It's a pity that Li Huaitian didn't have the chance to watch his child grow up.

But fortunately, he still left something for his child.

His child was named Li Yi.

When Li Yi was born, he carried the things left by his father Li Huaitian.

That point between his eyebrows gave Li Yi a lot of memories, almost all of which were about his father.

And through these memories, Li Yi also let go of his father.

Not only that, he also felt sympathy and understanding for his father's experience, and felt extremely honored for his father's actions.

He also decided to embark on his father's path.

But from his father's memory, it seems that Li Huaitian was vague about whether Li Yi would embark on the same path as him.

In other words, Li Yi could feel the regret that his father didn't complete what he wanted to do during his lifetime, and he also hoped that someone could fulfill his wish.

However, he didn't really want his child to step into such a thing.

In the end, Li Yi concluded and understood his father's intention, that is, if Li Yi could be strong enough to at least be as strong as his father, then he could choose to embark on the same path as him.

Of course, if you don't do it, you can't go down this path.

As for the mother, there is no doubt that she is absolutely against her child doing these things, especially after knowing that her husband died because of this.

So, Li Yi argued with his mother, and in the end, his mother couldn't beat her son, and the two finally came according to the actual situation just as Li Yi remembered in his head.

In order to reassure his mother, Li Yi also put the time very short.

In other words, if Li Yi is not as strong as his father in the past within a year, then he can only be an ordinary person.

Such conditions seem extremely harsh. After all, compared with the growth rate of his father in the past, it is even more terrible, so the mother agreed.

If your child can really do this, then there is no need to worry.

After all, although her husband died in these things, he still fell in the hands of time. Those problems are just other reasons. In this way, the mother is more relieved.

So, under the agreement, the eighteen-year-old Li Yi began his own practice.

And this practice is even more amazing.

No one expected that Li Yi was actually stronger than his father.

In just one year, Li Yi's strength was close to his father's peak state.

Maybe it was because Li Yi was older and still a virgin, or maybe their talents were the same. It can be said that Li Yi was what Li Huaitian would have been.

The more powerful strength directly ushered in the dark age for all the demons in the world.

Compared with his father who had more experience, the young and energetic Li Yi seemed more violent and decisive.

In the early days, he also killed demons directly when he met them, and almost no demons escaped from him.

His reputation quickly spread throughout the demon world, and the demon world wanted to attack Li Yi at first.

However, the demon world was originally in an uproar, claiming that it was because there was no joint force that Li Huaitian was so arrogant at the time, and once caused them to lose a lot of powerful people in the demon world.

They didn't believe it. Could he be stronger than all of them?

So, a large group of hot-blooded demons united and vowed to attack Li Yi.

There were almost hundreds of demons, and finally the most elite group of demons were carefully selected.

There were about fifty of them.

They formed an anti-Li army together, vowing to kill Li Yi. No, this was far from enough. They even wanted to eat Li Yi alive to relieve their hatred.

Demons are naturally different from ordinary practitioners. If there is no accident, such as encountering people like Li Huaitian and Li Yi, they will not die or grow old if they continue to eat people, and they will continue to become stronger.

This is why so many people are willing to become demons. From this point of view, there are many benefits, although it is a little cruel and disgusting.

But it doesn't matter. As long as they can become stronger, those people can do anything, and they will slowly become numb to killing people, and even feel accustomed to it. This is naturally a disaster for ordinary people, and even has a bad impact on the whole world, and it needs to be eradicated.

Li Yi took over this responsibility from his father.

He understood this principle early on, so when facing the army of demons, he was not afraid at all, let alone retreating.

These guys looked really strong, and their overall strength was among the best among the demons. Although there were no demons at the level of the heavenly demons, the heavenly demons were not so common after all.

After all, if you think about it, if they really have strong talents, why do they need to become demons to become stronger?

Obviously, people with real talents and strength don’t need to do that. Except for those who are really suitable to be demons and born demons, these special cases also exist, but after all, they are a minority.

What Li Yi himself didn’t expect was that although he usually solved demons very easily, he was still a little unconfident in this scene today.

As a result, Li Yi easily solved the fifty demons that united.

All fifty demons were wiped out without a trace.

After this incident, the demon world once again entered an era of hiding, and no one dared to fight Li Yi.

It was even difficult to meet him.

Therefore, during this period of time, killing demons became extremely difficult, and Li Yi was temporarily idle.

During this period of time, he reviewed his father's memory again and began to pay attention to other things.

After all, he used to only focus on cultivation and demons, and did not care about other things.

After he learned about the ghost world, Li Yi was greatly surprised and even changed his mind.

He found the Blood Tower from his mother and immediately started to study it.

But unfortunately, because the Blood Tower was too perfect, even if there were indeed a little bit of loopholes that were difficult to repair, which might allow people inside to escape, Li Huaitian had already prepared for it. The powerful power of the regulatory law would control the demons who escaped from the Blood Tower, so even if they escaped, they could do almost nothing.

Therefore, Li Yi could hardly make any changes.

If he wanted to solve the problem of the number of seals in the Blood Tower, too many things would be affected, causing the original things to be changed.

So, Li Yi looked through the Blood Tower and saw the chaotic gas inside and Hua Ye trapped inside.

At this time, Li Yi had an idea.

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