In the previous state, Meng Fei had mastered the method.

So, he immediately used the power of space to build a "small boat" and was about to use the boat to enter the world in the Different Blood Tower.

He saw a smoke passage forming in front of him, and the feeling was just like the feeling he had when he saw Hua Ye coming out of the smoke passage.

Meng Fei embarked on this smoke path with satisfaction, and then ignored everything else.

He was even ready to face everything there.

"Fourth floor, third floor, second floor, first floor!" Today Meng Fei wanted to see how capable this guy was.

But something outrageous happened again.

Just after Meng Fei took a step, he saw that he had just walked less than a few steps, which was when he had just arrived in front of the thing, and that was when he was about to enter it.

As soon as Meng Fei took a step and then stepped on the ground, he was shocked to find that this was where he was when he came.

"what's the situation?"

Meng Fei was puzzled.

He stepped forward again, but the same thing still happened, and he actually returned to the starting point again.

"That's it."

Meng Fei stood there and couldn't help but touch his head.

He finally understood, and in that moment, he understood that it was a matter of time.

"It is the art of time. Once someone wants to enter it, the power of space will give the most intuitive stop. And then, if the power of space is not enough, then the power of time will be here The time will start to work immediately, allowing people to go back in time!”

Meng Fei patted his thigh as if he had an epiphany, looking very excited.

He finally understood that it was not space that would automatically adjust his position, but time.

Time brings him back to the starting point, thus having the effect of making life difficult for him.

But now, what should Meng Fei do?

He thought about it very seriously and even tried the same.

He tried various methods, but the power of time was as powerful and mysterious as it could not be offended.

At this time, a sentence suddenly flashed in Meng Fei's head.

"Virtue magic with magic."

So, "If you want to fight against the power of time, you have to use the power of time!".

Meng Fei thought this, and then his body suddenly turned red, like a boiling furnace.

"Time, stop it!"

At this moment, everything stopped moving, the flowing water stopped as if frozen, and everything was still at the movement of that moment.

This time, Meng Fei stepped onto the passage with great confidence. At this time, a sigh came into his ears.


Meng Fei asked puzzledly.

However, there was no sound in response to him. Meng Fei shook his head, even suspecting that he was hallucinating.

"do not care."

He kept walking.

With Shi Su's blessing, everything stopped functioning. It could be said that everything stopped except him.

Meng Fei walked forward, having passed most of the passage, and the scene in front of him became strange.

The originally bright world suddenly became dark.

When the light appeared again, it was already some red, purple, and various weird gases of different colors emitting faint light, filling the entire space.

"This is - the fifth floor!"

Looking at the chaotic world in front of him, Meng Fei could not help but be a little surprised, marveling at Da Neng's generosity and super abilities.

At the same time, what Meng Fei didn't expect even more was Da Neng's carefulness and consideration of all aspects.

He didn't expect that Da Neng could even think of someone who wanted to enter it, and really took precautions against it.

Meng Fei only had admiration for Almighty in his heart at this time. There is no doubt that this is a very respectable man.

For the sake of the human race, even for people countless generations later, he could consider that the great love in his heart would always be worthy of his respect and memory of such a person.

"Don't worry, I will be fine, and I will get something from you. Please give me some help and let me solve the problems of this era!"

Meng Fei thought silently in his heart, as if this could make the man hear it.

Although he knew this was impossible, his intention was conveyed in the end.

Meng Fei also came to his senses immediately and began to turn his attention to the front.

In front of Meng Fei, there was a chaotic world, which was far larger than he imagined. What Meng Fei wanted to know even more at this time was, where is that guy Hua Ye?


Meng Fei shouted this name loudly.

"Depend on!"

However, Meng Fei only heard an unhappy "Fuck", but did not see where the person was.

But how could Meng Fei be an ordinary person? His powerful ears allowed him to immediately locate Hua Ye's position.

So even in this chaotic space where he couldn't see his surroundings clearly, Meng Fei could find Hua Ye's position relatively clearly.

So, he hid his steps, and he thought that since he couldn't see much, Hua Ye would naturally be the same.

After a while, Meng Fei's foot finally touched something that was not so hard.

"Hehe." Meng Fei couldn't help showing an evil smile, and then grabbed him, "I caught you!"

"Holy shit!"

Hua Ye was picked up by Meng Fei. There is no doubt that he was now confused and shocked.

"Fuck you! Damn it!"

Although the space was very messy and the vision was very poor, they could still see each other clearly at close range.

So, under such circumstances, Hua Ye naturally saw the person who was holding him clearly.

Meng Fei!

These two words and this face were a nightmare in a nightmare for him now. He even had a little fear of being dominated by a powerful person.

"As for chasing here?!" Hua Ye wanted to shout at Meng Fei but choked, and even squeezed out two tears from the corners of his eyes.

"You have lived for so long, and you are still like this?" Meng Fei also stared at him with great disgust. He would not pity this guy.

After all, when this guy eats people, there is no such thing as pity. Of course, Meng Fei does not need to settle those old accounts with him.

"Don't be so serious. I just wanted to find you to confirm whether I have entered or not, whether I am on the fifth floor. Don't think too highly of yourself, okay?" Meng Fei said to him speechlessly.

After hearing what Meng Fei said, Hua Ye felt better, and then he was thrown down by Meng Fei directly, like a pile of garbage. He was a little dissatisfied, but also secretly happy.

Meng Fei began to look around. These purple, red, chaotic gases were actually nothing more than a mixture of the power of time and space.

But what Meng Fei couldn't imagine was how the powerful could turn the power of time and space into such a gas.

"It's amazing!" Meng Fei couldn't help but admire.

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