Li Yi's idea came from everything he had experienced before.

He thought of the time when he was attacked by the demon army, they were united, but there was an organizer.

It was because Li Yi found the organizer at once, and then killed the organizer first, the remaining demons suddenly collapsed and became a mess.

In the end, Li Yi easily defeated the entire demon army.

It was because of this that Li Yi had an idea.

That is to find the "organizer" of the demon, then defeat it, and finally imprison it in the Alien Blood Tower to completely solve it.

This sounds very ideal, but it is not impossible to achieve.

Since then, since the demons could not be found for a while, Li Yi understood that this was only a temporary illusion, and they would appear again sooner or later, that was certain.

So it is better to seal them all up as his father imagined.

Completely eliminate such disasters.

This is obviously not such an easy thing, and it is not something that can be said.

He must do more.

And the biggest problem is that, in fact, as far as the entire group of demons is concerned, there is no such thing as being affected if one of them is caught.

So, Li Yi decided to start from the direction of the demons. Only by understanding them can he do more things.

He started looking again, and found a demon with good strength. If he really met a demon who was not good, he would kill him directly.

But because the demons were indeed hiding too deep, Li Yi searched for a long time and didn't find a very strong demon.

Until one day, he met a person.

That person was Meng Fei, and he knew it was Mi Mo.

At this time, Mi Mo had been hiding for a long time. After appearing again, the first thing he did was to find Li Huaitian. However, Li Huaitian was not found, but he met his son directly.

"No matter, the son is the same!"

Mi Mo originally thought so, because although he knew that Li Huaitian was dead, his inner demon was still there, although he had to get rid of this breath.

So he set his sights on Li Yi.

Thinking that Li Yi was just the child of Li Huaitian and an ordinary woman, the Mi Mo, who didn't know much about the situation, was even more confident, and even showed a hint of excitement on his face.

However, what Mi Mo didn't expect was that after the two met, Li Yi seemed even more excited.

"Finally, I met him! The demon!"

Li Yi was very excited, looking at Mi Mo as if he had seen a treasure.

Mi Mo couldn't help but feel a little confused, but he took the courage and did it directly.

The result is naturally self-evident. Mi Mo suffered a blow again. He was undoubtedly solved by Li Yi in two moves, very clean and neat.

Afterwards, Li Yi even conducted a series of interrogations on Mi Mo.

He asked Mi Mo if he could control the lives of other demons. Mi Mo was confused when he heard such a question for the first time.

His head was full of confusion, and he didn't know what Li Yi meant.

"Control other demons? Demons whose power is lower than yours, can you control them?" Li Yi continued to interrogate him.

Mi Mo reacted, and then glanced at Li Yi, his eyes full of doubts.

He thought about it, and there are indeed some demons with such abilities, and the weak ones will indeed be controlled by the stronger demons.

And for a demon like him who is close to the top, that is, the strongest demon under the demon king, the number of ordinary demons that he can control is quite considerable.

Because the demons are almost rare among the rare ones. It can be said that if the ghost king only produces one in a lifetime, then the number of demons may be at most three or four.

It is often said that sometimes there will be better growth under oppression.

It is precisely because of Li Yi and his father that the strength of their demons has also been greatly improved. Now, among them, the number of demons may really reach three or four in the most cases.

And the Mi Demon is obviously one of them.

Hua Ye may no longer be considered, but the Mi Demon is definitely one of them.

After all, the Mi Demon did not disappear, but has been hiding like the others.

But how many demons there are, it is naturally impossible to determine just by counting, and Li Yi also understands this truth.

So, he asked again, "Above the Heavenly Demons, is there still a Demon King?"

Because the number of Heavenly Demons is uncertain after all, it would be easier to talk if the Demon King could be found.

Under Li Yi's further coercion, Mi Mo also confessed honestly.

For Heavenly Demons like them, there is a lock between ordinary demons and him.

This lock is usually open, and the power of control is also in the hands of the Heavenly Demon.

Once this lock is locked, those ordinary demons will be controlled by the Heavenly Demon, and all their actions will be determined by the Heavenly Demon, even if they are destroyed.

The Mi Mo obviously also has this ability, and every Heavenly Demon has it.

Although the demons are free at ordinary times, there is indeed such power.

Therefore, there are rarely conflicts between demons, and the upper and lower levels are also very clear.

You can't commit crimes against your superiors, which is determined by the lock and your own strength.

And Heavenly Demons like Mi Mo can only be controlled by stronger Demon Kings.

Their locks will only exist with the Demon King.

Li Yi couldn't help but think of the "organizer". No wonder they were so united. In fact, to put it bluntly, it was just the idea of ​​a demon. Demons themselves were very arbitrary, so it was not easy to reach a consensus.

In fact, the real reason was that one of the powerful people was controlling everything behind the scenes.

After knowing this, Li Yi also forced the demon to do something.

It goes without saying that the demon was naturally asked to control all the demons that he could control to come in front of Li Yi, and there must be no omissions.

After a period of inspection and under the threat of the demon, almost all the demons under the demon were present.

Li Yi touched his chin and began to form a formation.

He formed a large formation, just like the seal of the Blood Tower, but he made it into a temple.

Under this temple, those guys who were controlled by the demon were displayed.

Now it is also sealed under it by Li Yi using the time and space technique. Ordinary people can only see one temple, and the strongest can see the whole thing. But after all, they are the strongest, so it is normal for them to find it.

In this way, there is no need to worry about the failure of the lock of the demon, because there is Li Yi's ability, and this formation is naturally not something that the demon can break.

Then, what Li Yi has to do is to find the demon king.

As the saying goes, to capture the thief, capture the king first. Li Yi directly aimed at the demon king.

That was also the one who had fought with his father before. Of course, he was also the only demon who really escaped from his father.

So, Li Yi became extremely cautious.

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