"Materialize the power of time and space, so as to make better use of them..."

Meng Fei instantly fell into deep thought.

He understood that it was because of this that he was not just like him, who could only rely on time stop and space magic to use the power of time and space.

This inevitably makes the ability very monotonous.

The use is also very limited, which is obviously due to the special nature of the ability.

Meng Fei had never thought that someone could use the ability so spiritually.

In fact, the power of space is still easy to say, but the ability of time is completely different.

It can be said that Meng Fei was limited to the time power that could only be used to stop time, and Meng Fei had no idea about other uses of time.

He even thought that it was a fantasy to master this ability, which was almost impossible to do.

But the fact is that his vision is still shallow, and there really is such a means.

This kind of talent is really admirable, and it is really not something that ordinary people can think of.

Meng Fei couldn't help but feel a lot of admiration in his heart.

But when he came to his senses, he still had things to do.

This was something he couldn't forget, but he really had no idea now.

He tried to feel everything around him.

Every inch of gas was affecting him, and Meng Fei could feel different energies from two different gases.

In the red chaotic gas, Meng Fei felt a sense of nothingness. He dispersed the rest of the gas and finally put himself in it.

Meng Fei was now surrounded by red gas, and finally felt like he was sinking into it. He was like a grain of sand falling into the sea.

At this time, Meng Fei's head was empty, as if he had lost some concept. He tried to wave his hands, but gave himself a feeling of doing nothing.

"What is this?"

He was very confused, his mind was empty, and he felt that the things in front of him were extremely strange, but he couldn't tell why.

After a long time, he ran again, but he didn't feel tired, and even the whole person was as energetic as when he started.

At this moment, he suddenly had a little bit of rationality, and a little bit of sober thinking, so he realized that the red chaotic gas contained the power of time.

This power that almost stopped the flow of time was materialized, so as long as there was this red chaotic gas, there would be the power to stop the flow of time.

In other words, time almost did not flow in this entire space.

And those purple gases were undoubtedly the power of space.

Meng Fei confidently put his hand into it, and he should feel a sense of being bound and trapped.


However, as soon as he put his hand in, he was stunned.

"No such feeling?!"

Meng Fei couldn't believe that there was no space power in the purple gas.

This obviously made him never expect such a situation. He originally thought that the red one was the power of time, and the purple one should be the power of space.

But the fact is not so, and not only that, even where the power of space is, Meng Fei is a little at a loss.

So, he stood up, looking aggressive, and he vowed to find out the reason.

He was seen groping around all of a sudden, his hands stretched out like a blind man.

But after a while, he put down his hands and rushed madly in one direction.

He finally chose to lock in a direction, and then follow through.

This should allow him to go to where he wants to go - the border.

And the border here is nothing more than the inner wall of the Alien Blood Tower.

Meng Fei touched the tower wall fairly quickly, because the red gas is scattered, so it is actually no problem to move around here, which allows Meng Fei to reach the tower wall inside the Alien Blood Tower.

When Meng Fei arrived here, he immediately stretched out his hand, put his palm on the tower wall, and then closed his eyes.

"Come, let me see..."

He pressed his palm tightly against the tower wall, feeling everything on the tower wall bit by bit.

This was his previous guess. He guessed that since the red gas was definitely the power of time, and only the power of time existed, and the purple gas was not the power of space, then there was probably only one place left in the tower that could carry the power of space.

That was naturally the tower wall!

After sticking to the tower wall for some time, and since Meng Fei was already familiar with the art of space, he could know whether there was the power of space without any pressure.

"Very good! It really exists!"

After checking and confirming, Meng Fei still successfully felt the beating of the power of space coming from the tower wall.

"So that means..."

Meng Fei turned around and began to look at the purple gas with puzzled eyes.

So this is not the power of time, and it is even less the power of space, what on earth can it be?

Meng Fei fell into great entanglement, and finally, he found Hua Ye's location again.

Meng Fei asked him, "Didn't you say that you have a good observation of the tower? So do you know what that thing is?"

As he spoke, he pointed at the purple gas.

"That thing?" Hua Ye couldn't help but scratch his head, and didn't react for a while.

He looked at Meng Fei in a daze, and then frantically sorted out various contents in his head. Finally, after making sure that everything was fine, he shook his head helplessly to Meng Fei, saying that he had no way to do it. He didn't know what the purple gas was, let alone this. He even thought that there was no connection between these things.

After all, he only had how to escape in his head, and he only knew that the inner wall here contained the power of space, so he started various escape plans...

What exactly are these things? Haha, I'm sorry, as long as Hua Ye felt that he was still alive, it didn't matter. His mind was just on escaping, and other harmless things were not to be feared and ignored.

Meng Fei was helpless about him, and now he had to think of a solution.

But what kind of solution could he come up with to solve this problem?

At least there was a question mark in Meng Fei's head. It was really too difficult to imagine it out of thin air. It was really hard for a good cook to cook without rice. Meng Fei now really spread his hands, and his head was blank.

"Wait... I seem to remember something, and it's about this purple gas?!"

Suddenly, Hua Ye spoke again, his face wrinkled, as if he was trying very hard to recall something.

"What? Tell me!"

Meng Fei was intrigued by him, so he answered him impatiently.

"Don't worry, it's been too long, I can't remember it clearly!"

"Think quickly!"

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