"Who? Did I hear it wrong?"

Once I entered here, it looked no different from the fifth floor.

The only biggest difference might be that there is more purple gas here.

After all, the guy here is stronger than Hua Ye, so there is more purple gas to supervise.

As soon as Meng Fei stepped into it, he heard a question.

And there is no doubt that the object of the question is himself, but the owner of the voice is not quite clear.

After all, how could he think that there would be other people here.

"Is it below or above?" The voice sounded again, sounding very vicissitudes of life, and the age should be fixed in middle age.

"The demon on the fourth floor..."

Meng Fei muttered.

"I heard it!"

And Meng Fei's voice was actually captured directly by it, and a person appeared in front of him in an instant.

The man appeared about two or three steps away from Meng Fei, and his appearance could barely be seen clearly.

It was a weird face, not to mention the messy hair, and its color was also colorful, with everything.

In short, it is unclear what kind of existence this is.

The face also looked like it was poisoned, the lips were purple and black, and the whole face was brown.

It didn't seem to be in a very good condition.

Fortunately, the gender could still be identified by the voice of the speaker. This was a man.

"Who are you?" he asked Meng Fei.

"I wanted to ask you this question as well." Meng Fei replied.

"Oh? Interesting, it seems that you don't know me, Mi Mo? There are such people?" He said this, looking a little surprised.

As if not knowing him was a very outrageous thing, Meng Fei had a rough guess.

"Have you escaped from this tower?" Meng Fei suddenly changed the subject and asked him this again.

Mi Mo shook his head, a little confused, "No."

"Oh, that's right, an era has passed outside." Meng Fei said lightly.

However, although this was short, it was like hearing a big news for Mi Mo.

"An era? Are you kidding?" Such a sudden blow was a bit shocking for Mi Mo.

Even with his strength, he knew very well that this was a place with the power of the law of time. The flow of time was like a frozen ocean to them.

So his sense of time was relatively empty. For him, it might not have been long, but in fact, the outside world had passed for a long, long time.

Mi Mo quickly adapted to it and accepted this reality. He looked at his fist and shook his head.

"It's been an era. It looks like I've lived for a long time, but it's actually useless. This long time has no benefit to me, because time doesn't work for me. Unless you can do something in an instant, you will never be able to become stronger... This is really a terrible blow..." When he said this, his face was full of memories.

It seemed that he remembered some things and some people, which made him so emotional.

"Boy, are you from this era?" Mi Mo suddenly asked Meng Fei.

Meng Fei frowned. Things were not that simple. He replied lightly: "Of course."

"Oh~ In this era, the people of the Tianyuan family are not dead yet?"

Mi Mo's face was somewhat unbelievable.

"The people of Tianyuan family?"

Meng Fei was a little puzzled, then he confirmed: "Whose Tianyuan family are you talking about?"

"Well, it's the guy who built this tower, he is called Tianyuanzi." As he said, he pointed to the tower.

Meng Fei nodded, and finally understood who he was talking about, and replied very clearly: "To be honest, I don't know this question, but I think it should be gone, because I accidentally discovered this tower in the wilderness where few people go."

"Accidentally discovered? Weren't you caught in? Then how did you get in?!"

Compared to the question of whether the Tianyuan family is still there, Mi Mo is more concerned about why Meng Fei entered this tower. After all, he said that he was not caught, and he accidentally discovered the Alien Blood Tower, which inevitably made him a little confused.

In response, Meng Fei also replied helplessly: "I wanted to come in by myself."

"Want to come in by myself?! Ha...hahaha!"

Meng Fei's answer made Mi Mo laugh directly, and that smile looked creepy, and it didn't seem to be such a kind smile.

"How dare you fool me, you daring boy!"

Who would have thought that the demon would think that Meng Fei was teasing him, which made Meng Fei a little at a loss.

"Hey? Are you kidding me? I'm telling the truth!" Meng Fei explained.

But he looked extremely pale and powerless. Seeing that there was no room for explanation, Meng Fei's eyes turned red, revealing bloody pupils.

Meng Fei's eyes made the demon stunned. As a demon, he felt a chill on his back after seeing such a pair of eyes.

"This boy is so young, I'm afraid he has experienced a lot of storms. Such spirit is really terrifying!"

The demon praised Meng Fei generously, but he appreciated it, and Meng Fei should be killed.

At this time, the demon waved his hand, and Meng Fei's front was suddenly covered by smoke.

"Where are you running?"

Meng Fei charged his fists with power, and the huge power made his fists tremble slightly and emit terrible cracking sounds.

He punched in front of him, and the smoke was instantly dispersed in a spiral shape.

At this time, the body of the demon appeared, and it burst out with an extremely terrible momentum. It felt like the King of Ghosts descended to the world, and the strong sense of oppression even condensed the air.

"How... could it be?!"

Even Meng Fei couldn't help but be shocked. Where did the demon get such power?

Not to mention that when he just met the demon, the power impact emanating from his body did not make Meng Fei feel so strong.

But now, it was like another person.

At this time, the demon floated quietly in the air, showing a weird smile, as if he could swallow Meng Fei in one bite.

"Damn it."

Meng Fei couldn't help but retreat half a step with one leg, gritted his teeth, and his momentum burst out immediately. Meng Fei, who was in full state, also burst out with extraordinary pressure at this moment.

Although it has not yet reached the point where the demon appears, it is still amazing enough.

"That guy?"

At this time, Meng Fei's strong sensitivity also made him notice the change in the expression of the demon above.

When the guy seemed to see Meng Fei's strength surge, his eyebrows twitched slightly, and that was a feeling of surprise, and then quickly adjusted.

"So that's it."

Meng Fei couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. Now he has almost guessed it.

"Demon, demon, demon, so that's what it means."

He immediately showed a confident expression, and then jumped into the air. The demon didn't react, which further confirmed Meng Fei's guess.

All this is just an illusion created by the demon!

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