There was a pop.

It was so embarrassing that the small tower fell to the ground.

The two of them were still where they were.

The scene was very embarrassing for a time, and the scene suddenly became silent.

"Uh..." Hua Ye wanted to speak, but he was choked in his throat and did not say it because he didn't know if he could say it.

"You said..." Meng Fei glanced at him and then said to him.

"Ahem..." After hearing what Meng Fei had said, Hua Ye dared to continue, so he said with a little embarrassment, "Actually, I wanted to say it a long time ago, how are you going to get in... Don't look at it Me, you didn’t give me a chance to speak before..."

Hua Ye's actions and words were full of desire for survival, fearing that Meng Fei would do something to him if he was dissatisfied.

And his injury had just healed a lot, but he didn't want all his efforts to be wasted.

He didn't want to be "ruled" by Meng Fei again.

After Meng Fei heard what he said, his face was full of black lines. He was indeed a little reckless in this matter, and it was indeed a bit embarrassing.

He had forgotten that unlike Hua Ye, he could enter the small tower sooner or later.

"Anyway, it's all about studying the power of time and space, so there's no harm in starting now!"

In desperation, Meng Fei had no choice but to do this, which was a comfort to himself.

Then, Meng Fei began to study the small tower.

At this time, Hua Ye took the opportunity to sneak into the small tower.

In the past, he would never enter the small tower, but it was different today. It could be said that the only thing on his mind now was to quickly enter the small tower and nothing else.

Ever since he was sealed by the Different Blood Tower, he had never wanted to return there as much as he did today.

It was too easy for him to enter it. It could even be said that he entered it extremely easily.

Like a wisp of smoke.

"You guy?!"

Meng Fei naturally saw the guy entering the strange blood tower in his hand like a wisp of smoke, and even if he wanted to stop it, it was too late.

But after thinking about it, it was useless to stop him. It was better to let him run away.

And Meng Fei just needs to study it carefully.

"Just wait for me."

Meng Fei said to the wisp of smoke, and then he could see that the wisp of smoke trembled slightly, and then rushed into the strange blood tower in a flash.

Meng Fei ignored this issue and began to concentrate on the research of the Different Blood Tower.

After the previous "communication" with the Different Blood Tower, Meng Fei knew that nothing could be seen with just his eyes.

Therefore, he planned to change his thinking and method this time.

Since you can't see it, don't look at it.

Originally, these things could not be observed with the naked eye, so Meng Fei had to understand that he had to use his "heart" to perceive the Strange Blood Tower.

So, he held it with his hand, then closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

In deep thinking, he seemed to have entered another world.

When a person enters a state of extremely serious thinking, he will feel that everything around him seems to be nothing, and he feels like he is sitting on a huge stone, with the occasional breeze blowing, and his state of mind is even more like Flying freely like a free bird.

Thoughts are like a constantly surging ocean, sometimes reaching climax and sometimes calming down.

In this state, Meng Fei gradually touched a thread.

The thread was tightly held in his hand, and he held it hard.

Then, he kept moving forward along the line, moving towards the ultimate goal.

But where will it end up?

Meng Fei, whose mind was blurred, was not very clear, but Meng Fei knew deeply that it must be where he wanted to go, so he walked confidently and boldly.

Finally, a high wall appeared in front of him.

Meng Fei raised his head and gradually regained his senses. He suddenly woke up and finally saw everything in front of him clearly.

"This is?"

Looking at the wall in front of him, Meng Fei finally knew what was in front of him.

That was the strange blood tower that had been enlarged dozens of times. At this time, the bottom wall of the tower was facing him.

He slowly stepped forward and put his palms against the wall. This wall was truly extraordinary.

The moment Meng Fei pressed against him, a warm current flowed into his palm.

Meng Fei closed his eyes quietly, feeling it.

"This was once a flying beast, and now it's a wall of blood that makes up the walls of the tower."

Closing his eyes, Meng Fei said quietly, as if he was explaining something he already knew.

"It's not the real world, it's not the real little tower."

Unfortunately, after some feelings, Meng Fei was convinced that he was now in a state of mental rage.

In other words, what is in front of Xiaota now is his spiritual body.

His spiritual body has already established a connection with Xiaota, and now he just needs to quietly comprehend.

The main thing Meng Fei wanted to understand was that he wanted to know how to enter the small tower.

Since he has decided to enter it, Meng Fei will definitely do what he says.

There will be no question of regret.

He now also took advantage of this opportunity to enter into the deepest level of understanding.

He tried to enter it in this state, but Meng Fei was unable to move forward as if he was blocked by something invisible.

Then, Meng Fei understood that he needed to find something.

"The passage!" Meng Fei said with sudden realization.

And this passage does not need him to find it, although that is what he said,

But after Meng Fei observed it again, he found that such a passage did not exist for him.

It may be a problem that the creator considered carefully, because he was afraid that someone might use this thing to do bad things, gain control of this thing, and thus control the guys inside, so that it can be said that this thing is a disaster to the world.

Obviously, the great power did not want such a thing to happen at the beginning, so he made such a blockade.

So, Meng Fei deeply understood that if he wanted to find the "passage", the only thing he could do was one thing.

That is to forcibly create a passage!

After such thinking, Meng Fei finally entered the state, and then there was another round of action.

He first tried the strength and used the power of space in various ways.

Meng Fei finally touched a little bit of the feeling of the "passage", but it was far from enough.

His current situation can be completely described as a person who wants to cross the river and is looking for a pile of wooden boards at this time.

What he needs to do now is to turn the "wooden board" into a "small boat".

So, Meng Fei began to construct the power of space, and used it to open up a new world in the center.


Meng Fei couldn't help but smile happily, and then he strode to this place.

However, the next second, Meng Fei's mental rampage ended, and he returned to reality.

But the impact was not great. After returning to reality, although the small tower was only the size of a palm, he could still "build a boat".

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