower. .

Especially after he committed evil deeds, the Different Blood Tower seemed to be able to sense it, and sometimes he was taken back directly before he even spoke.

The same situation exists today, but it seems that I happened to meet Meng Fei, so not only did my vicious ideas fail to succeed, but I don't even have any hope of doing it.

So it seems that it was not noticed by the strange blood tower, so it was not sucked back immediately.

"Is that all?" Meng Fei asked him.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Hua Ye quickly answered honestly.

After listening to the whole story, Meng Fei couldn't help but touch his chin, looking thoughtful.

Hua Ye saw that his expression seemed a little wrong, and even had some bad premonitions in his heart.

"Alas... What a pity, how come you don't know about those guys up there?"

Meng Fei shook his head and stared at Hua Ye with incredible eyes.

"You guy! What do you want to do?! You don't want to?! No!" Hua Ye understood Meng Fei's meaning at once and immediately panicked.

Looking at Meng Fei's expression, it didn't look like anything good.

"I advise you to calm down... After all, I'm just a bottom-level waste, and the guys up there are not the kind of people who can be solved by you in a few strokes... You have to think clearly!" Hua Ye's voice even trembled a little when he spoke.

And his guess was right, Meng Fei wanted to enter the Alien Blood Tower to see what was going on!

The power of time and space is what he is most interested in.

As for those guys in there, Meng Fei is actually not interested.

So, Meng Fei stretched his body and said to Hua Ye: "Okay, we should go!"

"Go? How?" Hua Ye looked like he was staying where he was.

You know, he hasn't been out for a long time, and he still loves the air outside.

"Hurry up!" Meng Fei shouted.

Then, Meng Fei directly dragged him and threw the small tower into the air.

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