I am so suitable for slaying demons because of my infinite resurrection

Chapter 220 The king's descendants are still kings

During that time, Li Huaitian's Blood Tower was not perfected.

So, he had to let go of the demons he met later and pretended to give them a chance.

In fact, he was preparing for their ultimate fear.

He also named the last Blood Tower "Eternal Exile".

It aims to seal those guys completely, which involves a lot of things.

At the same time, he didn't want other innocent people to be involved, so he did a lot of protection.

As for Mi Mo, this is what he knows about Li Huaitian now.

But at that time, he only knew that Li Huaitian was very powerful.

And that time was when Li Huaitian was perfecting the Blood Tower.

So he temporarily escaped.

After Mi Mo learned everything about Li Huaitian, he felt even more powerless.

This guy is simply a monster, a monster that makes people feel desperate.

After that, Mi Mo was still determined to get rid of his inner demon.

When he found Li Huaitian, he was shocked.

At this time, Li Huaitian actually looked a little old.

You know, it has only been five hundred years. When Mi Mo saw Li Huaitian, Li Huaitian was about four hundred years old.

For a cultivator of his level, life should not be so fragile.

However, the facts are in front of him. At that moment, Mi Mo held his breath, and every pore in his body was agitated, as if telling him that this was a great opportunity.

It was the best opportunity to defeat Li Huaitian!

And Mi Mo's body moved involuntarily, wanting to kill Li Huaitian at his hands.

However, he did not expect that Li Huaitian, who was so old, could still repel him with one blow.

This power makes people extremely afraid.

Mi Mo was even more dumbfounded and couldn't believe what was in front of him.

Obviously, he looked very old, but he still had such ability. At that moment, Mi Mo even thought that God was not fair. Why would God really favor one person so much?

Mi Mo was knocked down, but this time, he was still spared.

The demon was puzzled and asked quickly: "Why? Why don't you kill me?!"

Faced with his question, Li Huaitian shook his head slowly, and then said to him lightly, "You are too early, come back in three days."

The demon didn't understand this at the time, but he still answered very strongly: "Okay, see you in three days!"

The demon was aggressive, and he thought at that time that as long as he didn't kill him, he dared to shout a few words.

Li Huaitian nodded slightly, showing an extremely serious expression, "Okay, I will still wait for you here in three days."

Then, Li Huaitian disappeared from the spot.

The demon later figured out that this guy was because the alien blood tower had not been perfected for the last step, and that was almost two days.

Two days later, Li Huaitian's alien blood tower was finally completed.

It was the day of the appointment, but who knew that the demon didn't come as promised, which actually didn't cause Li Huaitian's surprise, because he was very natural and accustomed to the escape of the demon.

So he didn't complain about anything. In fact, it was also his chance to give the demon another chance. If he was lucky enough to survive, then he would survive, but in fact, there was basically no chance.

And a few years later.

At this time, Li Huaitian was already very old because of the loss of energy.

A genius will not grow old because of spending energy on the enemy, but a genius will grow old because of the deeds of genius.

But on this day, Li Huaitian's face was not happy.

Because after he had done everything, he was shocked to find that because he had added too many means and laws to the Alien Blood Tower, the space of the Alien Blood Tower was greatly compressed, so that the entire five-story Alien Blood Tower could only accommodate only five people.

And because of his current energy consumption, his ability was greatly reduced.

The withering of heroes is bound to make people sigh.

Even heroes can hardly resist the erosion of time.

But ordinary people in the entire world of mortals have lived a stable life for at least 800 years because of Li Huaitian.

During this period, the demons were almost not rampant. If they wanted to eat people, they only dared to pick those who were about to die, or those who were too old to die...

But what people didn't know was that the big "umbrella" that had been protecting them was about to close.

In fact, it was not just Li Huaitian who really put in a lot of energy. He also chose to follow the way of heaven, so he didn't use extraordinary means to prolong his already long life.

At the last moment of his life, Li Huaitian didn't have much energy to take the initiative to find other demons.

However, what he didn't expect was that the person who took the initiative still appeared.

It was Hua Ye.

He took the initiative to find Li Huaitian, and there was no need to say more about what happened later.

So, Li Huaitian used the Alien Blood Tower to subdue Hua Ye on the last floor.

And at that moment, he used all his strength to restore himself to a young state for a short time.

After dealing with Hua Ye, he stepped into the mortal world again. This time, he was an ordinary person as a dying person.

He walked along the way, and every step forward, he would have one more white hair.

He walked in confusion, not knowing where the end was.

If his life span is exactly one thousand years, then he will die after taking exactly one thousand steps.

And now, he has just taken two steps.

At this time, he stopped.

He saw a happy family, a responsible man, a virtuous woman, and an obedient child...

Looking at this scene, all kinds of memories flashed in his mind, which were all about his former family.

He also had a virtuous wife and an obedient child...

At this time, Li Huaitian had crystal tears in the corners of his eyes and felt a sense of emotion in his heart.

At this time, a woman suddenly passed by him, and that face made him extremely familiar.

He was stunned, the woman's face was so familiar, so familiar, it always evoked the face of the memory deep in his mind.

The woman smiled at him, and then blushed. What was even more strange was that she looked at the dazed Li Huaitian, and her eyes also turned red. So she took the initiative to ask Li Huaitian: "Excuse me, where have we met before?"

Li Huaitian couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, then nodded violently, and then shook his head again, looking extremely flustered and confused, and finally stammered and answered: "Yes, no, right, right? Yes! I think so too!"

Seeing his flustered look, the woman was not angry, but smiled very gently. The smile was like a warm wind, blowing directly into Li Huaitian's heart.

In the last steps, Li Huaitian and the woman spent the last nine hundred steps.

And the woman finally gave birth to Li Huaitian's child.

Li Huaitian held on until the day when the child was born, and the moment he saw the child, his eyes were extremely excited, as if he had a last burst of light.

Then he put his finger on the child's brow and left his last words.

"My child, you are also the king."

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