"Is this... the materialized power?"

Meng Fei quietly felt the chaotic energy in his palm, and the mysterious power surged in his body little by little.

Meng Fei's whole body seemed to be bathing in a warm pond, and his whole body was being baptized.

But the magical power has not yet appeared, and it seems to be in progress.

Meng Fei waited for a while, and suddenly a subtle power lit up the chaotic gas in his hand.

If the initial one was the effect of the direct copy of the Ultimate Magic Book, then now he has just obtained and mastered this power.

He can now use this power more casually, as if he already knew it.

This is the Ultimate Magic Book. Although this ability has just been obtained not long ago, Meng Fei has already gained a lot of benefits from it.

This ability really didn't make Meng Fei run so far in vain, and there was only profit and no loss.

Afterwards, Meng Fei certainly had to try this power well.

And the movement on his side also attracted the attention of Hua Ye.

Hua Ye only saw Meng Fei stretch out his palm, and something like chaotic gas appeared in his hand, and he was stunned.

Compared with before, he was more surprised now, "This guy, he actually got that terrible power?!"

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, but everything in front of him still did not change, all of this was actually reality.

"Who is this guy...?" Hua Ye couldn't help but sigh.

On Meng Fei's side, Tari didn't seem to stop attacking him, but became more fierce.

But Meng Fei is not afraid of it now. As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy, you can win every battle, not to mention that it is a skill like Meng Fei.

He rubbed out a huge purple gas mass to rush towards the purple gas coming towards him, which was the materialized "supervision" power.

The supervision power was attacking Meng Fei again, but was resolved by Meng Fei one by one.

After the Ultimate Magic Book copied its ability, it became more abnormal under Meng Fei's use.

This ability played a huge role, even when facing the same power.

Then, Meng Fei almost solved the problem in front of him, and he came to Hua Ye again.

Seeing Meng Fei's arrival, Hua Ye's body shook, his neck felt cold, and the feeling in his heart told him that things were not that simple.

And it was true.

Meng Fei came to him and said to him with a "good guy" look: "Hey, things here are almost done, do you know how to go up?"

After hearing Meng Fei's words, Hua Ye couldn't help but be stunned, and then he leaned back a few points and said to Meng Fei: "I haven't paid attention to this, you have to think about it yourself..."

He didn't know whether this answer would work, anyway, he felt it was enough.

However, he made a mistake, Meng Fei didn't pay any attention to him, didn't get angry with him, didn't say anything to him, but treated him as air.

"Hey, are you really using me as a tool? You have to use me if you can, and get out of the way if you can't?"

To be honest, Hua Ye was even more unhappy with this attitude.

Meng Fei did not respond, but just immersed himself in the realm of thinking.

Hua Ye had no words to say, but after thinking about it, Meng Fei was a bad luck god for him after all, so it was better not to provoke him.

"Good, good..."

Since Meng Fei didn't look for him anymore, it was a good thing! What else was Hua Ye dissatisfied with? Wouldn't it be better to just slip away?

So, he secretly left Meng Fei's side and found a corner to hide.

If he couldn't afford to provoke him, could he not hide?

And Meng Fei really didn't bother him anymore, but thought about the problem with all his heart.

He stared at the top that he couldn't see the head of, and there was no ceiling above.

This entire fifth floor was like an independent world. Except for the surrounding inner walls and the bottom of the tower under his feet, this whole world was like being in the open air on the earth of a world. There was almost nothing to look up, and nothing could be observed.

It was like looking at the sky, and there was no edge to be seen.

In this case, Meng Fei still had to "go up" and enter the fourth floor, which really felt a bit helpless.

I don't know what to do at all.

Hua Ye didn't think about this problem at all. After all, the people at the lower level knew that the guys above were stronger and more brutal. They would never think of offending them. They might be killed if they disagreed. This was obviously not worth it, and there was no need to take that risk.

But for Meng Fei, there was no such concern. Being able to see these guys might help Meng Fei's strength growth.

After all, Meng Fei had thought of a very important problem a long time ago, that is, even Hua Ye on the fifth floor was at the primary level of Tian Yasha, so what a terrifying scene it would be if he went up.

There won't be people with the strength of the ghost king level, right?

If there really is, it would be too shocking.

Because there is no one who can directly crush Meng Fei now, and if there really is, then there is probably only one left - the existence of the ghost king and demon king level.

Now it is estimated that only this kind of existence can directly crush Meng Fei, right?

As for these people, they should be described as demon kings, after all, they are all people in the magic world.

It is also the great love of the great power that allows them to live so poorly. If it were not a human, they would have been beaten to death by the great power.

It is a blessing to be alive, even if it is extremely painful to live here, just like Hua Ye went crazy before, and was directly punished. Going crazy is also unbearable to live like this here.

It is so painful, so he will be like that.

And what is the situation above? Meng Fei is very curious.

At the same time, his head spins rapidly, and finally there are only two words left in his mind-space.

That's right, it is the power of space. Meng Fei thought about it and finally felt that this power is the most convincing.

It is also the most reasonable one.

After all, it is also an abnormality in space.

"I suspect it is false."

Meng Fei raised his head and took a first glance. The sky that could not be seen, Meng Fei now only felt that it was very likely to be false.

So, Meng Fei started to activate his own power.

The materialization technique, the chaotic energy immediately appeared in the middle of his palm, which was used to break the space technique.

He turned the space technique into a blade, which would be a blade that cut through space.

Suspended in the air, and under the urging of the, he kept hitting upwards.

Finally, a passage was directly broken.

Meng Fei immediately entered it.

What was in front of him now was the fourth floor.

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